N.    Appointment of Dean of the College of Human Environmental
Sciences (PR 5A)

       President Wethington recommended that Dr. Retia Scott Walker be
appointed as Professor with tenure, Department of Family Studies, and named
Dean of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, effective August 1,
1994.  He asked Chancellor Hemenway to comment on the recommendation.

       Chancellor Hemenway reported the results of the search process to
appoint a new Dean to replace Dr. Peggy Meszaros who resigned last spring.
He said that Dr. Raymond Forgue had served very ably as Acting Dean during
1994-94. He reviewed the credentials of Dr. Walker and expressed pleasure
in recommending that she be named Dean of the College of Human Environmental

       On motion made by Mr. Ulmer, seconded by Professor Mather and passed,
Dr. Retia Scott Walker was unanimously approved as Dean of the College of
Human Environmental Sciences. Dr. Walker was asked to stand and be
recognized. following which she received a round of applause.

       0.    Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical
Services Foundation (PR 6A)

       President Wethington said that PR 6A is the annual agreement between
the University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc.
(KMSF).  He asked Dr. Clapp to comment on the agreement.

       Dr. Clapp reviewed the background information and explained that
under the provisions of the plan the institution is to contract each year
with an agency to manage the billing and collection of fees from the
practice plan. KMSF was the entity selected in 1978 to serve the purpose of
the billing and collection agency for the practice plan, and they have
continued in that role. He said that this is the basic contract with some
minor revisions.

       President Wethington recommended approval of PR 6A.    The motion, made
by Mr. Sturgill and seconded by Mr. Dowdy, carried. (See PR 6A at the end
of the Minutes.)

       P.    Strategic Plan Progress Report - June 1994

       President Wethington called attention to the Strategic Plan Progress
Report. Through a series of slides, he reviewed the strategic indicators
that were set in March 1993. He noted that this report reflects the first
year findings regarding the strategic indicators. He said that the report
reflects the priorities of the University but in no way reflects all of the
University's accomplishments during the past year. He said that each
significant administrative and academic unit had done its own annual
assessment and acted upon its indicators. He reported that this summation
had the active involvement of the chancellors and vice presidents. He asked
that the report be made a matter of record. President Wethington encouraged
the Board to read the report and let him know if he or his staff needed to
respond to any questions or concerns.