and noble philanthropic heart, but in no sense did I regard them as the
voice of prophecy. But in the providence of God it seems that the Grand
Lodge did find use for as humble an individual as mnyse, and has gever-
ously accorded to me all her honors.
  It is, I assure you, a matter of sincere regret that I have not been more
equal to the emergency-more competent to meet the varied respoasibilitiee
these honors have imposed.
  That I may have committed many blunders none is more ready to admit;
but, brethren, I have brought to your service all the mind and energy and
heart with which I am endowed, and must rely upon your generosity to
palliate what my incapacity may have failed to accomplish, or still more
unfortunately may have performed amiss.
  In retiring from this responsible post, I desire to tender my hearty thanks
to the Grand Wardens and subordinate officers who have been assooiated
with ine during my entire term of office, and with whom my relations have
been so intimate and brotherly, and from whom I have received such val-
uable assistance and co-operation. I also desire to thank the reapectivecom-
mittees, both standing and special, to whom the business of the present
Communication has been referred, and by whom this business bas been so
ably performed and presented as attested by the hearty concurrence of this
Grand Body. And to the entire Brotherhood throughout the State as here
represented, I would tender my most profound acknowledgments for the
spirit of forbearance manifested toward one comparatively so yong and
inexperienced to manage its varied and complicated interests in thi. extend-
ed jurisdiction. AB a parting admonition, I can think of "othing mere ap.
propriate than the familiar invocation of the Caledonian bard-Ahe world'
Burns, but our brother:
                    'May freedom, barmony and love
                      Cement you in the grand design,
                    Beneath the omniscient eye above-
                      The glorious Architect divine
                    That you may keep the unerring line
                      Still guided by the plummet's law,
                    TUI order bright completely shine
                      Shall be my prayer when a wawn.'