Index 349
g TVashington County, analyses of soils from ......................   294, 5
Water locust ........................... . .................. . ....... . 15
Wayne County, analysis of soil from ............................... 295, 6
Yveatliers, J. M., mineral water ............................ . ....... 333
~ \Vebster County mineral waters .................................... 334
YVhinn ......................... ,. ........ . .............. . ........... 42
\Vhite clover ....................................................   41
VVhite indigo .......................... , ........................ ..... 14
YVhite lupine ............................................. . ......... . 22
\Vl1ite melilot, 29; analysis of ........................... . .......... 56
White millo maize, 47; analysis of .................................. 302
\Vhite prairie clover ............................................... . 21
\‘Vild beans ........................ . ............................... . 35
YVild indigo ................. . .................. . .................... 14
YVild rye, virginia, analysis of ...................................... 56
\Vild sennzn. ........................ . ........................ . ...... . 14
\Vistaria, American ..................................... ... .... J.... 21 `
TVilson, C. O., soil from ........................ . ,.... . .............. 292
\”Vilson, R. H., mineral water ....................................... 324
\Vorrell, J. K., nitre earth from .......... . .............. . ........... 319
YVyatt, W. T.. mineral water ....................................... 331
Yager, J. W. & J. T., mineral water ................................. 332
Yellow lupine ........................................... . ........... 23
Yellow millo maize, 47; analysis of ............... . ......... . ....... 302
· Yellow melilot ........................... . .......................... 31 ‘
Yellow—wood ........................... . .............. . ............. 15 ·