Labefy .    How is your market
Labiated ... Quote your market.
Laborant ... Market flrm.
Labyrinth.. Market dull.
Lacerate ... Market active.
Lackey..... Market falling.
Laconic .... Market advancing.
Lacquered.. Market firm with good demand.
Lacteal .   Market dull with little demand.
Lactometer. Market firm with upward tendeicy.
Laddies..... Market dull with downward tendency.
Ladyship ... Market active, think prices will advance.
Laggard.... Market dull, think prices will decline.
Lagoon .    Telegraph state of your market.
Lamb ...... We quote market.
Lambent ... What is your opinion of the market
Lamellar ... Wire your opinion of the future of your
Laminated.. Good home demand.
Lampoon... Good export demand.
Lancet ..... Good english demaud.
Landaulet.. Good continental demand.
Landless ... Good general demand.
Landmark.. Better demand all around.
Landscape.. Cheap lots are being sold under the market.
Landwehr.. Offerings large.
Lantern .... Offerings small.
Lapidary ... Sales this week.
Lappel .    Sales this month.
Lapwing ... Do you think present prices safe
Larcenous.. Do you think bottom has been reached
Larder .    Do you think top has been reached
Lariat .    Think present prices safe.
Larkspur ... Think prices will decline.
Larynx .    Think prices will advance.
Lascar .    Think we are at the top.
Lassitude .. Think we are at the bottom.
Lassoing ... Holders firm and not offering freely.
Lateral..   Holders firm, but buyers holding off.
Lathe .     Holders asking higher prices.
Latitude.... Holders selling freely.
Lattice .   Holders willing to make concessions.
Laudatory.. Speculators buying.
Laughable.. Speculators selling.
Launch.     Lower grades are neglected.
Laundry.... Upper grades are neglected.

