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2   Ugg; §;<;;(;:¤J;m;: ¤ ¢¤l:;9fv;d;;g:;:;   I/Vhat else could jamal Mashburn do l I probably wouldn’t go to college.  
·   · · · I F He had alread brou ht the That’s not fair to a lot of kids *
; I I mude you smile. smiles to UK uthlel- I for UK Y g · {
l 4 J¤m¤|M¤Shb¤r¤'S ks direffcr C.M.   basketball program back from proba- "I see this as my chance to give  
i °""°':‘;°`:{"‘;:';;:°':'§; N°J;*;'¥°:':i§;$5;   tion to the Final Four in three short something back to the people who  
  $500,000 ,° UK ,,, ,,;;,,;,5 bureau years at the University. Then, in Sep- have helped me and to help those stu-  
tj 5*¤¤ ¤ P¤‘¤9f¤m *¤ BY¤f5 ¤¤d P"°5ld°n* tember, standing before the local l dents who may not otherwise have the  
ii; °"°;’;r;%;;‘;`::Eé we'hingt§:1T°;hTé media again, Mashburn announced chance (to go to college)."  
I I ;h;, also 0,,,,,,.   that he was ivin his alma mater The Office of Minori Affairs will 1
9 _ s S S YY
g *¢¢d*¤ b¤‘¤¤9 Smiles I $500,000 to fund a program to help administer the program. Vice chan- l
l t° °*h°” °s*h° l encourage youth of Kentucky to l cellor for minority affairs Lauretta A
j Kentucky Excel pro- e _ _ _
l gram ,,n;°|d,_ l aspire toacollege education. Byars and others are developing
],   To his coach, Rick Pitino, who guidelines.
i i knew him best, Mashburn’s generosi- . Athletics director C.M. Newton .
l ty was not a surprise. "I have told you called Mashburn’s donation unique. g
  people from the beginning thatjamal _ "Basically, student-athletes are ‘takers,
§ = Mashburn is special. He is a special A they are not ‘givers.’ For the most
  basketball player, but more than that part, student-athletes will leave a pro- ·
  ’ y he is a special person. If there was any , gram and may give a little bit here
li   doubt about that, it is gone now. " , and a little bit there, but to see a X i
\`; l To be known as the ‘jamal Mash-   young man at the start of a profes- l
  T burn Kentucky Excel" program, it will l sional career make this type of com-
  seek to identify qualified Fayette   mitment is unheard of.”
l` I County students at the end of their I Perhaps an editorial in the Ken- *
I * eighth-grade year and match them   tucky Kernel summed it up best: "A half I
  with UK student-athletes and alumni million dollars is no small sum. But
{ in a mentor relationship. When these T even though Mashburn hasn’t signed
I I . . .
S T · youngsters progress through high i with the Dallas Mavericks we’re sure
  I ` school successfully, a scholarship will l he will soon, so the Monster Mash fig-
§   be waiting for them at UK i ures to make Monster Cash. And, if
    "When I was growing up," says l the past is any indication, we’re sure
  A Mashburn, "my mother told me that   he’ll handle himself both on and off
  if I didn’t have an athletic scholarship l the court with Monster Class." ,
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