
   Dr. DI. I.. Xrhite, appointed at the April .meeting of the Board
of Trustees as Acting Assistant Dear, of the College of Arts and
Sciences, is appointed also Acting Director of Personnel Office
for the yperiod April 4 to July 1, the salary as Acting Assistant
Dean to cover also his services as Director of the Personnel OfLice.

     Mla, ay T. Parks, clerk in the office of the Acting Assistant
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Acting Director of the
Personnel Office, salary ':O0.00 a ronth, effective April 16-June

     Fiel Plu.-mrer, appointed at the April Meeting of the Board of
Trustees as temporary Graduate Manager of Student Publicationss
to receive a salary of $60 a month, effective April 1, 1941,

     IM.rs. Lizzette S. Buchanan, part-tirle secretary in the Depart-
ment of History, effective April 1, 1941, for three months, salary
050.00 a month.

     Ford Montgomery, instructor in piano during the absence of
John Shelby Richardson, for the year 1941-42, salary $1500 a year.
Ho is now employed by the INew England Conservatory of Music.

     Graduate Assistants in the Department of Mathematics and As-
tronomy for the year 1941-42, at salaries of $500.00 each: Willian
G. Clarks John R. Rafferty, J. C. Eraves, P. W. Derthick, S. Perry
Schle singer.

     Leslie W. Joh"nson, assistant in the College of Education for
the your 1941-42, salary 0800.00.

     Arless A. SpioLraan, Field Agent in Dairy Husbandry, effective
July 1, 1941, salary 82,000.00 a year, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Jaesrs B. 5rmathers.  He is now cor.mpleting his
work for the doctorate at the University of Minnesota.

Chancge in Salary

     E, A. Baute, Field Agent in poultry p.mroveaent, salary in-
creased 100.00 a year, making total yearly salary $2800, effective
July 1, 1041.
     Cecil Hinton Assistant Field Agent in poultry ir:proverient,
 salary increased A200 a year, effective July 1, 1941, raking
 total salary $1800. 009
    Funds for salaries and viork in poultry improvement are supplied
by the Kentucky Poultry Improverment Association to the Experiment