xt7mcv4bs14n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs14n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1972 1972 1972-02-23 2020 true xt7mcv4bs14n section xt7mcv4bs14n . ZA PPEI) !
HTh‘ H‘n'u‘kg 'I'ough luck flying saucer freaks. 'I‘he .\ir
Force and their friends at the weather bureau
ad\ise that today will be a bad day for
sighting green creatures from the gala\ies :
trying to land in l.e\ington. Skies will he
mostly cloudy and there is a 00 percent chance
the of rain today and tonight. The high today will
e he in the mid t0‘s with th low tonight around
2:0. 'l‘hui'sday‘s high will he around t0. ,
\'()l.. LXI" N0. 06 LEXINGTON. KEN’I‘l'(‘I\'Y 10506 \\'ednesday. February 23. 1072 .'
0 O C
At House Judlaary hearing
‘ .
o f 6 h o o o o 9 .
° 1s to klll a em
Authors testl y . a ortlon
«- 5 .
By LYNN \lABTlN subcommittee on life in varying stages chromosomes from the father." imperfect people.
Kernel Staff Writer from Six weeks to 23 weeks of the gestation "Everything belongs to the baby." said Exclude mental health clause
The House Judiciary Committee sub- period. Dr. Wilke. “It is the baby who turns off the If the abortion law must be repealed.
committee hearings on abortion ended A slide of two-month-old Kelley Thor- mother‘s period (menstruation cyclei." exclude the mental health provision. they |
Tuesday with a slide presentation by F)r. man, born at the end of the 20-week ”lle changes the mother‘s body and he saidThey cited statistics from the state of
and Ms. J.C. Wilke. authors of tWO bOOkb gestation period. was shown to prove that decides his own birthday. All the mother (‘alit'ornia after it put a mental health ‘
. on aspects 0f sexual behavior and one on life at 20 weeks could be sustained. Wilke does is act as a nutritive blanket wrapped clause in the abortion law. ~ g
" abortion. cited states which have laws determining around the baby. It is his show." Ms. Wilke said. "Out of 60.000 abortions
The Wilkes. during testifying before the the beginning of life at 26 weeks. He said The Wilke's also presented slides of in California. one much stricter than
subcommitt eagainst abortion.asked that by these standards. Kelley could have aborted fetuses. They constantly referred proposed in Kentucky. 98.2 per cent were
thepresentcommonlawon abortion “0‘ be died. to the abortions as a baby being at: performed for mental health reasons."
repealed. 'Everything i» ‘longs to baby‘ tacked” or “this little one died at the age She said u New York. where abortions are
"Abortion i810 kill a being in the mother They said that in st week‘s testimony of.“ legal. only two percent of all abortions
while it is alive. Dr. Wilke said. for repeal of the existing law. the wit- They drew an analogy between Hitler‘s performed were for mental health
5 HF. Wilke said everyone must 35k and “08505 alluded {0 WOan'5 right {0 COntrol mass murder of Germans to create a reasons. ‘
answer one question--is what grows in the their own body. As a reply. they argued. perfect superhuman race with present "Kentucky will have abortions on
mother alive? ”A baby is not partofawoman‘s body. it is abortion laws. They said if a price tag is demand if the mental health clause is
biologically impossible by virtue of the put on human life eventually. through included.” she said.
5 The Wilkes introduced slides to the fact the baby receives half of its progression. society would be killing Continued on Page 2, Col. 1 ‘
5 ‘ -- . ‘ . . s. 3 *5 “'"" 5 - . . ‘
. 3% . ’- . . ' '15 i t- 3““
- ' ~' = - : a; sit
t‘di ' 5* , .- . t 5 i. . . 5*”; ' : i* ‘
5 5 (Kernel Photo by Dave Herman.)
- -_,- ulzzwal mmd
_, i 5 1 Students are clashing in a battle of brains this week in the annual Student
' 'f‘jfij; "5'5: . . . (‘enter Board Quiz Bowl. Above. The Son of Eric (‘ampbell Memorial tea m.
.. k 5 £353 5 left. and (iross National Product test their recall through questions asked by
e: ‘ Ron Weinberg. foreground. Son of Eric won in the first round 80-10. Eric's
" . members are (‘hnck Chaney. Bill Straub. Kasper Abney and Mike York. At
. I ' f3. left. sophomore Betsy Winters. foreground, gets ready to post a new score as
5 ‘ two teams ponder over a question.
5 (Kernel Photo by Dave Herman.) ‘
l’EKthl IAPI President Nixon Then the ('hinese press broke its held a largely ceremonial
and Premier t‘hou Hulai ap» silence on the Nixon's visit and meeting in the (ireat Hall of the
N. parently have plunged into the splashed the story with pictures l’eople Tuesday the meeting
5 lxon 0“ heart of discussions to span the of Nixon with Mao and thou. room “a, small (him and Nixon
9 giilt left by :22 years ol'k hkotility. 'l‘iiesday eveniugt‘hiang (lung. faced each other across a
: wife of Mao. with (‘hou and his rectangular table only a few feet
Nixon said before he arrived wife. took the Nixons to a ballet wide.
. that he expected his meetings with a revolutionary theme. Nixon was accompanied only
p ll nge lnto talks with (‘hoii would last two hours. l'liiang t'hing. tirebrand of the by a translator and Henry .\
but ’l‘uesday‘s session went on for cultural re\oliition in the late Kissinger. presidential adviser ot .
almost ton; (tnly their close limos sat at .‘§i\ou‘s left. (hi his national security secretary of
ad\isers were present right was (’hou. who has ev State William P Rogers held a
o ' 'I‘he (‘hinese [on little doubt pressed lint)“ ”tilt HH‘ separate conference witht'hina's
t b rld e “l they attach great iniprtance to presidential \isit could lead to foreign minister. t'hi l‘cn-lel,
0 g 5 g .\i\oiis mission tin Monday. he iioi'niali/ation of relation- _
5 . iiiet iIiIt'XtH‘CH‘le \\ Itll ”10 between their nations. t'hou and .‘{i\on were .iovial and
usually l't‘llltilt‘ .\lao 'l‘setiing tin iiioiiday. .‘§i\on and thou Continued on Page 2, Col. 3

 J—TIIPI KENTl't‘KY KERXI‘LL. Wednesday. February 22%. l97'.’
O l 6 o o 0 . 9
' l a 8 m
u . . , . ,
‘ s
. . . . x ‘ - I l \ 1 'I
Continued From pa“. 1 had illegal abortions and women who on abortion counseling (‘ameron said. ”ll ”"(mghum thl‘ stattd {HOWLVIU‘II M l” h
M. P'iul ('aineron asset-iate prof-9550,. decided to keep their illegitimatechildren. it is going to be done in an encouraging ”“95“”le on ”IS“ fj'ld ~lgllfrfts I“ if?“ u
of psychology at the l'niversitv of He said in his opinion women who had way. they it ought to be done in a negative had ”'I‘l." lieardt "5 5‘“ '" d5 W“ 5 Pr"
louisville presented the subcommittee abortions face serious psychological manner too.“ He said a woman should I‘ abortion healings. l l ld . ff
“‘1”, slll(llt'.\ he had conducted on abor- problemsand feelings ofguilt in the future counseled on all alternatives. I He said the ( omImonwcaIIt idwoi: Isu cr
- lions because "when they get religion. and A member of the Kentucky “Right to 'l ”‘0 alinrtionIieform passe . WSW}!
. “In." people look ugly predictably they will. they'll consider Life" organization. I)r.E.B. Schoen— """“"_u_m§m “”11 takeIochrSIlnhlheInexItIZo
. . . The first study. dealt with ”“1 common abortion as verging on murder." bachler of .leflersontown. testified that it 31‘9”” llll§ld“I'5 passe ' 4 0?" )aIc er
. misconception of malformed people. (‘amcron said. “A woman must make ““5 ”01 llli‘ dOClOI‘S‘ 91309 ‘0 501"" 500131 Sim" “Psald ”HS law and others “kc It Will it
. ' . ("iineron said the decision of abortion hurriedly. problems. He said doctors who advocate lead to the downfall of the country by the (I
J V. . "The basic misconception is because therefore. the state ought not to allow her abortion do not speak for the majority of 315‘ century. I \\
'i I ‘- ‘ llt‘tlplt‘ look ugly they must feel Ugly." be this decision ‘0" h" 0““ sake.” H" said a Kentucky physicians. ISulx-omniittee members Mm? Malone) St
. ' _ said. A A ' woman cannot really dec‘ .‘e if she wants ”Our present law does not restrict dm ”0‘ “‘Sl'lI-V due to 4 time hm” imposed l’
. ' " - In his findings. he said was no major the child until she has lived with it for at abortions enough." he said. He based his on ”10 hearing However. subcomihittee dt
' . significance between malformed and least two weeks. statement on the number of therapeutic spokesman Sdld any testimoniesdnot 1:13;"
. - normal people m terms of enjoying life \egatiw counseling needed abortions done in the University of Ken- could b" submittetkl “Hung an wou e
- ’ ' ‘ His second study concerned women who lnanswer ‘0 1' subcommittees question lUCk." Medical Center and other hopsitals reviewed.
_ - , ‘ ei
- ' . N , . I I . - rt
‘ . ‘ I. I ' (l1
' ' ' ' Nixon Chou start talks
. _ ' for ,. 9 n,
- ' continued from Page 1 Women.“ Mao's wife had secin with a visit to the kitchens , J‘
’ I . . I “1911le- lhey laughed “ml" promoted and sponsored the ol the famous Peking Hotel. She
. ‘ . WNW l0" photographers. “‘0“ modern ballet. It featured the conplimented the chefs at .
. 5 . ' ' . r' ”l" “"0” closed behind them. struggle of a poor peasant girl tasted a few dishes.
. " I 'I . ' .‘i'oIstatcmfent came out of the who finds salvation m the
_' 2 . . . ' meeting (‘XCCPl “19 expected People‘s Liberation Army from Later she toured the Summer
. - . 347 5. LIME Phone 252-] 722 announcement that NW0“ and the tyranny of a landlord. Palace 12 miles west of Peking.
. . . (‘hou are continuing their 'l‘he ballet in six acts ran for admiring the lacquered throne
. , ' SPECIAL GOOD ONLY (“SCUSSIUHS \Vfi’lldt’fidily- . nearly three hours before about room of the Dowager Empress
‘ I ‘ . . Wed 5 .00 "I 0.00 - “1" ballet was “(_‘ld ”1 the ”Md" 3.000 spectators. Then the Nixons and the jade flowers.
.- I‘ . I ' - ' - I- floor auditorium of tl'ietireat llall bade farewell to their hosts and Mpg Nixon also paid an
.v .4 . . o . : ' ”l the H‘OPIU- left for the government guest unexpected visit to the Peking
I- “i I. ' 'zza_2 for the pnce of I - lhcre unfolded a thIl‘ee-hOUI‘ house assigned to them. Zoo. and while looking at the
.' ,I . , ballet ill the manner of (hiang Mrs. Nixon began her sight- pandas disclosed that Chou is
. . I . I r. . . .Ii (‘hing “’l‘he lted Detachment of givinga pair of the animals to the
' ‘ . . ' . ' V E '" "M w ' ' — United States. Nixon is giving the
.r . , ' _ First Shocking Showmg .. St I T934905)? ARSENAl-itlnc- iii} (‘hinese a pair of musk ox.
- _I I . . . . ar s jgjj. en . oryour escripive , . - . - i -
. ' - ..-. ‘ l ' m WW u or 7-30 Niel M catalog of 1,300 quality termpapers largely inknown m China.
0 I I V ['6‘ PH. 25244” Ad - $1 50 SlfochhRocx AVE, SUITE 203
" . m. . I::I.I. A GELES. CALIF. 90024 , .
-- , . I . AUTO THEATRE - A literary magazine con- (IgvtIaHn-un . 477-5493
I -- -. « THEY CAN’T STOP SWEETBAOK --——- T d d
.. _. ' . fiction and photography. 0 ay an
' " « ' ’ ///“ Get yours at the University '~ ) ”r f
, . , . “A TRULY ‘BADASS’ J “IT’S THE BEST FILM Book Store. Wallace's 01‘ " M 1—- tomorrow
. . - . . .. MOVIE!"—Som THAT'S EVER BEEN Kennedy‘s. "
- - ‘ . - “SWEETBACK nuns ‘ . . . T°°6Y .
- BLACK IN AMERICA'" Editors: Gary ZGItZ and Coy CIOUNCIL ON WOMEN S Concerns meeting _
. COOLI" ' 7.30 p.m., H7 Student Center
. . I ' . —Rolhng StOne —Jazz G Pop News HOlSteln I '
.‘ .I . - I TOMORROW
' ' - . I ‘ ' LECTURE on "Towards a National Style:
. , ; . . I Bigness in Late Nineteenth Century
‘ He’s ripping . :fieaaggzy . at» MUSIC .13 4'00 American Architecture," Thurs., Feb. 24,
I A I off the W0!” g; 5% \’~° «a? ,2; 4 4:15 pm. in 245 Student Center.
. f : ._ 'iv "a 3 “(HVAR I) T. LIPPS¥ ‘0 DEADLINE tor iunior women to apply for
, . . , - cops_ _ _ u , o "=1 ' ~ $100 scholarship is noon in Ms. Mimi Hen- ;
.I _ . . .- ' II'- and MOUNT SINAI III (ItIgiIflléIIson’s ottice,titth floor, Patterson Otice
' ‘ _ . ) m at Formerlv ‘
' ‘ . . ' ' L301. . Operated SPEAKER Pr 50mins w; an b
, . . I . . . . i - -. . . o . osep a erer on
' I j ‘eo ua‘ ": Lafayette(hristIian(hurch Deep Freeze. "Naturalism and Internationalism in
r I “k “ 5 l836(lays Mill Road Science." 3:30 pm. Fri., Feb. 25, in 245
I I , § \‘E Inc. Student Center.
I I .. 6‘ \'N“ I SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27 I972 WIORKSHtOJP ON U.S.»Foreign Student .
.. I I. , I I re ations I am. to 4 pm. Sat., Feb. 26 at
' ' 3'53? ' \r ' 4’ ~ Y‘ Carnahan House R ' ' ' ~
. I .5 _ . I , n. _ ‘ ~ . e9 straton r ured,
I . q ‘ ”:2.- “ as? . _ ..-r*" (1/ 09-; Meet an Old l‘ I [end Support a GOOd Cause {9" 5Q luncheon included. See 'John I.lohnsicriiir: 118
. .‘ ' ('51. .. £533 _. ‘ ' fl" 1:) I ‘2» Student Center.
'. _ I - I. III-IEIIIII. w... ~>.., A Free—— 3]L’Sl('——l‘ [‘88 ‘b‘. MEDICAL COMMITTEE on Human Rights
. I I I‘m -:<,' II '49 _ ’ III, M. I I meeting 7 pm. Sun, Feb. 27, 245 Strudent
_ ',, ' 1.55. E33: '--;'.; W33: . - /’/’ ‘ .1" _ .._ ____. . 7— ' Center. Eleection of officers and discussion
' . . W , '. "-.~'E$-’3§i53f--’ ",5 '.-.4:£::- ' ,3“ I I”. . - . _. I - I on Free Clinic. ‘ .
. . f ”I“; .1 .;, *8" W it”: I, I.-. _ 1;;le — JUN o gtlSCELLANEous I
.315 , 25:” f . i R w MEN with a 3.0 GPA and
‘ - _.-:’sf’§;i.jjgfl;132313151,.f 39-235. s a $1515. '"x 1.. 5:3;1_;.:.:' ,...-: ..ii ‘ ' _;;; - - having 100 hours are eligible to apply for .
. ' si==IE=;:.i;;::‘-E=~"‘ _ ‘ - mi?" . -- .5355 .-...;.-.:.- ': TRANSCENDENTAL '~\' Mortar Boardrthe senior women’s honorary.
; . , _.;I_I:;:3;y 4. ;_ ‘_ =33“ . 5.335;? r; : "1:33;. " 4235' _~ , ~’ . . :' ‘ Applications available in 56f Patterson
~ ‘2'- ' . 'Q -' i ' '«6 ._ - -. . ' ' .\ .
.I ’ I;EgS;Eg-;:;'. ‘::::...: . . figs} 35' l . 2:3: . v; 'I._,.-t;;;:;:EiEI: .; ‘ Office Tower. Deadline next Wednesday.
’- ' : 252.": F' J ' E ’3 \I x, "‘1 -', E .-:_ & MEDITATION , $723- : VENEREAL DISEASE information and
. . I; __ .4. :I . fir-2::- 3:3 - {“31 II -.:.-.- I iii-zit." ~I I referral. Call Operation Venus at 255-8484 _
» , _ . - g ' II 3:1 . firiiizsml'""1-'v.._.__..=' .;, ' .~’ I . weekdays from 4 pm. to 9 pm. and Saturr '
. . . a II .;§:.' ”war-<4 M 9) II V. ' . ‘ - . . L ‘ days from 9 am. to noon.
I l I ‘ “ Qo " ‘ r - fiigfiiiegpzi. .~ ‘ 'I A" » I ‘ PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND ABOR
. - ‘ ' w; " *9 ..a‘.‘ .3 ' 'I I “ - I TION REFERRAL. Call Kathy at 254-9855. ~
‘ ‘ I . . (Lt much! by I ‘ T ' M
, I ' I I .. II II 2‘
' ' mm mm Mm... ~ in». ‘ Thdkmekuflmt
. . . x . 1 . \ t _
' " I " A ILM OF MELVN VAN PEEBLES Mahmh 't ‘ \ ' 93“” K‘fn‘mm'l Kosforsfiel" U‘x‘mgty I
I ' - . - F I I HI»; . I; 1 f ton, n verSI y 0 en uc y, x-
" . onioiul. lower-ac: 1|.qu "mum! on sun "cones onion-4M unnncu "nu-u AS A uncut Duuucnlou Yngl ‘ {§*;i‘lai 3:55:32; grduggigxmgtoge?ggtugi;s.
. ' " huTiyin’v‘A'fvfinLc’s’ 3.... .i'z’Rii oRESs pitoonl . cmciiiiiou i'nousinfs intense: 5(qu ' . ' ' ,- :3; , . ‘ Mailed five times weekly during the
‘ ' . ' ' .- ' * " ' “ ._-- " ‘ c it ‘ gaitglsyegdeggzmmisgyshgngmg
. .. i e l
s " " - ; . 2nd Adult Picture : ii“ 585510"-
I ‘ . .. .,*_,.______________, __ 53’ Published by The Kernel Press. Inc.. 113
. ' ., Journalism Building. University of New
. _ . .' From the . II I}! 7': ® lucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. I
’ ‘ H ' ' : country Jerry Gross and l‘umxv Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech~ co:::::uaslyT:: :_::":‘I'I'I'II:I:9:;airti'l’l'ssifig
' ‘ that gave you. N'ChOIaS Demelroules éfifi ‘t' nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and .915,
' .. .. )V _ in M -" ‘ ‘ - Advertising published herein is intended to
. ' ‘ l A WOMAN. leg 1 '- improve his life' help-he reader buy. Any false or misleading
. ‘ ‘ it ii . . . . "I I . advertising should he reportedto the editors.
. ‘ lNGA and El [\1‘Rtll)l(‘1()R\ Lu it Rh
., . "I AM CURIOUS . .. White Hall Classroom Building Rm. 102 KERNEL TELEPHONES
‘ ’ 4 if . " - " . ' Thurs Feb 24 8 m Editor. Editorial Editor . . . 257-1755
' II/ 5‘“ ' ' . ‘ p' ' Managing and Associate Editors . . . .
: s l’rep. Lecture. Fri. Feb. 25. 8 pm. Ad . . . . . . . 'B' . . . . . 'é' .III237-1740
. . . . vertising. usiness, ire a ton
COLOR by Dotti... ' See Feb. ‘72 Selentific American .. H_,.,_,_,_,_,__.,258-4646
‘- ,. ————_
. l -‘ “ ' . “°W"'a“d from i. - WEJM
. _____ .

 . 'I'IIPI KEN'I‘l'CKY KENNEL. Wednesday. February 23. 1972—3 , , , I}

non ° - ~
9 . s t . v \ . - . .

.9 C0” tracep ' It s technique, not method, that counts. doctor say s .g . , . I -
TThQre‘S "0 perfect method,“ Speaking on the "MlSCOH- diaphragm. Ill) and the rhythm (.‘reen said. “The same goes tor oiilIx \Hi} to loam Mien to get ' ..s l. - '
said Dr. John (.reen about ceptions about Contraception method as lOFmS Ul 00” the diaphragm," pregnant is to ti‘_\ ‘ i ’, f ‘
contraceptive techniques and Abortion.“ the gynecologist [rat-option. ”I .. ll-l ii I 'l 'tl ‘tl l .1 ~'i I~ .

wt en FuesdIay. But there definitely are mentioned the me condom, "Take the Pill it you “.01 as It tlll'fll‘ I” 1:; 1'“ IIIHIIlOI‘ . . .. .- . -I
aid he techniques. good taking it as you do \\'llll()lll {:qu 1"}. m .ilm. ‘ImIg' 1)}th ' ' ‘ . '. 'i
'5 pre- ‘1 ° it." Green told the girls in his I 1‘ Ur 5““ l '5 ”Kg“ d! H '. 2'. .l

t u e n t8 to v 0 leg audience (ii .30 at Blandiii g ’l‘ower. ,,.,II5.;...A..IM II . '. . I .

suffer He said the M“ has the same W \ ' '-,‘ . I 1 .
Jspect . . d ettect on the girl as it she were ” ’5: \ Alt—y QM“ ‘ ‘ . - :

« ~ .. . .. ......“ 32-21522; ., ‘ ~ .;)(~;'L.I‘, \ . . . i . I

9“ 23 Oplnlons 0” ea" three weeks pregnant. Side eta w; . _ [\- c A “/69, .. .
achler lects include headaches. mental , I ' fig; l'.‘ _ as: { \Igffiuac’x f‘ " - ‘ .. _I
it will Students will have a voice in electrical engineering. are suppl‘es‘filon. leg aches and water {.IIII f4”: ."‘*x I» , I; . I-I
by the the selection oi'a new dean for the students on the committee. |'(~[(i[][i()nI . - I H s ' I b ,3 I )\ ..- ‘ I

College of Engineering, said Fred ()ther committee members ip. “is” said the pm isn t good éxcém - , ‘_ =f;_ ' . ' ' ’I

. “u‘ h . .' , . . , ,. . , . , ‘l" -. I II I .. I. I I‘. . E . " f _ . #11,“! d ‘., ‘. I ." * III
iloney iig t, chairman of the Ad Hoc ai ( . Di. ltobcit Dc Ange is. my giil “hulk” h“ icose \eins. I . . *\ /.‘ .V I, ~. . ,
posed Search Committee to advise methodology; Dr. Charles “10”]ng problems. or it her 2 WW; . L "33%?! Cw ’ ' . i' '- .~ -

nittee President ()tis Singletary on the Knapp. mechanical engineering: ”Minstrual cycle is "totally ggtli‘ s3?“ : ‘ “‘5 . ' ' ‘- '

heard dean's selection. Dr. Donald Sands, chemistry, irregular," gifia .‘ “wag ” 3 'I ~ .
uld be and lI)i. A. ll. Peter Skelland “(‘ondoms are a great method ‘ fi“ " I . ' ‘= ‘.

Engineering students are chemical engineering. it ”W‘s”, used everv lime.” ‘ egg; §= . . . . II x. _ .
encouraged to give their The former dean. Robert ‘ ‘ > s ggg?‘ . .. 1 .‘ ,I .
- recommendations on the type of Drake. Jr.. accepted a per- we. '; £3: -. _ .II . .. g
dean they want to committee maiient job with Combustion SCHOLARSHIP £33; 51'” . v. I .5
members, Wright said. Engineering Inc. after taking a » WM&£”3M””M ' i ~ I'.
. Jesse Mayes. a grad student in year‘s leave of absence last May. COMPETITION s, ..W . . ii Lexington's Oldest Restaurant . I 1‘. , .
mechanical engineering, and Prof. J . E. Funk is the acting “I” C" I
tchens I Jess Vanderpool, Jr., a senior in dean. Warm .Wf; _:f:‘ I I' I ‘I . ¢
’1. She '~::.t;'-'-'-::=:t-=-I:':::-:I.I'::::=.I:.:I~:.'-':‘3'37:'E'3:32315513332219513?EZE'1"j"?C1.113‘;:EE§:E€:E§EE3E:L‘E'55}?7'35?..'I;"E:E'; =2? "55‘ ' . F " EL'G'B'L'TY: BODY BU I LDE RS l A.- | t' I
t at M, “m mm mm, . , .2 ,
i b de endant or Greek, who has an TRA'N if ' . : '. -. ~' ' .
i" = acgeptable academic record, made Servmg Mom-Sat. 11:“) am. . . ‘ < I . ’
§._‘;;;§; 1' contributions to campus lite, and has WITH NA UTI LU S I“. I' - .- ' . . 1
mmer ~ financial need. if to 12m DJ“. . .. - . - I
. if??? . . 1 53:13 ’ ~ . ' ) ‘3' ’ .
eklng- 2:22.523: Preparation for Medical College Test .2- , To APPLY. “at" 0“ ”KI ”W 5.; . . .. .
,hrone 531??"i F 1am I o o. productive machine in the I? L", II -- ,, -
553.3 . a 0 355335353; arms are avai e a ean g7; ;‘;:- . " i 1
ipress For lllfOI‘lIlflflon Wflfe: Student‘s Office, 56] Patterson hlSlOI‘V 0f bOdV building If? . ' t I, »
;. Ottice Tower or Tri Delta House, 468 ‘ ‘ . ; ' ‘- .‘ . . I --
d an GRADUATE STUDIES INSTITUTE, R056 $'~ under supervision of ’I . . . .
tekmg Dept. "I P.o. Box 386 DEADLINE tormoi- {\lr. America. 119 South Limestone _- I. *5 .I-
ii: :V. c | l d A '- ' ' reach E: ' ‘ . ‘ _' . . . . ., -\\I

t the 1321!? New York, N.Y. 100]] mfg: e09"? fizufemof‘ugean o, Ron Lace). for tall details 3:; R t. n Ph "e 2331511 j ‘ . ,. .
0U lb ~._-:-:4-:-:v:-:-:-:‘:-:i:-‘-'--.-:«:-:-:»:-;: .--:3 "’J.3'1:§:-.. .3: Student’s Ottice DV Marc“ 1’ 1972' a; call 26633254. eserva '0 s o y. . . I' ' . ‘
to the i I g iV’lev '-»'--5-'5i":i: . '1'1' 1""? c i ‘I -. ' L ‘ r,
1g the . — -~——” "— ' ' “' ‘— I I '. I . I .

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.:_ .f: , _ J \ , .4 I L , u \ . I
C) Q LOX?) \‘OIL ' I- _ . I I» .~"

d m 3 money savers _ ‘0‘ Qt . q . - ..

weeting . CH [ ] CK R01 LS I B Q N g N g E; -I LI) 'i » " I -I
91...» ., i. .. my” _ I I _ I

Britt/try I f":- ' j a” .-: it c .4 l . . ' ' ' ‘

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in 245 1 I , i .7

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U26e2t Th IS 0d SPECIAL “‘ .' . 7 ' "

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‘a’é'ena must be presented -- BORDENS '. II . ;
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-‘ pate 4‘ mm 0‘5 5 (T W? iFFEREtiT 5 , o , you 4— PL6A— $366” , oweesAt tove ', . I. . .
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i ' ' I \. I-z 3 @‘172 m 0 'b- Dist, l‘u'lllslll‘l\ “all Syn-Invite '\ I'II‘ I - I. I , ’II I Ii
5 ii i ~ , .”.y0u are concerned about the plight 0f "l’t‘h’i'mt‘d" $2300 to a family or four The inadequacies of HR-l continue on - .' ‘ j
' . ”“H'ms 0‘ hungry Americans who are ACCOFding t0 the Department Of Labor and on Money is a factor but it’s about ‘i t' ‘ t ii
» indoctrinated into a life of marginal work Statistics' "lower living standard“. a lllllt' we redistributed our affluence can Orki k .t b . 9 i i i i
. ' I an“ ;)pp()l‘tunily. then perhaps you}: tarn”) of {our requires $6‘720 per year to .\\'(‘t)l‘dlng to (”air wvilcox in "Toward n ma 6 n arcs qul ugglng us . ..\ ' _t
’ 3 " . "“0"“ uate Pt‘t‘Sideht Nixon‘s muc live “decentlv”. The maximum benefit s .. '. -. x " ' ' ' . . . . i .i- ' i
' , . ‘ . . heralded welfare reform bill. RHR-l. level Offered is $3500 regardless of family h? Ml Vt.(.i.i:r.h‘ar:§3i:lltlh:n :2: iggyt ff): Whether it is my good fortune to be born I am being hassled. and many others of When he and his associates ruin a simple ' ‘ 'I ' .
. . A slight revision of Nixon's proposal has size ”tltpfmt 'tth ublic eduZation social human or h0t~ i have accepted the fact that my acquaintance are being hassled, What birthday party for one of my friends. it ‘ '. _ ' _ ' 4 i
' “Vic“ passed the House Of Represen- Another discrimination' '0 l ' i)ll ) it if? ‘deA benefits Yet these lam. And I1 cannot but believe that there is the iioi‘m Of this harassment? it is really makes me world“? Since when have 1“ i '
. tatives. only to be battered about the "adult categories" wll ' et (”th es m it‘stniiijhtb ‘Zldle class Americans rotest are certain courtesies, rights and commonly called the narc. A certain birthday parties become illegal‘? Since '. ' 'I ‘- -’
‘ . _ Senate by both liberals and conservaties. 'illotment asa famil ofifoufifiiz 40:) $3219 ”'fI"I“I‘ mih I p obligations that one human owes to person. of whom I have the knowledge of when has it become illegal or cause for ' -; _ -. i‘ .i
. , Title IV of the bill divides welfare makes these ersonys "iore wo- th ' l .at m m“ to L poor. another. being employed by the Lexington Police suspicion for us to expect to live our lives ' .‘ ' -‘.- "
, recipients into two categories: ()p- comekthan children ,md adult r hy 0 ”3' Department. has on two separate oc- without being lorded over and subjected to i -' 4
~ . portiinitics for Families (OFF) and find jobs or whomu iiwork'tls w 0 faht casions caused a good number of my uncalledior surveillance and hassling" _ .
. '. . . a Family Assistance Program (PAP). lift-i Lforces en lo tab]: 0W Payt- friends and myself to feel oppressed and For me. this matter has been settled to ' ; . .- ' ' :I' ‘
_ i . i ' O xv. d . ~. - - . . acce t inade uateiPOb) at l reCipien :hto The Kentucky Kernel spied upon. ('onsequently. this type of some degree lbeheve this man. not to be "3 t .‘
2 . . ' A)“: ‘ families .Wlth cmployable incluides mothers ‘3”: ”1:“ pf” h '51 harassment results in one's mind being human. but to be an animal. and on my ‘ . I ‘,
mtm )us would be eligible under ()PP for . d I . . I C ‘ Iren '“ SC 00 totally and unjustly forced into visions of tuture occasions of encountering it I will : ' ‘ f
. 4 child care asSistance. job training. public an. U("tithe”) those With younger . paranoia. react to a dumb and vicious animal as . , . ‘~ ’» i
. _ 5“.th employment and possibly a grant children. lfa welfare mother worked eight This "big brother” situation is one that I most humans would not with reasoning. ' i . '
' ' elfare and payment. Families with no employable hours adday. “V9 days a week, at the cannot and will not tolerate. It goes but with action ' _ , ' '
. . member would be eligible under FAP for propose $1.20 an hour. she'd earn only against the very grain of human thought . . .i . - t. . . ' ' - V -
I, I . . . . . . t -. . ‘ . _ . a . . lntortunately. I cannot fight this animal .. .. '-_ ... .
. . ; . child ICtItttiI family planning. vocational $2.496Ia year. For every dollar earned, 63 page Of columns and commentary that one person and others like him should by myself~ for ,t returns again and again to . ‘ 4 g
. . . ,I , rehabilitation and possibly a grant cents is subtracted from the grant. If she be able to wield this paranoia-inducing his prev. afflicting them with sudden and 7 3- ‘
I IV ; . th . d ° payment. . refuses to work. she forfeits 3300- power over us. I am quite sure, and have unsettling t’itsot' paranoia. «. . .‘ . i
.. . . e In a equaCIBS l‘ederal control of welfare and aid to the ()FF paves the way for exploitation of . been informed that there are many others, ' f y . = . «x,
. . . . . working poor offer potentially worthwhile welfare recipients. It offers no suitability lionald Reagan. upon studying HR-l. Liniortunately. l have had Ithe op- like myself. who are being subjected to Don't put up with thistype of hassle. (let _ . . '1
. , , ‘ changes ih the Présent welfare System; of work requirements nor consideration recently announced he fears the trend portunity. or should I say. the misfortune this type ”t harassment. it together and do something You are i i
. . hill 8 carelui ftxaminatlon 0f HR~1 reveals for the "t‘mployable" recipient‘s skills. touard a welfare state in America. But “1mm. the past weeks to. encounter a It is “"3”." unfair. and in my 0359 Uh‘ ”hi3 hurting NOUFSt‘in’S h)‘ submitting ’ -‘ ‘5 i ‘ '
, ' 0f NIXOII’S r f G ”"liintt‘nibit‘ inadequacies. nearness to work, or health—mental and isn't it about time we were concerned situation “'h'Ch totally dtsregardsI all ('t'iit’d to“ Who does this man think he 15? WWSt‘th‘S t” this Pt‘St and his sur» .' i
. e ormk, First” alljthe benefit 19W] 0t $2400 for physicalltecipients cannot attend college, about the welfare of our fellow human human understanding. I firmly believe (it‘i‘tilihhl M‘Ct’i'dihg t0 my h9h9f5~ ht‘ i5 veillance. i’t‘i‘haps “'0 should hire an ' . .i
.. _. , . ii family oi four hardly covers bare and other forms of training may also be beings? that allot us. as humans. have the right to not human. in so far as his actions prove. Urkin Man to help us in this eradication of '1 . . , .i -' '~ "
. . . . 4 essentials. and this figure does not in- restricted. They may be subject to menial carry out our everyday hVeS‘ WithOUt We cannot just sit back and allow our— a vicious and dangerous pest... . . ' ' '-
. . . . crease with rismg costs of living. All but jobs and menial pay for the rest of their Ms- Alane Joltes undue hassle from others. Sadly enough, selves to do nothing in this situation of Mr. ('hrist) ”imp ,. '-' ‘
. f - live states presently allot more than the huts. S0(‘ial Work Sehlm‘ this is h0t true. Narc looking over our shoulders, English Jtinjor . _ _ W ' ,
. ' \\\\§§‘cx\\\ . , ~. tag $.th - 1 \. . . . . . .
' E h I C TI ON — \ g “ ”fie/”‘4 \\\\‘ i=3}: Yiit‘hs“ _ . i N t l . ~ .- -»
‘ I ‘\\\\\‘L:\-\‘1’1\\\c i . VET"; ii ‘ Q it“ \'\~ 1 'I ‘ ’— ii i "
4 v . . h d h 1d , g g welt} 0 es on se ectlng .4 , _ ,.
i . y 'I ’ i K ‘ \.‘\i.“‘ i.“ “I‘ ‘ ‘,‘ ~ “ c ..- . ,
. , . ‘ I e co 6 s on n t be bypassed W t. It.» _ , . w . . . ,
. . “4‘ ea. ‘ . ‘ . . ‘_ ' . . ' i ' -
_ . 4 , i A. f It t t .
, _ .. 1n the name of so-called group welfare it A ' - ~ ~ ; 3 ac“ 7 1' US 99 . .v- '4'
' ' st T519 fttemptici eyéiction of a UK to be sanctioned without even a “detrimental to the welfare of the ' i ' ‘i t. t. t . \ . -- k "i ‘i .7
. ' u on mm is ormitorv ha ' - . . . :1t\ 1*; ‘ . . . i ' '
, , . brought that infamous document he'lagmg ingot] leg: 3 tnhl- livmg group.” This clearly is g Q} at» 9’ The faculty of this univerSity, held until one of the six polls over I ,- j I
‘ . known as the Student Code back t~e tS :1 eat a: his dorm peremptory justice which is i - , ., by and large an austere and 50 percent of the votes cast. And _, '. 4 ,
. ' ' - ' . into the limelight but not for the IcIon itac ermtnate becahse he really injustice. Washes \V. W, I} ‘ ~ ”a dignified 10t. have an equally the candidates don t even run for ' i “i 5-
.- . _ usual reaso , ad unauthorized persons in his II . initiator 2a ”g_ j ..t' \ ‘ .3; 25 9 l ,a r7 austere and dignified method of the posts—they amble toward ‘ "' ’ "
, ' . “5- room and thus was. according to l‘irst meanmtr 4 o, 4’ i, ‘09 t“ ' . I l t' th - nt t' n - . . . - ' ' . '
This time the controversy Dean of Students Jack Hall and r W i r/( 9 ' t t” SE 901118 911" represe a iVeS 0 them. campaigning only m low A i i 'i
_ -' . arises not because the COde Was Associate Dean of Women This loophole in the hOUSing . Z; 44;,” :w II I; \ . ' ~_ . \I I“; the Board Of Trustees. gnurfriurs alt receptions and . ‘. .I ; ..
. , ; t; . , p .. i w . . . e ar menta meetin . " " ' a .-
enforced but rather because it Rosemary Pond, gUilty of contract should be closed to i " Jet wv/ , ‘ aw Unlike student elec