3. That a room shall be fitted up in each dormitory which shall be used as

a "Recreation or Lounging Room."

     Filed with these recommendations are the estimates furnished by Prof. Frankel

relating to items (2) and (3).

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                        Inspector of Dormitories."

"Dear irs. blarshall:-

                   "As per your request, I have gotten prices and made estimates on

putting in hot water generators for furnishing hot water to the shower baths in the

dormitories, and find that the same installed complete, controlled from the power

house, will cost $583.20.

     In making up this estimate I am figuring on a system that will not require any

fire in the dormitories, and these generators will be controlled by the steam from

the boiler house back of the Lain Building.

     For the sum of i290.00 a hot water system can be furnished in each of the

dormitories, but this system will have to be fired in the individual buildings

by some persons assigned to this wiork.

     I do not recommend this latter system, or in fact, any cheap system. I would

advise, if hot water is supplied at all, that the same be supplied by steam direct

from the boiler house, as outlined in the first system on Which I have given you an


     To make a reception room of the veranda in the new dormitory, same to be com-

fortable both summer and winter, will cost ,162.00.

     If you feel like handling this matter direct, we will be very glad indeed to

co-operate with you, and if the money is appropriated, we will do wThat we can to

have this system installed in the most substantial manner.

                                        Yours truly,

                                          (Signed)  L. K. Francel."

     MIotion made, seconded and unanimously carried that this report be referred to
the Executive Committee with power to act.

MAY 31, 1911