344 _ Index _.,. ¤ ; ‘(” ·
.., ·` ·`T‘.\{~
grir;"lsonHcltE/er, 37; analyses of ....................... :{:—;%T.f;._{E,{52,' 59, 300, 2
ur is, . . .........................   ............. 335.),4 ...... v, xii
Curtis, W. J., mineral water ........   ....‘   ......... 320 I
Cystisus scoparius ...................... :,,_   ....................,.. 15
Dactylis glomerata ........................ *~C. ...................... 48, 54, 298 ·
Dawson Springs, water of .......................................... 329
Dickerson, John E., soil from ....................................... 293-4
` Didlake, Miss M. L. ............. . .................................. v, x
Digestibility of forage plants ....................................... 59
Distillers com bran, analysis of .....................,.............. 309-10
dried grains, analyses of .................................. 163, 310
Distillery slop, fresh, analyses of .................................. . 310-16.
Division of Agriculture .............................................. x
' Animal Husbandry ............................... . ...... xi
Chemistry ...................... . ...................... viii, 283
Entomology and Botany ................................ ix
Dockery, J. M_, mineral water ...................................... 327
Dodson, John M., soil from ......................................... 295, 6
Drennon Springs, water of ...... . ................ . .................. 328, 9
Dutch clover .................. . .... . ................................ 41
Egyptian clover, 35; analysis of .................................... 54
Ellis, W. C., soil from ............................................... 292
English bluegrass, 48; analysis of ................................. 52, 298, 302
Ensilage, analysis of ..................... . .......................... 164
Entomological and Botanical Division .............................. ix
Esparsette ........................ . ................................. 33
Euclilaena luxurians ............................................. ...48, 56, 298
Experiments in feeding pigs ...... , ................................ 151
Experiment Station farm, soil from ................................ 288, 9
Explanation of terms used in analyses of feecl—stuffs ....,............ 58
Falcata eomosa ..................... . .............................. 15
" pitcheri ................................. . .................. 15
False indigo . ....................... . .............. . ................ 13
Fayette County, analysis of soil from .............................. 288, 9
mineral waters .............. . ..................... 324-6
Feeding stuffs, analyses of ................. . ....................... 114, 308-10
Feeds for pigs, a comparison of ..................................... 151 ,
Fenugreek, 41; analysis of .......................................... 54
Ferguson, MoD. ........................... . ,...... . ................ iv _
Fertilizer Control Work ........................   .................. xii »
tags issued . ..................................,........... xiii ·
samples analyzed ...................... . ..............   xiii
Fertilizers, Held experiment on oats ................................ 71
Fcstuea ovina ........................ . ............................. 48, 298
clatior ................... , .......... . ..................... 48, 56, 298
Field pea ............................. . ............................. 34 •
Florin, analysis of ................................................... 54
Finger grass. analysis of ............................................ 299
Fischer, S. K., mineral water ........ . ....... . ..................... 333
Flat pea. 21; analyses of .......................................... 54, 299, 302
Florida beggar—weed, 32; analysis of .............................. 54
Food Control YVork .................. . ............................. xm
Food law ......... . .................... . .................. . ......... 138
information concerning .................. .. ............... 142
violations of .......................,. . ....................  
Food samples analyzed .............................................. xm
Forage plants, analyses of .. .........................,...........   297-301
Fowler, W. T. ....... . ............................................... 1V
Foxtail .......,................... . ................................. _ 47
Frazcc, D. F. ............................................ . .......... 1v,v
Furze, 42; analysis of .............................................,. 54
Galactia volubilis ........................... . ....................... 15
Gardiner, C. R., wood ashes from .................................. _296,__7
Carman, H. ........................ . ............................... v, 1x, xm
Bulletins by ......................... . ................. 3, 231
Giliin, Geo_, soil from ............................................... 287
Gleditscliia aquatica .............................. . ................ 15
triacanthos ..................... . ....................... 15
Glycine hispida ..................................................... 16, 56, 298
Goats rue ............................ . .... . ........................ 15
Goodman, J. A., mineral water .................................... 334, 5 ~
Gorse ........................ . ..................................... 42
Grainger, C. F., clay from ........................· . ................. 3 17 I
Grasses and forage plants, analyses of ........................ 52-57, 297-301