22 Bzzfletin N0. 98.
Lesjnedeza mzgmiyalzkz (NARRow-LEAVED BUSH·CLOVER).··-
Kentucky (Short and Peter).
Le·.¢edezafr1¢fesrens (WAND-LIKE BUSH·CLOX’ER).·—]UHCtlOD
City, ]une 19, 1892.
Lespcdeza hz`rm(HA1Rv BUsH-CLOVER).-—Frequent in the
mountainous sections of the eastern part of the State. Re-
ported by Col. jay H. Northup, of Louisa, as relished by
Lespcdcza mafia//z'i_ (NUTTALIJS BUs11—cLovER).—Collected
in Lawrence County, in 1894, by Professor A. R. Crandall.
Lcspedcza siwiafa (JAPAN CLOVER).-—-AS seen growing along
roadsides in southern and western Kentucky this is a low
straggling plant, with light green foliage, generally grazed
close to the ground by roaming stock. It is an introduced
annual and furnishes a very good forage in sections where
the soil does not furnish much forage of other sorts. In the
northern counties it does not persist, being killed by frost and _
apparently generally failing to mature its seed. It has been
tried several times in our plots. Sometimes the seed failed to
germinate. Only once was a good stand secured, and no trace
of plants was to be seen the nengt season, though the land was
left undisturbed in the hope that some dropped seeds were left
in the soil. It is a nitrogen fixer and soil improver and hence
_ proves a boon where it grows spontaneously. It has been
noted as especially common at Nortonville, Adairsville and ,
Clinton. .
Lespez/a.m stzwci (STUVE’S BUs11—c1.ov121z).—Kentucky (Miss
fmspudcza alia/arm (BUs11—CLO\‘ER).—Kentucky (Short and _
Lc.q5t·di·.m w'xgmz'm (Srrzxnrsu Bcsn-cLov1~:1<).-—(Kentucky)
Lupizms a/bus (W111'1*1a 1.U1·1N12).—This is an annual Euro-
pean forage plant grown for the purpose of enriching soils. ,
It was planted in one of our plots in IQOO and made a fine
stand of thrifty plants averaging, ]une 29, about 31 inches in "'ii ‘
height. The pods are about 3,% inches long and   inch
wide. The seeds large (7-16 inch in diameter), flat, and of a