-. A’o2zl2¢cky Forage Plank- The Clovors mul Meir Allies. 21
served at one time, occupied by the grubs of a small beetle
(Odontota sp,). The character of the grubs as well as the
( egg-mass at the edge of each mine, showed this to be a
near relative of- our locust leaf·miner (Odonloia dorsalzk),
_ but it was impossible to rear the grubs to maturity and thus
identify the species, because of the quickness with which
the leaves dry out. My record with reference to them,
made ]uly 19, reads: Occasional brown blotches on upper
sides of leaflets, reaching a diameter of §{ inch and occupied ,
by 3-5 flat larvae, which can be seen by holding the leaf up
to the light, busily gnawing away the green substance be-
tween the upper and under cuticles. On the under side of
» each mine is a blackish mass of eggs, covered with gum so as
to conceal its true nature.
In a single case the leaflets of a plant were drawn together
_ by an active worm, the young of some leaf-folding moth.
l A few plants of one plot were found to have the bean root-
-. louse (Tycho pbaseolz`) on the underground parts of the stems. N
Kmvmhia pulescms (Aixnnzrcan \VISTERIA).——A woody
vine, frequently seen in cultivation about verandas.
K7¢h7lZ·5[€7d cayzdzlla (WHITE PRAIRIECLOVER).—Kent11cky
(Short and Peter). `
K4¢h¢zz`slc¢·a foliom (LEAFY PRArRrE-cLovEi<).—-Kentucky
(Britton and Brown).
· AfZ¢h7ZZ·SfL’7'd pmyburm (XTIOLET PRAIRIE·CLOX'E1{).—K€H-
` tucky (Short and Peter).
Lolo)/¢·z¢_< polzmm`; (Mausn Vnrcrerrmo). — Kentucky
(Short and Peter).
Lafhyrus Sj’Z7.’(75Z'7'l·.S` (FLAT P12A).—A trailing perennial, in-
-- troduced from Europe. Grown in our plots it has not done
’ well, producing only a small amount of forage, and appearing
to suffer from heat. The roots are very thick and strong,
however, and would be thought to render it a good drought
resister. \Ve have never secured enough forage to give it a
fair test with stock, but others report it as not relished,
though chemical analysis shows it to stand well as regards
nutrient constituents. lt did not develop flowers at any time
in the plot.