The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station .
In Account with the United States Appropriation. _
To receipts trorn the Treasurer of the United States as per
A _ appropriation tor tiscal year ending June 30. 1902. as per Act of i
Congress. approved March 2, 1887. $15,000.00
Expeclitures :
By salaries ..............,..... $11,440.00
Labor ............. . .......... 1,187.62
Publications ......... . . . .. ..... 122.80 p
Postage and stationery .......... 179.45
Freight and express ............. 95.41
Heat. light and water ............ 26.82
Chemical supplies .............. 341.74
Seed, plants and sundry supplies., 1-l—4.23
Library ........... . .......... 919.45
Tools. implements and machinery. . 71.95 .
Furniture and tixtures ......... .. 106.25
Seientitie apparatus ...... . ...... 199.21
Traveling expenses ...... . ....... 14.48
Contingent expenses ............ 85.84
Building and repairs ............. 64.75
-—-—·—-—%l·§15,000.00 T
_ We, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Corpora- -
tion, do licreby eerti’f_r that we have examined the books and ac-
counts o’l' the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station tor the
tiseal ycar ending June 350, 1902; that we found the saine Well
kept and elassilied as above and that the receipts tor the year from 4
the Treasurer ot the l`niticd States are shown to have been
$15.000.00 and the corresponding disbursements $15.000.00, for
all of which proper vouchers are on file and have been by us ex-
amined and tonnd correct. .
.\nd wc further certify that the expenditures have been solely