348 [mlm
Slieeps fescuc, 48; analysis of .......4.............................. 298, 302j
Siberian millet, analysis of ......................................... 299, 302
Slender bush clover ........... . ..........,..............,........... 22 ‘
Small-flowered wild bean ........................................... 35
Smooth brome grass, analysis of .......,............................ 302"
Smut of oats, treatment for ................................,....... 70
Soda fountain drinks, analyses of ..................,....,........... 130
Soil, analyses of ..................................................... 2S6-297
Soil from Breckinridge County ..........l.......................... 286
- Casey County ............................................ 287
Fayette County ............................,............. 288
Henry County .................. . ........................ 290
Hopkins County .......................................... 296
Jefferson County .....................................,... 296
Livingston County .................. . ..................... 292
Pulaski County .......................... . ...... . ......l.. 293
\Vashington County ..........,........................... 294
\Vayne County ........................................... 295
Sorghum, analyses of .... , ........,................................. 283, 4
Soy bean, 16; analyses of .....,.,...,........................ 56, 59, 298, 9. 302
Soy beans, shelled, analysis of ...................................... 163
Spurry, analysis of ,................. . ....... . ..........l............ 56
Station officers ........................ . ............................ v “
Stephens, Isaac, mineral water ..................................... 334 ‘
Stewart, E. P., mineral water ....................................... 322
· Stoll. R. C. .................l....................,................... iv
Strophostyles pauciflora and umbellata ............................. 35
Stuve’s bush clover ...................,.....l....................... 22
Sugar beets, analyses of ............................................ 28-1. 5
Sweet clover, 29; analysis of ....................................... 56
Sweet vernal grass, 47; analysis of ................................. 298, 302
Syrups, sugars and honey, analyses of .............................. 132
Tall oats grass, analysis of ............................ . ............ 298, 302
Taylor, E. P. ........................................................ x
Teff, analysis of ...............,.................................... 56
Teosinte, 48; analyses of .........................,............... 56, 298, 302
Texas millet ................... . ..............................,..... 48 ·_
Thomas, li. G_, mineral water .,........... , ..............,......... 324
Tick trefoil .........,............ . ...........................,...... 32 '
Timothy, 49; analyses of .......................................... 59, 299, 302
Tohaeeo growing under canvas ...................................... xi
Totlel County mineral water ................................,....... 333
Tomato catsups, analyses of ......................... . ............ .. 132-135
Trailing wild bean .................................................. 35 !
Trifolium alexandrinum. 35; analyses of ........................... 54
arvense ................................. . ........,....... 36
hybrimlum, 36: analyses of .............................. 52, 300. 302
incarnatum, 37; analyses of ............,........... 52, 53, 300, 302
medium, 38; analysis of .... . ............................. 54
pratense, 38; analyses of ................................. 54
prooumbens, 40; analysis of ....,......................... 54
rc-flexum, repens and stoloniferum .......,...,............ 41
Trigonella foenum-groeeum ......................................... 41
` Trimble County mineral water ...................................... 333
'Frnstees of the College ......,...................................... iv
'l`uln·rel¤·s of plant roots ......,....... . .............................. 6
Tufted veteh .............................. . ...,..................... 42
Turner. J. l>. ..,..................................................... v
Tllex europaeus ..................................................... 42, 54
Il. S. Appropriation ............ . .................................... vi
Velvet lnean, 33; analysis of ................................... . ..,.. 56
Velvet grass, analysis of ............................................ 299
Vetehes. 42; analyses of ....... . ............................ 54, 56, 59, 300, 4
Veteliling. marsh ........................ . ..,....................... 21
Vieia ainerieana. earoliniana. craeea, and sativa ..................... 42
Vieia villosa. 42; analyses of ......................,......... 54, 56. 59, 300. 4
Vigna eatjang, 42; analyses of .................................... 52, 300, 30-1
Vinegars, analyses of .................. . ............................ 136
Violations of the food law .......................................... 102
Violet prairie clover ................................................. 21.
\\`alls. .1. K., soils from ............ . ................................ 294, 5 .