James Madion Pendleton.

noble features of him whose life was then pass-
ing before us for an example. The audience
still standing, and happily lead by Dr. W. W.
Hamilton, joined in singing the beautiful hymn,
"There is a land that is fairer than day."
  These impressive exercises were appropri-
ately closed when, led by Dr. E. Y. Mullins,
President of the Southern Baptist Seminary,
bowed hearts waited at the throne of God's
  Into the fireproof library building of the
Seminary, and as the property of the Historical
Society will thus be placed the writings and
the portrait of this good and great man. May
they long prove the helpful inspiration to gen-
eration after generation of young men, prepar-
ing to preach, to a lost world, the Gospel of
Jesus Christ our Lord. "He being dead, yet