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       J.    Recognition of Senate Council Chairpersons

       President Wethington recognized the outgoing Chairperson of the Senate
Council, Professor Dan Fulks and asked him to introduce Professor Raymond Cox,
Senate Council Chairperson for 1994-95.

       Dr. Fulks said that it had been an honor and privilege to serve as
Chairperson of the Senate Council, and noted that this is an important role on
campus for a variety of reasons. He said that it had been a pleasure working
with President Wethington and complimented the President for his communication
and spirit of cooperation with the faculty.

       He expressed pleasure in introducing Professor Raymond Cox who has been
a member of the faculty in the Department of Mathematics for over 30 years.
He mentioned the variety of roles he has served on campus and said that
Professor Cox has been recognized as a leader among faculty for a long time.
Professor Cox was asked to stand and be recognized, following which he
received a round of applause.

       President Wethington thanked Professor Fulks for his dedicated service
and said that he looked forward to working with Professor Cox.

       K.    Amendment of the Communitv College Code of Student Conduct (PR 4B)

       President Wethington reviewed the background information in PR 4B and
recommended that the Board approve the revisions of the Community College
Code of Student Conduct. Mr. Shoop so moved. His motion, seconded by
Professor Sistarenik passed. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Appointment to Advisory Board - Lexington Communitv College

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointment of Mr. Michael N. DaPrile to the Advisory Board of Lexington
Community College for a four-year term ending June 30, 1998. He noted that
Mr. DaPrile is Vice President of Toyota Manufacturing, USA, Inc. Mr. Shoop
moved approval. His motion, seconded by Mrs. Sims, carried. (See PR 4C at
the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Associate Degree Program in the Community College System -
Jefferson Communijt CoQpllege (PR 4D)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board authorize for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree program,
Associate Degree in Applied Science, Occupational Therapist Assistant, for
the Jefferson Community College. Mrs. Weinberg moved approval. Professor
Sistarenik seconded the motion and it carried. (See PR 4D at the end of the