Anderson ·Hall is centrally located on the campus in the General Studies areas, or science or mathematics
close proximity to the Computing Center, to the main (excluding credits in freshman college algebra and fresh-
library and the libraries of the Departments of Mathe- man college trigonometry).
matics, Physics and Chemistry. I In addition to the Each student should study the curriculum in the
Anderson Hall complex, instruction and research are engineering tield of his choice to determine those
carried on in the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Laboratory courses he should take. These curricula are listed in
and the Irlighway Research Laboratory—both located a normal semester sequence under the different depart-
on the main campus. ment headings on pages that follow.
The laboratories- of the College of Engineering are
equipped with modern instructional and research equip- Reeemmertded Curriculum for preerrgtrreertrrg
ment to which- additional, modern equipment is being Students
added at an increasing rate to provide facilities by C I . I h, _ ,
means of which students erin participate in rnedern Fmt? °t‘°ITH° .lt“ };"°°‘““?€“d"d p;€‘€“§“‘?“?“g
experimental engineering as rr signiiierint part er their °““‘°“ um W1 Satls YY C .‘€q““?“‘°““ °’ “.““”‘°“
educational experience to the College of Engineering. Since the requirements
eegirtgi The College is engaged in 3 number Of research pf the d<;patr]tlmentaI curricula vttry, students are advged
I] ,6 I projects, and students interested in such investigations to refer O Q. Cugliuglm for tw dma Of mmm Stu ms
smc? have ample opportunity to engage in work along the Or more Specific e ms`
jr m lines of their special fields of interest. Freshman year
ity Of For Further Information, Address ENGFl{gt1S€;‘°st;r C C?
— res man omposition
Sqmc THE DEAN MA l13—Analytics & Calculus I 4
HIGH? COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING CHE ll0—General College Chemistry 5
lllmlil or *Elective—General 2
g djs- TI.IE REGISTRAR **Electivee—General Studies I 3
lustry, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ENGR 001-The Engineering Profession 2
LEXINGTON 40506 17
They Admission. Students admitted to the University S¢¤¤¤d Scmestcf CYS-
sional directly from high school, and those who transfer from IE/II;l\G2}?2;IF¥?5I{m¤g g0I¤Pl0$itI