[1zcZ0;1.· 343
Bent grass, 47; analysis of ......................................... 298, 302
Berry, G. F., distillery slop from ................................... 310
`. Black locust ......................................................... 35
Black lupine ......................................................... 23
Black medick, 23; analysis of .........,............................. 52
Blakely, VV. H., clay from ................. . .... ’ ..................... 3 17
Blatchford’s calf food, analysis of .................................. 309
Bluegrass, 48, 49; analyses of .............................. 52, 54, 299, 300, 2 .
Bluegrass seed, when to gather ............l.....,................. 49
Board of Control of the Station ............ . ......................... v
Board of Trustees of the College .................................... iv
Bokhara clover ...................... . ............................... 29
Boyle, J. W., mineral water ......................................... 330
Bradburn, B. \V_ .............................. , ..................... iv .
Breckinridge County, analysis of soil from ......................... 286, 7
Brome grass, 47, 48; analyses of .................................... 298, 302
Bromus erectus, inermis and unioloides ...............l........... 47, 48
Bromus inermis and unioloides, analyses of ........................ 298, 302
Broom .............................. . ............................... 42
Brown, W. C., mineral water .........,.................... . .....   321 .
Buffalo Clover ...............................................,....... 41
Bulletin 9S—Kentucky Forage Plants, Clovers, ctc ................. 3
99-Oats ..................... . ............................ 65
100—Inspection and Analyses of Foods ...................... S3
101-A Comparison of Feeds for Pigs ....................... 151
102—Commercial Fertilizers ................................ 167
103—Hessian Fly Experiments ............................. 231
104—Commercial Fertilizers ..................... . .......... 247 .
- Bulletins of the Station, list of ...................................... 226
Burnet, analyses of ................................................. 300, 2
Bush Clovers ,........ . ........... . ................................. 22
Butler County mineral water ........ .. .............................. 322
Butter from churn tests, analyses of l......... . ..................... 286
- Butter sold in the State, analyses of ................................ 108-113
Butterfly pea ........... . ............................................ 15 ·
Campbell, W. G. .................................................... ix, x
Canada bluegrass, 49; analysis of .............................. . . . .52, 299, 302
Canada Held pea ..................................................... 34 —
Canary grass, 49; analyses of ..................................... 52, 299, 302
` Canned goods, analyses of ........................................... 112
Carolina. vetch ....................................................... 42
Carter, B. F., mineral water .................................. . ...... 331
Casey County, analysis of soil from ................................ 287, 8
Cassaday, W. M., mineral water .................................... 332
- Cassia chamaecrista, marylaudica, nictitans and tora ............... 14
Cat gut .................................... . ........................ 15
Catsups and sauces, analyses of .................................... 132-135 .
Cercis canadensis ....................... . ........................... 14
Cheat, analysis of ................................................... 52
Chemical Division ................................................... viii, 283
Christian County mineral waters ................................... 322. 3
Cladrastris lutea ...................... . .... . ....................... 15
Clark County mineral water ...................,..................... 323
Clay, C. M. .......................... . .................... V . ......... iv t
Clay, Chas. D., mineral water ...................................... 324, 5
Clays, analyses of ......................................... . ........ 317, 18
Clitoria mariana .,......,................... . ....................... 15
Clovers, analyses of ............................................ 52-57, 298-305
Clovers and their allies .............................................. 3
. Clover seed, adulteration and testing of ............................. 40
Coffee bean .............,. . ..... . ..... . .............. . .............. 15
Cole, B. M_, mineral water ,.... . .................................... 325 .
Commercial fertilizers, Bulletins 102 and 104 on .................. 167, 247 -
Common vetch, 42; analyses of ...................................... 59
Corn bran, analysis of ...l...............,.......................... 309, 10
Corn, shelled, analyses of ..............   ......................... 163
Cottonseed meal, analyses of ................................. . ..... 308. 9
Coulter, Gus. G., clay from ......... . ..................,............ 317
Cow manure, analysis of ............................................ 320
Cowpeas, 42; analyses of ...................................... 52, 59, 300, 1, 4
Crabb, W. L., mineral water .......................,.... . .... . ..... 328, 9
Crab grass, analysis of ........................, . ..... . .............. 299, 302
7 Cracca. spicata .............................. . ....................... 15
‘ virginlana ............... . ................ . .................. 15