xvi Fifteenth Annual Report of the
3. Analyses of Forage Plants from the Plots.
. Bulletin N0. 99.
Oats- `
1. Test of Varieties. .
2. Treatment for Smut.
  Test of Fertilizers. .
4. Relative Value of the Varieties for Feeding.
Bulletin No. 100.
Inspection and Analyses of Foods.
Bulletin No. 101.
A Comparison of Feeds for Pigs. ·
Bulletin No. 102.
Commercial Fertilizers. t
Bulletin No. 103.
Hessian Fly Experiments.
V Bulletin No. 104.
Commercial Fertilizers.
The bulletins published during the year are appended here-
with and then follow the analyses pertaining to the general work
of the Station which are thought desirable for publication (See
page 283 ct seq.), The analyses of forage plants from Bulletin
No. 98 are here included with others made since the publication
of that bulletin and with the addition of determinations of al-
buminoids. They have been recalculated to water-free and fresh
condition, for better comparison. Particular attention is called ‘
to the analyses of fresh distillery slop, of which very few analyses
are to be found in Station publications.
». M. A. Soovnm., Director. A