The information in this bulletin is current at the time of publication. lf you are pursuing a degree, you are obligated to fulfill the A `
requirements as they are listed in the bulletin for the semester in which you enroll in that program.
lf the requirements change after you have enrolled in the program, you have the option offulfilling either the old or new requirements.
lf you elect to fulfill the old requirements and find that necessary courses have been eliminated or substantially revised, you may -
substitute other courses with the approval of the dean of the college. lf the revision is required by an external accreditation certification i
body, and this body submits a written statement to the University that the accreditation of a program or certification of its graduates
is in jeopardy unless students fulfill the new requirements, the option of fulfilling the old requirements shall not apply. `
If yourstudy in the program orthe University is interrupted for more than two semesters, your college dean will decide which program A
requirements must be fulfilled. IQ
The University of Kentucky will provide each new student with one copy of the Bulletin. Additional copies may be purchased at either f
the University or Kennedy bookstores. Reference copies are distributed to all high school counselors in the Commonwealth of f _
Kentucky. information about the Community College System may be obtained by contacting the Community College System Office,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0056
Specific information about different parts of the University may be obtained by directing inquiries to members of the administrative staff. The post '
office address is: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Telephone: (606) 257-9000. “
General information, transcripts of credits: University Registrar Graduate work; Daan at The Graduata school l
Adl¤l$$l0Fl$i Dil'9Ct0l' of Adl'¤l$Sl0ll$ Student Financial Aid: Director of Student Financial Aid
$lUd9¤l Niallsi WG9 Ch8l’l¢6|l0f l0f SilJd9l’lf Affairs Academic Scholarships: Dean for Undergraduate Studies
|—lVll'l9 A°¤°mm°d¤tl°0$€ UlllV9l'$llY H0¤$lll9 OlilC9 General publications about the University: Office of Public Relations E
A particular college and its programs: Dean of the College, Director Placgmgm sgrvicgsg University Ca.-aa; Camay  
of Admlsslons Counseling and Testing: Director of Counseling and Testing Center  
C ‘CII :Ch llf hC 'Cll ¤
ggzlsgty O ages ance Or Ort 9 Ommumty O 998 Distance Learning, Evening-Weekend, and Correspondence
Courses: Executive Director, University Extension  
The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools to award undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. _
COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS Frohl oovor photograph by Tim Collins
The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing educational opportunities
to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status, and will not discriminate , ‘
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual
orientation, or physical or mental disability.
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex
discrimination, and with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is coordinated by Mr. Terry Volume 88 Issue 1
Allen, Affirmative Action Office, 8 Administration Building, (606) 257-8927.
Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to people with disabilities are Thg U'llV°l$ltY 9* KGMUCKY BU"°tlll (USPS
also coordinated by the Affirmative Action Office, as required by Section 504 of the 38+619)Pubilshadi°l-'Vt'm9$_aY9aVbYth9
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. U0lV9l'$liY of K°m'JCkY· |—9Xl09i°l'l· K9?
Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to UK’s Affirmative tucky 4050** $°°°nd glass p°sta9° Paid (
Action Office, orto the Director ofthe Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, at the P°st Om°°· L°Xmgt°"· KY 4051 1·
Washingtom D_C_ Postmaster: Send address changes to Of-
The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug- Bclzvzfr  I;?g|E;;3c':n: ':_A;::Qgtg:ni;
Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989. Questions may be directed to 40506 A COO Gram/9 yhbucatign O; the
the Vice·ChanceIIorfor Student Affairs or the Human Resource.Services Director’s Office. Omcg 8f the Rggistrar asd UK Public R9|a_
Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the appropriate tions
admissions office. `