Area III. Biological Sciences Area VI. History
The general studies requirement in this area may be satisfied A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in
by choosing one of the following five options: history by any one of the following options:
A. Any two of the following courses: A_ 1.11S 104 Europe to 1648 (3)
BOT 101, General Botany, or BOT 125 and 126, HIS 105 Modem Eluropc since 1643 (3)
General Plant Biology (3) ·
MP 200 Pooololoo ol Poolooolooy (4) li gig iii ilEZlZl$ zi il; ii"? $iLl§’eull§el286l Ei)
ZOO 100, General Zoology, or ZOO 104, _ 11 ` ` _ 6
Principles of Zoology (4) C· lil? (133 gliflzlléofifol _;gl·S· Since l8 5 (3)
BOT 28 Pl C l P ll Wl I
t 12oT§20 inlléisllfiiigls raisers) El) nn ggg1g>;)igi.ri;;1gégiioiloiiiil noon ol 111
HYG 10 I d ` H B' · · lll
H1m1thntro uction to uman iology and (3)     11€C€H1 111S101y 011261   1912 1%31g39  
B. MB 100 Elementary Microbiology (4) eccn ls my O. C 6` ° smcc ( )
MB 102 Elementary Microbiology (4) D‘ lils lll; l\;l(11l1€ll1 l11lllO.p€ Flllcc l 48 (3)
C. BOT 101 General Botany or ¥IIlS gl-}; %u1Og€2111g;/l?§I9 (3)
BOT 125 and 126 General Plant Biology (3) HIS 5;,,1 British History Since 1870 (3)
plus one of the following: · ,
BOT 103 Plant Kingdom (3) E. Two courses selected from the following:
BOT 501 Plant Ph , - I . _ HIS 229 The Ancrent Near East and Greece to
ysio ogy (3 5)
, , the Death of Alexander the Great (3)
BOT 524 Mycology (4) , ,
. . . HIS 230 The Hellenistic World and Rome to
D. MB 200 Prmerples of Bacteriology (4) the Death Of Constantine (3)
MB 550 Immunology and Serology (5) HIS 270 E31,Iy M1ddI€ Ages (3)
E. ZOO 100 Oonoinl Zoology or His 271 Later Middle Ages (2)
ZOO 104 Prinoinlos of Zoology (4) His 202 History ofthe British People to the
plus one of the following: RCSIOISIIOII (3)
ZOO 200 Ooninorniiyo Anoioniy (4) ms 202 History ofthe British People Since the
ZOO 206 Invertebrate Zoology (4) RCSIOIQIIOII (3)
ZOO 208 vertebrate Zoology (4) His ses CllltUI3l sha Intellectual History of
ZOO $02 Anlniol Ecology (3) the U.S. to 1865 (3)
Egg   Eorgdiw (14) His seo Cultural sha hiteueethsi History of
in ryo ogy ( tl U.S. ‘ ee 1865 3
zoo 526 Limnology (4) lc Sm ( l
ANT 100 Introduction to Physical Anthropology (3) Area VII. Social Sciences
PGY 502 Principles of Physiology (5) ( 1 d 1 .1 1 1 1 d. . .
11Yo 110Intro.toIr1uman Bieiegy and Health (2) 11 ( SS ‘}1°‘§ ,‘“4Y 1;·lg1_iio1g;¤o1o11o111oo ¥°‘l“;‘€“"*“l lll
IC OC13 Cl€DC€S Y 3 lllg W O C O OW1Ilg OLIYSCSZ
Allin lV· Forclgll Loogoogo ANT 121 Intro. to Cultural Anthropology (3)
A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in SOC 151 Illtlfodl-lCt9l'Y SO€l0l9€Y (3)
foreign language by passing the fourth semester courses in one PS lSl Pflnlcnqnn Government (gl
language or by tieiseiistrstiiig eerireiieht COm]J€t€HC€ by Egg 1; 1l}og¤ooo1·l C;ogool·y ol llro World lg)
Cm1111m11O11· rrncrpes o conomies ( )
ECO 252 Principles of Economics (3)
Area V. Humanities: Literature, Art, and Music     1§;2ggp‘;l;lggospolggggggsame as SOC 533)  
The general studies requirement in the humanities may be PS 572 Modern Political Theory (3)
satisfied hy choosing one course from the following: I _
ENG 261 Survey of \Vestcrn \Vorld Literature: Ama Vln Bchmlwml Scleuces
from the Greeks Through the Renaissance (3) A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in the
ENG1262 Egggcy og Wgstern W`orld Literature: (3) Behavioral Sciences by taking two of the following:
rom i to tre resent _
ENG 560 Comparative Literature I (3) 1l;SY lllél l1l3l’lSl,C Psychology l (3)
use shi csrriihrstite Literature ir (2) PS1 106 ooo Poyollology ll (2)
risc sez cempsrrri(·e Literrrtrrre 111 (2) S —lO Sooool Poyoliology (ooi oooo lo olorloolo
cr. :24 creek Literature in rrshshtieh (2) yllo loyo oloolll lor PSY l04 or PSY loo)
ct 525 Lélltlll Litersrrrre ih Translation (2) PS; lll) Exooooroolol Poyohology (2)
plus one of the following: 1ljS 2501 Pclslmllllly . . . lll
ART 202 Intro. to the rxrt hi \Vestern ciriiirstreh (2) Sgc I logodoolloo lo Pollllool Bohoylof (Z)
Mos 200 hhrsie ih \Vestern crriiizsrihrr (2) **0 Ollocllvc Bollovlol (S)
AR,1 $1 AHCICI11 A11 (3) SOC 5·;4 Social Psychology (same as PSY 544) (3)
ART 558 Renaissance Art in Italy (3) Al\T5§é6 Clllllllc and Pclsollllllly (Same as SOC
ART 560 Baroque ;\rt (3) ) (3)
ART 562 Nineteenth Century Art (3) I I
ART 564 Twentietlr Century Art (3) Beginning in September, 1966, all entering students
    1S1nyoy _of1)lnEo 1o£tori1li?: 1   have been formally registered in the College of Arts and
l 7( llSlC lll IC 'lg l €€I`l I €ll lll'}' ' · · · ·
MUS 1111 N1nC1CCn111 CCn1m(_ Music (11 Sciences and reziazn registered zn that College untrl the
    1_11St011,O1: 1_\1,11C1,1Ca11 Aiusic   Jegllllllllg of t C ]Ul`llOT` YCUT, OT Ulltll the (IdTTllSSlOTl.
MUS 537 r1·“~€,It(c11I CCIIIIIII- Music (3) requirements of another College have been met.