The sixty-seventh annual meeting of the Bap-
tist General Association of Kentucky convened
with the Campbellsville Baptist Church June
15th, 1904.
  Preliminary to this meeting, and by courtesy
of the Baptist Ministers' Conference conven-
ing at that time, the choice hour of 8 p. m.,
June 14th, was given to the exercises of the
first annual meeting of the Kentucky Baptist
Historical Society. The church was thronged
by a large and representative gathering of the
Baptists of Kentucky. The faces of the fath-
ers, full of sober recollections of the heroic
past, and the countenances of young men eager
to catch inspiration for future service, were
gathered together in sympathy with the pur-
poses of the new organization, and in the spirit
of this special occasion. The occasion would
be memorable not only for the reading of a
special paper upon the life and labors of Dr.