Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL 13, 1911 No. 31 I
R .     made. We realize that we are only tal in securing the Carnegie emiow- ]_ |_      
here for a limited time and for a ment which made the present well
THE c0.0pEgA·r|gN gp THE 81-U, specific purpose, but surely we have equipped library possible. He was al- -—-——
pEN1· ggpy Nggpgp |N wggK enough of love for that which gives us so a stockholder and director of aha
gp 5EAu-rgpymg K_ g_ u_ the opportunity to better our posi- Security Trust Company and ot zhe REPRESENTATIVE OF PATTER-
_ gRgUNpg_ tions in life to build up, rather than Fayette National l¥·m'¢. SON SOCIETY DEFEA-rs U~_
Que 0; the mst exclamations that 8 to mar its natural beauty. Think ot In religious belief, he was nr Epis-
_ gtpgnggr utter, when he Sees our cam. what a scene of beauty this could be cnpalian, and was well known for his ION MAN ‘
pus is, ··what a beautiful location". made with the aid ot a few tiower liberal, but unostentatious charity. ——-
1 This is true even to the superlative beds and ornamented with shrubs. Both physically and mentally he was One of the Best Contests in Year;.
I degma N,_tm·e_ it would seem, mould, Some of us remember the landscape well preserved, although almost 83 ___,
ed this symmetrically sloping mound gardener (?) who once was here, now years old. He had a wonderful store Qu Tuesday at Chapel vhOur’ the
h fm- no other purpose than the location if wé would only show an appreciation of knowledge and fund of anecdote Imepgociety gum,-ical Contest be
I of g great institution, for the ¤9·t¤¤`¤] b€¤\1tY 0f UW ¢¤¤1D¤¤. Bild was 3 Dl€8$¤·¤t» l°V¤bl€ ¤¤d €0¤·‘ tween the Patterson and Union Socie-
  Nowhere within the comers of Om. there can be I10 doubt but that those panionable man. ties was h€]d_ I\Ir_ H_ H_ Moore, of
· state can WB and a better site, u0_ in authority would sec to the artificial The entire city of Lexington lost a the College of La“·’ represented the
where can we mm a mm luxuriaut bewifwhins of it- useful wd h<>¤¤¤‘¤d f¤‘i¢¤<1 by his Umm;. and Mr. J. 1. M111€r,0r the cm.
growth of our mpfamed blue gmsm Really fellows, d0n’t you think that death. All who knew him miss his lege of arts, upheld the hmmm. of
making a Soft elastic cushion upon we owe it to our Alma. Mater to quit pleasant smile and cheerful greeting. the pattersom
w·hich Cupid wounded youths strolling this childish habit? Don’t youuthink ——A Student of Campbell Hagermau Almost every Student of the UDL
barbed mom without the discord cf ¤f ¤¢¤¤¢v i¤ ¤ wv f¤r<=·v¤¤· ? If ¤¤· -———··•····—· .,aS displayed by both mum, and M_
But, as we look out uw. ..113 mm -———~——— 0**- °'X°” A °°M"LETE i1$.';T’° “‘°“ "“ "““ “`°“" ‘“ “ ‘°“g
ot natural beauty our aesthetic souls OBITUARY SUCCESS Mn Moore was the mst Speaker,
cringe within us to sera the many up- —-— ____ . ,,
ly scars extending hither and thither There seldom lives a. man of whom HG delivered his Omtiom Life_a Suc-
WILI- RETURN ‘N NEXT YEARS cess or Failure", with unusual abili-
over the erstwhile beautiful surface. after his death, it may be truthfully ,
COURSE. ty and earnestness. From h1s manner
S0 numerous are these that they re- said: . , .
mind one of the spider webs seen in UNOIIG knew thee but to love thee, —-·—-— if deliver)? ltb“;S_q§1¥€ aspémng tha;
the early light of a froszv morning None named thee but to praise? G*'¤¤¢f¤| |¤¤‘°d¤¢*i¤¤ bY P*‘¤*· Spam'- h? earnest y Q lem m t e Just ce 0
lf one versed in appreciative lore Such a man was Mr. James M. Duff, ——— is Cause' _
were asked to designate fha dominat- whose death, March 30, 1911, saddened Dr. Frank Dixon delivered his lac- Ml" Mmelns Subject was ttintemgellt
ing philosophy of this insthution, he the hearts of all who knew him. ture, "The Man Against the Mass" PaU`i°uSm"· and the absolute Smmess
would unhesitatingly answer, "utili- Probably no man, not actively engag· on last Monday evening to one of the Of the audience while he was speak
tureau", and he would be right in his ed in educational work, was better most enthusiastic audiences ever as- iI¥g· bo"` unmistakable t°stim°ny of
answer. S0 economic are we iu the known to the students of Lexington. sembled in the college chapel. From ms DOW"` as an °mmr‘
use of our time and so careful arc we Since the founding of Campbell-lla; start to finish, he held his bearers if was ¥h€ 0¤‘iSi¤3h¥Y in the ¤‘€¤¥·
to use as much of the pleasenm as pcs- erman College in 1902, he had mam mmpwtgny, and swayed [hem from of the subject which was so striking
sible, derived from walking upon the his home there and was a staunch the serious side of life to the humor- am <'0¤Vi¤€i¤g·
blue grass turf, that wc always take friend of the girls and their friends-- ous and back again, at will. Mr. Miller not only had a firm grasp
the "sh0rtest cut" to our destination of all young people. One of his last The theme of his l€C'(llI‘9 was the upon the subject, but showed remarka-
Would that it could be said that this wishes was that on his monument discussion of Socialism, and, in a mar- ble skill in the logival arrangement of
is the philosophy of the students ai- should be inscribed this sentiment; velous and lucid manner, he revealed thought.
one, but not so. Often, yea, more than "A cheerful man who loved the child- every phase of this many sided ques- __\l-tm. me (.U,m.SmmS had mlish€d_
often, I)rOf€SSOrB may be S€€n taking YPYIH. Th€P€   be Rdd(‘(l° “al](l ti()]]_ His dQli(•8,[€*, Subtle h\llll()[‘_ hiS the judges rtltirtxll for consultation,
these "shu1·t cuts". These unsightly whom all young people loved? sound logical reasoning, his somewhat and l.£.tm.m,d in A yew m0m0ms_ de-
paths remind one of the injury that Mr. Duff was born in Virginia in novel and original phil0s0phy—t0- Hamm Mu Mme,. Im, wimm
may be doug to a spotless life by am 1882, moved to Kentucky durlnsx the gmher with a strong personality, ren- Hom mln]; mw uw {0 be w“gmm_
evil-minded throng of gossip moug- Civil War. and had since made his dared his lecture the best of all those mlm mlon [Mw m.m_tS·
ers; for now a stranger does not sw home in Lexington. Much of this *im9 delivered in this course. _ _ _ '
a broad expanse of natural beauty he was engaged in nxerwannrilv busi· Ir is almost definitely settled that !’°}h had {uw °lMT°·h°° and' as
but }i€ OUIY $898 Wllal OIICG W8S S0 n9ss_ in which he amassed 4; consid- hg wi] (ind one of the nunlb(3l•S in ·IW!¥*` M¤\1¤¤u¤»· muh “°h*`u he
Thi} (|ll€B[iOIlS \\'hi0h [10W Q()]][°[’(_)[]f5 gpable f0ytun€_ Since hjq ppgiy-(»“]py`( the L).(_Ou]“ Course next year- 1J.llll0\lll&‘t’h1 H10. T\'lllIl0l', ll\9l‘9 {IFC Il0[
us are: shall we continue tn make from active business, he had given "mm “m""I.Sm°S that can moduce
more paths, or sha.. we, since we generously of his time and moans to Um mm WH0 ‘_m"° lh" lmwtjl to dw
possess reason, decide to co-operate pduegtimml and philanthmphio work. The- Daily P¤·in<~etouizu1 has created HW" sum Ormmus as (h°S°‘
with ll8tul‘€ ill restoring und main- Fm- many years ho had hold the ami- a great deal of ex4·itmm·ut by pub- N1'. NliU¢‘1‘ will !`¢‘\>\`¢‘S¢*i1i ih? VUV
. taining the natural beauty of the cum- mm or Som·e=tary and 'l`ro·nsur3· of the lishing the fact, in un editorial, that \‘¤‘¤‘Si¤>’ hi \h¤‘ ‘¤¤i=‘¤'·(`0U<‘¤i¤Y*‘ *`°“‘
‘ IMS? L¢*Xll\}.tI0ll Pllbliv LibI‘!1l‘Y. \Yilh fh? the Phi Ham, Kappa is u useless or- Ivst. \\'hi<‘h will bv hvhl ul U&l1\\'iU€
li is high iillw f0¤‘ 8 dG<‘iSi0l1 Y0 hv Into (*01. Uroustou he was i11sn·uu1<·11- gnnization. 50**** *h“*‘ ""i‘hi“ UW “°‘x‘ “‘“’“‘h·