xt7mcv4bs75j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs75j/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1938-06 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Kentucky Program of Special Education", vol. VI, no. 4, June 1938 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Kentucky Program of Special Education", vol. VI, no. 4, June 1938 1938 1938-06 2021 true xt7mcv4bs75j section xt7mcv4bs75j 4 .___._fi.

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0








QQQAS'I‘I‘I Oi: KEN‘f‘af‘ ..
JUI 531938



Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction





Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

VOLVI 0 June, 1938 0 No.4










One of the most recent movements in educational progress is the
demand for different types of special education. The increasing
demand on the part of adults for assistance in facing the problems of
training, re-training, and leisure in order to meet the demand of the
changing social order necessarily requires recognition in our system
of public education. Perhaps the greatest of these problems is that of
giving proper attention educationally to the physically handicapped
youth of our land so that they may take their places in society in suit-
able vocations, can earn their livings, contribute to society, and live

happy and contented lives.

Under the present social and home conditions, it seems necessary
that the school assume some responsibility for the training of pre‘
school age children; therefore no school system is complete Without

some pre-school age program.

This bulletin was prepared by Homer W. Nichols, Director of the
Division of Special Education in the Department of Education. It
provides information concerning the Kentucky program of Special
Education which Will- be helpful as a reference to the public.

Superintendent Public Instruction.



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Introduction _______________________ 5
The Handicapped Child ...... 5— 9
Vocational Rehabilitation ................ 9—11
Educational Service for the Blind 11—12

Location of Vending Stands 12—14


Legal Provisions and Regulations for the State Board of Education
Governing Special Education of Physically Handicapped Children.... 15—17










Adult Education 17—21
Residential Schools for the Handicapped .................................................... 21

Kentucky School for the Blind 21

The Houses of Reform 21

The Kentucky School for the Deaf _. 21

The Kentucky Children’s Home Socie y u 22
The Kentucky Specia1 Education Association ............................................ 23
Federal Aid for Special Education 23—24
Careers ........ 25426
Agencies Interested in Handicapped Children ............................................ 26—27
Sliggestlve Steps in Building Programs for Handicapped Children ........ 28—29
Vocational Guidance 29—32
Speclal Courses Offered at University of Kentucky ................................ 33-34
Kindergarten Survey 34-35
Tests and Measurements 36—40
Publications and References for Special Education ............................................ 41-45











The Division of Special Education is charged with the supervision
of four statewide educational programs. The first of these is the guid—
ance and training of the special classes of physically and socially
handicapped children who are not able to attend or to make satisfac-
tory progress in the regular school system including pre—school age
groups. The second has to do with vocational rehabilitation service or
the process of rendering disabled persons fit to engage in remunerative
occupations. The third is special education services for the blind.
The fourth includes what is known as “informal adult education”.

Special education is rendering a special, or individual service to
particular groups of handicapped children and citizens so that they
may be trained for some specific occupation or improved in the occupa—
tion selected. It includes only those types requiring special facilities
or instruction because of physical, mental, educational, social, or moral
deviation, and should be provided for all handicapped groups who
cannot. reasonably profit by the regular programs of service and
instruction which are provided for the normal person.

The term “Special Education”, as employed in this discussion,
has to do with all programs of special training for the following
grO‘ups of handicapped persons: crippled, speech defectives, blind and
detectlve sight, deaf and hard of hearing, tubercular and with cardiac

limitations, mentally subnornlal: educationally handicapped, and
somally maladjusted.

I. The Handicapped Child
“Handicapped child” as used here will include all children who
are 50 physically, mentally, morally, or socially handicapped that they
are unable to attend or make satisfactory progress in a regularly eStab'
hshed public school.

tFollowing is a brief paragraph from a paper read by Dr. Elise H.
GUS, Seulor Specialist in the Education of Exceptional Children,














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'Education Association held in Louisville, April, 1988:

Office of Education, Washington, D. C. at the meeting of the Special

“To a group of persons actively working in the field of the education
of the handicapped there is no need of pointing out the challenge that
exceptional children present to educational leaders of today. In the
State of Kentucky you have had an Educational Commission at work,
appointed by the General Assembly of 1932. Through the activities of
that Commission, you have made a survey of facilities for the care and
education of handicapped children in the State, and the resulting report
issued in 1934 has been, I judge, one of the landmarks in the history of
education for the handicapped in Kentucky. Whether or not We agree
with all the evaluations made or all the recommendations proposed, that
report represents a document worthy of careful study not only by the
people of Kentucky but by those in other States as well.

”The goal which we all have in mind can be expressed in no better
way than through the words of the' Children’s Charter adopted by the
White House Conference of 1930:

‘For every child who is blind, deaf, crippled, or otherwise
physically handicapped, and for the child who is mentally handi-
capped, such measures as will early discover and diagnose his handi-
cap, provide care and treatment, and so train him that he may
become an asset to society rather than a liability. Expenses of
these services should be borne publicly Where they cannot be
privately met.’ ”

The Physically Handicapped Child: Surveys made indicate that
there are homebound, mentally fit, handicapped children in every
county and most of the large city school districts. Many boards of
education are not furnishing educational opportunities as required
by the legislative and other legal provisions of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky. The same educational opportunities furnished normal
children must be furnished these homebound, mentally fit, handi-
capped children. Since the training or education of the handicapped
child costs more than that of the normal child, it is the duty of the
State and Federal Governments to provide this additional cost as
but few boards of education are in position to spend more on the handi—
capped than on the normal child.

Legal provisions and rules and regulations adopted by the State
Board of Education require that:

1. Transportation be provided to enable these children to attend ill?

regular schools or a special class or school if their disabilities will
permit, or that

2. Extra pay per hour be provided the regular teachers to fumiSh
additional services by way of home visitations, or that

3. Special supervisors, special teachers, special substitute teachers:
special supervising teachers, or special part-time supervisors or







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teachers be employed to furnish these opportunities to the home-
bound, mentally fit child.

Many boards of education have made provisions and are now
providing these opportunities for the mentally fit, homebound, handi-
capped child. During the fiscal year local boards of education have
employed one hundred seventeen special teachers and special super-
visors who have furnished special instruction and aid to more than
sixteen hundred of these children. Blind and deaf children may be
referred to our state schools for the blind and deaf. The Department
of Education is ready to cooperate with superintendents and their
boards of education in furnishing educational opportunities to all
children, whether normal or handicapped, as provided by the legal
provisions of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

A recent ruling of the Attorney General states that:

”A child who is physically deficient and unable to attend the school,
in my opinion, must be accorded as near the same educational advan-
tages as is possible to provide, and as I interpret the section of the
statutes supra, it is mandatory on the board of education to give to the
handicapped child the same opportunity as that presented to the other

“We would advise, therefore, that local school revenues and state
per capita should be used by boards of education to furnish the same
educational opportunities to the handicapped child as to his more for-
tunate brother.”

The following is quoted from Dr. Martens’ paper:

“In speeding educational equality for handicapped children, there
appear to me to be four avenues of approach. No one of them alone
can lead us to the destination, but all of them together will constitute
a broad highway into the promised land. 1 refler first of all to the
efforts of regular teachers and of those who are responsible for the
supervision of the program in so-called ‘regular’ classes. Second, I
refer to the acceptance of responsibility by local authorities for the
organization of special classes or centers which function along progres-
sive lines; third, to the acceptance of responsibility by State authorities
for the development of a State program, well-planned, efficiently coordi-
nated, and wisely supervised; and fourth, to the acceptance of respon-
Sibility by Federal authorities for whatever service they can give.

“A complete program functioning under capable leadership for
county and State, and for all types of handicapped children would ulti-
mately comprise the following four elements;

1. Special instructional provisions in the day schools, with all the

necessary equipment, in keeping with the needs of each group
of exceptional children: sight-saving methods for the partially
seeing; lipreading instruction and hearing conservation for the
hard of hearing; speech correction facilities; curriculum adjust-
















ment for the seriously retarded; rest, nutrition, and other adap.
tations of the daily program for the delicate and for crippled

2. Transportation to and from School for those unable to attend
otherwise, and instruction at home or in the hospital for those
physically unable to attend at all.

3. Clinical service made available locally for the physical and
mental health of children whose bodily or emotional needs
demand it.

4. Well regulated and well equipped State residential schools for

boys and girls who are blind or profoundly deaf, who are

delinquent, or who are mentally deficient, and for whom no com-
munity day school facilities are available.

“No doubt the application of the Social Security Act, passed by the

I Congress in 1935, has giwen added impetus to the recognition of the

physical needs of handicapped children in the States. Yet, when we
give physical care and withhold suitable education, the task is but half
completed. In fact, in its crippled child’s ‘Bill of Rights’ the Inter-
national Society for Crippled Children puts itself 011 record thus: ‘Every
crippled child has the right to an education. Without this, all other
provisions, unless for the relief of physical suffering, are vain.’ ‘What
is true of the orthopedic cripple is likewise true of those crippled in
vision, in hearing, in speech, in mentality.

“Kentucky has studied its problem well. It has developed a pro-
gram of residential schools and has initiated provisions for handicapped
children in the day schools. The Office of Education extends to you
its best wishes for the growth of your program and places at your dis-
posal Whatever facilities it has that may be of service to you in meeting
the educational needs of handicapped children within your State.”

Division for the Handicapped
Classification of the handicapped:

1. Mentally handicapped.
a. Subnormal—Idiot, imbecile, moron, defective, borderline
group, backward, and dull children.
b. Retarded—Usually environmental—Not hopeless.
c. Epileptic.
2. Temperamentally or emotionally handicapped.
a. Neurotics.

b. Truants, incorrigibles, and delinquents. Some children have
more than one handicap.

3. Physically handicapped.

a. Vision defectives.

Hearing defectives.

Speech defectives.

Crippled (muscular or bone defectives).
Lowered vitality.







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(1) Cardiacs.
(2) T. B. cases (active and arrested).
(3) Undernourished.

f. Abnormal in size.

The Socially Handicapped or Nursery Child: Section 4399-50,
Kentucky Statutes, provides for pre-school age education. Since the
Nursery School program began school authorities, civic and service
clubs, health officers, welfare groups, government officials, and parents
have become more keenly aware of the welfare and education of young
children in their communities.

Nursery Schools in Kentucky are serving approximately thirteen
thousand needy pre-school children who are suffering from lack of
adequate food, sleep and rest, medical attention, and other necessi-
ties in which low income families are commonly deficient.

The values of the nursery school are many. The child’s physical
development is aided through daily health inspection, clinics, vaccina-
tions and immunizations, nutritious meals, adequate rest, formation
of good health habits, and the use of equipment which provides plenty
of exercise. Social development is aided through work and play with
children his own age in which he learns self respect, self reliance,
cooperation, fair play, respect for others’ rights and many other desir-
able characteristics. His mental development is aided through experi-
ences with stories, games, toys, and creative materials. Parents gain
information, suggestions, and new viewpoints concerning child care
and development. The community benefits from the nursery school
in that the health of the child is safeguarded, better citizens are built
and delinquency is decreased.

II. Vocational Rehabilitation

“A handicapped child from birth to three is a medical problem.
From three to sixteen, if left handicapped, is a twofold problem,
medical and educational. After sixteen this handicapped person
becomes a threefold problem, not only medical and educational, but
also an economic problem unless rehabilitated and made self-support-
mg.” Rehabilitation through vocational training is a new phase of
the educational system. This new idea contends that not only should
Yocatloflally handicapped people be trained, but that the training
fiegdlbe SPGCifiCally adapted to the needs of the individual. The
it is 1;: 33d State Governments provide rehabilitation service because
hel 11H economic busmess. It is essentially a social remedy. It

ps unfortunate people to help themselves. It fits them for a liveli-












hood. It adds to the productive power of the Commonwealth. Being
I included in the recent Social Security Act, it is now firmly established
' . ' . I as a public policy of governments. l


, I. I' . I ‘ To be eligible for this service one must have a permanent physical
" disability and must also be physically and mentally capable of learn-

ing a trade or vocation and engaging in that vocation to the degree i

that he becomes a self-supporting citizen. . l

The major services of vocational rehabilitation offered by the
State Board of Education through the Division of Special Education
are : advice in the selection of a proper vocation, in the methods of pre-
y. . ‘ . ' paring for that vocation, and in the methods of entering and making
‘ . i - I . I progress in that vocation; and vocational training required in prepar-
' .I , ing for that vocation.
‘ ‘ i The increasing demands for these services by eligible applicants ‘
caused Congress to double the amount of federal money available to l
., the various states for vocational rehabilitation through the federal ’
I ' Social Security 'Act. Kentucky, however, has not matched federal ‘
I money available.
Vocational Rehabilitation is generally accepted as the process of . l
‘ ' rendering a disabled person fit to engage in a remunerative occupation. If s
. ‘ It is designed to restore to remunerative employment and self-support 1'
persons who, for any reason, have lost their earning capacity through 1
permanent partial physical disability. It is accomplished by world 1
ing for the individual one or more of the following services: 1

“a. .‘a‘:


. y‘ “b - - , 1. Vocational guidance in the selection of a suitable type 0‘ 1
employment. 1

2, Physical restoration, that is, surgical or medical treatment when the (
" ~l - , disability can be reduced or removed, or provision of an artificial
. ' i - appliance to restore the impaired function.
; . a. ll 1 I 3. Vocational training in the occupation at which it has beenIdeteIF'
~. ' " mined the person can Work to the best advantage desplte 1“”

' I, i . ' 4. Assistance in securing employment in the occupation for which the
‘ ‘ person has been trained or assisted.

In order to determine what treatment is required for the voca-
tional rehabilitation of a particular individual, a thorough diagtanSls
must be made of his physical, mental, social and economic condition,
as well as of the training and placement opportunities in his com-
munity. When these facts are secured, arrangements are made for
the person to be given the service he requires.

In the‘rehabilitation program, disabled persons are prepared for
various occupations ranging from unskilled to technical and prefer









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sional employment. Training is given in public and private schools,
colleges, and in commercial and industrial establishments as well as by
tutors and correspondence.

In Kentucky the program is administered through the Division
of Special Education under the State Board of Education and in
cooperation with the Federal Government.

Eligibility for Rehabilitation Service. In general, any adult
person of employable age who is vocationally handicapped because

' of a permanent physical disability is eligible for this service.

Naturally, such factors as citizenship, moral character, and degree of
disability are taken into consideration. Not all eligible persons, how-
ever, are feasible and susceptible, which evidently means that not all
eligible persons can be rehabilitated. It is recognized that such
factors as age, extent of disability, attitude of mind, and environment
may make it inadvisable 0r uneconomic to render a rehabilitation
service. Disabled persons beyond the normal working age and per-
sons with extreme disabilities are not feasible for rehabilitation.

Benefits of This Aid. All physically handicapped adults who are
found eligible, feasible, and susceptible are entitled to this aid. As
stated above this service for the handicapped includes any aid given
in assisting a person by vocational guidance, securing physical restora—
tion, vocational training, prosthetic appliances, or securing employ-
Inent. The chief function, however, is necessarily that of an educa-
tional and job training program. The financial assistance derived
from this service covers the cost of tuition, fees, and supplies con-
nected with such a training course. No part of this fund can be
expended for maintenance.

.111 Educational Services for the Blind

' The Kentucky School for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky, pro—
rides for the visually handicapped children of the state full educa-
tlonal Opportunities from kindergarten through an accredited high
sch001'.InStruCti°n also is given in music, commercial work, home
economics, and other vocational occupations. Opportunity is pro-
VIded for those qualified to pursue higher education,
Who Eibgfil'e jor admission are. boys and girls, residents of Kentucky,
an educatjm .or Whose Slght is so defectlve that they cannot obtain
of d On In P‘lbhc schools. It is further required that they be

goo health, S011ml mind, and between the ages of six and eighteen

ye ' l a u r I l .
hare Upon adm1ss1on to th1s school, each pupil is given a complete
I) ysmal examination


. -



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‘ . _ There are special schools for white and colored children some
, ‘ . distance apart, each with its own staff of teachers. Tuition, bookS,
. . ‘ board, laundry, and medical attention are furnished without cost to i
' | - , the pupils. ‘


Vending Stands for Blind Operators—Workshop for Adult Blind.
Under authorization of a recent act of Congress which provides for
y the placement of vending stands for blind persons in federal and i
' , ' 1 other public buildings, 49 blind adults have been trained and placed
_ ‘ “ ‘ i in profitable stands located in various sections of the State. This has
‘ ' ' ‘ , , proven to be one of the most successful occupations for blind adults.
' ‘ ' _' ‘ . Following is a list of operators Who have been trained and placed:


‘ > Name of Operator Address of Operator Location of Vending Stand
I , 1
‘ , ' ,1_ ' Albert, John 804 Lampton Street, Huber & Huber Motor i
“ Louisville, Kentucky Transfer,

Louisville, Kentucky

1;; ‘ ' Arnold, Jack 1752 Shady Lane, Speed Building,

» ‘ . Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky }
.. , . Ball, Velma 119 East College Street, Board of Education, r

" t , Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky ,

t ' , Brooks, Orlin Valley Station, Sealtest,

- Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky

1809 Griffiths Avenue
Campbell, James Louisville, Kentucky
116 East Jacobs Street . -
. . ’ Bu ldin ,
Lou‘swne' Kentucm’ | Louislviu: Kentucky

" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Biggs, James 2201 iMellwood Avenue
' Louisville, Kentucky


' ' ' ‘ Courier-Journal & Times
' , ” T ‘ ‘ Richie, Arthur

'1 ' ‘1 ‘ . 'i} ' , Cardwell, Charles 153 Charleston Street, Jefferson County Armory,
if g i ., ' ,1 Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky
. l i i V Duerr, Edward C. 1931 Rutherford Avenue, Huber & Huber Motor
, i , Louisville, Kentucky Transfer,
| I; i ., ' Louisville, Kentucky
\ ' i. Gatton, Joseph 101 North 46th Street, Kentucky Transport ‘
> ‘4‘ Louisville, Kentucky Corporation, 1
I ‘ Louisville, Kentucky
3 g ._ 3 Lewis, William 105 West Jefferson St., Emmart Packing Compafll'v
'. _w , g . Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky (
i ' Peak, Sam 1119 East Broadway Silver Fleet Motor Expl‘essv
- Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky (
A ' 219 Woodbine Avenue ] 't
Reagan, Harold Louisville, Kentucky LJefferson County 00‘“
Keele, Penelope 1452 South 6th Street, Louisville, Kentucky 1
Louisville, Kentucky




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Name of Operator

Riddle, RaYmond
Short, Elwood
Stengel, William
'Wester, Tillie W.
Whitehead, Robert
Adkins, Lester C.
Baker, Carey

Bateman, Beatrice

Bates, Woodrow

Cole, Clifton

M00119, Russell
Greer, Lee

Harrison, John E.

Adams. Frank

McDaniels, Robert

Moore, Haskell

Oaks, Virgil

OSbOI‘n, Amy

Philippe, Louis


Address of Operator

816 South 33rd Street,
Louisville, Kentucky

1825 Frankfort Ave,
Louisville, Kentucky

424 East Atwood Ave,
Louisville, Kentucky

121 State Street,

Louisville, Kentucky

174 Bellaire Avenue,
Louisville, Kentucky

Pikeville, Kentucky

Room 21, 261 W. Short,
Lexington, Kentucky

Grundy, Kentucky

Carbon Glow, Kentucky

Catlettsburg, Kentucky

619 Broadway,
Hazard, Kentucky

1205 St. Ann Street,
Owenshoro, Kentucky

Versailles, Kentucky

542 Monroe Street,
Newport, Kentucky

Louisa, Kentucky

503 Sixth Street,

Carrollton, Kentucky

1108 Poplar Street,

Murray, Kentucky

124 Clinton Street,
Frankfort, Kentucky



Location of Vending Stand

Denny Motor Transfer 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky

City Hall,
Louisville, Kentucky

Post Office,
Louisville, Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky

Snead Building,
Louisville, Kentucky

Pike County Court House,
Pikeville, Kentucky

Post Office,
Danville, Kentucky

Fayette County Court
Lexington, Kentucky

Post Office,
Somerset, Kentucky

Letcher County Court
Whitesburg, Kentucky

Boyd County Court House.
Catlettsburg, Kentucky

Perry County Court House,
Hazard, Kentucky

Daviess County Court
Owen-show, Kentucky

Post Office,
Lexington, Kentucky

Campbell County Court
Newport, Kentucky

Lawrence County Court
Louisa, Kentucky

Carroll County Court House,
Carrollton, Kentucky

'Calloway County Court
Murray, Kentucky

Welfare. Building,
Frankfort, Kentucky










 Name of Operator

‘ Poff, Evelyn


Slaughter, Jettie

Tracey, Charles

- ‘ ugmflffififis‘h

”.62 Ra

Williams, Lonnie


Wood, Thelma

Williams, Woodrow

Prante, Robert

Mrs. Madeline

White, Fred

Haskins, George

Williams, Pauline

Glasser, Norton

- Baker, IRev. Geo. E.

Clayton, Harvey

Marshall, Dora



Address of Operator

1017 College Street,
Bowling Green, Ky.

Route 6,
Glasgow, Kentucky

1.77 East Main St.,
Frankfort, Kentucky

220 North 4th Street,
Paducah, Kentucky

324 17th Street
Ashland, Kentucky

1027 Breckinridge St.,
Owensboro, Kentucky

960 Charles Street,
Louisville, Kentucky

823 Overton Street
Newport, Kentucky

1030 S. Third Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Pineville, Kentucky
506 St. Ann Street,
Owensboro, Kentucky

2411 Cedar Street,
Louisville, Kentucky

Jackson, Kentucky

Stanford, Kentucky

Route 1,
Manitou, Kentucky

1236 South Floyd St.,
Louisville, Kentucky

Location of Vending Stand




\Varren County Court
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Barren County Court
Glasgow, Kentucky

Old Capitol,
Frankfort, Kentucky )

McCracken County Court
Paducah, Kentucky

Post Office,
Ashland, Kentucky

Murphy Chair Company,
Owensboro, Kentucky

Post Office,
Louisville, Kentucky

Post Office,
Covington, Kentucky

Jefferson County Garage,
Louisville, Kentucky

Pineville Court House,
Pineville, Kentucky

Post Office,
Owensboro, Kentucky

Ky. Transport Corporatiom
Louisville, Kentucky

Breathitt County Court
Jackson, Kentucky

Lincoln County Court
Stanford, Kentucky

Hopkins County Court
House, .
Madisonville, Kentucky

Standard Printing C0.,
Louisville, Kentucky











Section 4434-33, Kentucky Statutes. “District Boards of Education
may provide for Special Education—Any district board of education in
this Commonwealth is hereby authorized, subject tothe approval of the
State Board of Education, to provide for the instruction of children of
proper school age by reason of defective eyesight and/or hearing or
because of physical or mental handicap require special books or special
instruction, or both, in order to profitably or safely attend the public
schools in such district, and any district board of education may, subject
to the approval and direction of the State Board of Education, select
and furnish suitable books and equipment for use in such schools, elect
qualified teachers, and provide services in the same manner as for other
schools. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to annul any law
or regulations that may preclude from attendance upon the schools
children afflicted with communicable eye disease, or any other communi-
cable disease. Any board of education providing such special instruc-
tion may, in its discretion, transport any or all of such children to and

from school and pay for such transportation from its general funds.”
(1934, c. 65, p. 295.)

Section 4384-5, Kentucky Statutes. “Duties of the Superintendent
of Public Instruction— It shall be the duty of the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction to execute under the direction of the State
Board of Education, the educational policies which have been decided
11.13011 by the board and to direct, under such general rules and regula-
tions as the board may adopt, the work of all persons engaged in the
administration of common schools: ; public vocational educa—
tion and vocational rehabilitation.” (1934, c. 65, p. 218.)

Section 4434-26, Kentucky Statutes. “Nature of Census.— . .
such school census shall specify the name, date of birth, sex, and the
names of parents, guardians, or custodians of each child, the post office
address of each parent, guardian, or custodian, the school district in
Which the child resides, the school to which the child belongs, said
school to be described by number and name, and such other data as may

be 1‘etluired by the Superintendent of Public Instruction . . .” (1934,
0- 65, p. 291.)

ta' The complete census of physically handicapped children shall con-
an? Information, in addition to the above, as to the nature, permanency,
Ollgln of the disability, the educational classification, and hospital

I‘ ‘
seatment. Blanks for this purpose will be furnished by the State
Spartment of Education.









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“Children of proper school age, in order to profitably orsafely attend
the public schools—

a. . . by reason of defective eyesight, . . . require special
books or instruction, or both . .

b. “. . . by reason of defective hearing, . . . require special
books or instruction, or both

c. “. . . by reason of a physical handicap, . . . require
special books or instruction, or both

(1. “. . . by reason of a mental handicap, require special books


or instruction, or both

Considerations in Determining Eligibility:

a. It must be established that each child cannot be “profitably 01'
safely” educated in the regular classes because of the handicap

b. A child may be handicapped, but should not be placed in a
special class unless:

(1) He needs special service and treatments available through
special classes in order to provide an educational oppor-

(2) Because of the handicap the child is not making normal
educational progress in relation to his mental ability.

(3) Some consideration of safety can be established to warrant

c. As soon as it