W     ITH the closing sentences of this tribute
       to a noble life and character both the
       reader and the congregation were in
tears. Then by happy inspiration the male
quartette arose and sung with melting pathos
the sweet gospel hymn, "Wonderful Peace."
  The presentation of the portrait was next
in order. Dr. J. N. Prestridge was fittingly
chosen for this impressive ceremony. He was
one whose youth had caught the power and in-
spiration of intimate personal touch with the
declining years of Dr. Pendleton. The portrait,
hanging over the pulpit platform, had up to
this moment been closely veiled. Dr. Pres-
tridge being introduced spoke as follows:
  It was not my privilege to know Dr. Pendle-
ton in the days of his manly strength, but it
was my joy to know him in the evening tide
of life, when he had laid aside the great bur-
dens and responsibilities he was wont to bear
aDd had permitted his loved ones to place an