TINUfES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES    - February 3, 1910

     By Mr. Stoll: - You will all recall at the June Meeting of the Board 1909,

a special committee was appointed to recommend to this Board a person for President

of the University.   This committee has had several meetings, and at all of these

meetings I have been Secretary and Judge Barker was Chairman.  A meeting held in

this room in Frankfort the 13th day of J'anuary, the committee unanimously desired

to recommend to this Board as President of this University Judge Henry S. Barker

of Louisville,  I will say as a member of that Committee that Judge Barker was

not present at that meeting.

     Mr. Walker: - I move that the report of the Committee be received and adopted.

     President Patterson:- I was present, of course, at the meeting of the Committee

and I expressed my views to my fellow members pretty fully.  I had prepared a state-

ment in writing which I had intended to submit to them but which I did not do.  I

acquiesced in the Committee, - I did not want to raise any factious opposition, and

while I cannot say that Judge Barker had my support, I did not oppose it. The opinion

prevails that the action of the Committee was unanimous. It was unanimous with that

interpretation.   I entertained a sort of negative acquiescence, because I believed

that the recommendation made by the majority of the Committee was a mistake. I wish

to express to you now, gentlemen, the views which I hold upon this matter, and in

order to avoid saying a great deal that I wish to say or more than I wish to say,

I take the privilege to present them on paper, - disclaiming all personal considera-

tions and assuring you, gentlemen, of my high regard, esteem and friendship for the

distinguished gentleman Fhose name is before you as my successor, I desire to place

on record the views which I hold in regard to the qualifications that should attach

to that high office, the most important, I believe, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

A clear, vigorous moral sense, discretion, tact, business capacity, patience, courtesy,

facility of speech, are essential qualifications, but as a condition precedent for

their application and availability certain other qualifications are indespensable,

viz: Intellectual ability of a high order, a qualification readily conceded, and

education broad and deep, at once liberal and scientific and practical, and in