
    On motion, seconded and carried, President Cooper approving,
the following resolution was passed:

          It appearing that it has not been necessary to
    charge deposits made to accounts in the Organizations
    Fund the full per cent set out in the resolutions of
    the Executive Committee made at its Larch 1938 meeting,
    therefore be it resolved that that part of the said
    resolution be and is hereby changed to read as follows:

          "The fees to be charged by the Business
          Office for handling student funds shall
          be: up to 835 no charge; 335 to $99 in-
          clusive--not in excess of $1; $100 and
          over, not in excess of limo of deposits."

     8. Civil Aeronautics - Handling Funds.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the following resolution was

          It appearing that in the resolution approving and
     accenting the contract for Civil Pilot training passed at
     the M.Tarch 1941 meeting of the Executive Committee, no
     provision was made for handling funds incident to said
     contract; therefore, be it resolved that funds paid into
     the Business Office for the purpose of operating and
     carrying out the said contract be carried by the Business
     Office as a special trust account, and that such funds be
     disbursed by the Business Office on order of the coordi-
     nator, Colonel H. L. Donnelly, or such person as may be
     designated by him.   No part of the funds shall be remitted
     to the State Treasurer.

     9. Contract of Rental. - Chi Omega Fraternlty.

     The Chi Omega Fraternity made following request for renewal
of rental lease of Smith Hall for the year beginning July 1, 1941,
asking certain repairs and renewals:

                                   april 1, 1941

          Chi Ormega Fraternity wishes to renew the option
          on the house at 319 Loxin-:ton avenue whlich will
          be in effect imi.ediately.

                                   CMI O1EGA FRATERNITY
                              (Si-,lned) Helen Powell
                                        L,  Vice-Pre sident.