requirements for mastcrs’ degrees, provided the work in ques- EXAMINATIONS
tion was taken while he was enrolled in residence in an A final examination (oral and/0r written) is given all
approved graduate SCh00}. candidates for mastcrs’ degrees not later than eight days
before the close of the semester in which the degree is t0
EXTENSION AND CORRESPONDENCE w0m< be awarded. The examination is scheduled by the Graduate
under mam commons, up to six of thc credit hours Dm ¤¤<1 th? ¤·=P<¤*_iS rétumcd *0 him ¤¤¤¤ ¢¤m¤1¤¤¤¤ of
required 4f0r any mastcr’s degree may bc earned in extension the cxamluahom which In UO °aS°_maY be later thaw two
courses given in person by University of Kentucky instructors. Wccks _aft€r th? Start Of the €xammat¥O“‘ The cxammmg
N0 graduate credit is given for courses taken by COP committee consists of at least three qualxiicd members recom-
rcspondenca mended by thc director of graduate study and appomtcd by
the Dean of the Graduate School.
M·A· OR M·S· DEGREE If thc candidate fails his Hnal examination, the committee
Whether a Candidate selects 8 Mastcy of Arts O; 3 Master may recommend to the Graduate Council thc conditions
of Science degree is left to thc option of the candidate and under which 21 second €><¤r¤i¤¤ti¤¤ m¤Y be ¤dmi¤i$t€*'€d·
his major department In gener;] it may be Said that 3 Candi. Insofar as it is practicable thc same examining committee gives
date with major work in the natural sciences should take thc this €X¤mi¤3ti0¤- In all d€€i$i0¤$ HTC m9i0YitY 0PiUi0n Of the
M,$_ degree; Others the M_A_ committee prevails. If the committee is evenly divided, the
candidate fails. A third examination may not bc allowed. t
Graduate students arc el1g1blc· t0 take regular courses wluch Before any mastcfs degree may be conferred the Student
meet aS_Organ_lZcd Classes and ‘“d°P°“d€“F‘““dY mr Icsgarch must pay a commcnccmcnt fcc 0f $22.50 at thé Bursafs
courses m which each student carries on investigations mdc— Umm
pcndcnt of class meetings. Independent study or research `
courses may not duplicate thesis work; thesis work must bc
done in addition t0 the minimum course requirements. At ,
least two·thirds 0f thc minimum requirements for the master's Requirements fOr the D6gT€€$ Of
dcgrbc must bb in regular courses, and at least half 0f thc Master Of Arts and Master
muumum rcqmrcmcnts must bc 1n courses numbered 0n the _
600 or 700 level. Exceptions t0 this rule may bc made only Of SCZGTLCE `
Kggdtgf t;I;pgE)V€lO?f75l5€l€$g?  bioxiglgt gniyfi   The Graduate School authorizes all departments which arc t
bcrs of thc Graduate Faculty 0r by such other instructors as apprgvcd for graduate _W0rk and Whlch Wlsh to do SO to
MC approved by the Graduate Dean. pcnmt students t0 satisfy the requirements f0r thc M.A. `
A student may work toward only one mastcr’s degree at a and the M‘S‘ degrees by clthcr of two pkmS‘ S
time. Hc must cstablish at least one year of residence while Pl A 1
earning Z1 second mastcr’s degree. _ _ _ an _
In addition to mcctmg all general requirements for mastcrs’ i
degree (scc above) the candidate must complete at
RESIDENCE least Z4 semester credit hours of graduate course work with 1
ITIIC l`Dil`lifHUll1 1'CSid€UC€ \'€qUiICd f0\’ HIC   Zllld   3 Standing Of     gy highgyy Sgtjgfy {hg language ygqujyg-  
(ICSYCCS i$ Om acadcmic YW? vf 36 W€€k$· A POYUOU Of thi$ ments, and write a thesis. A candidate must have 21 major ]
Ycsidcncc HWY bc Camcd in Pm't‘tim€ W0Yk» but ¤0Ym¤HY area (dcfincd usually as an academic department) and must `
Candidatcs for m3$t€Y$’ d€gY€€$ must $P€¤d at least tW0 {UH (with thc exceptions noted below) take at least two thirds ]
summer terms 0r one scmcstcr in ful]-time residence at thc Of hjs Courses in this al-C3; the other (mc third may bg fgkcn
Univcrsitv- For i¤divid¤¤1 S¤1>¤ri<>r students the full-time in this area or in mas which have a graduate mmuouship to I
‘C$id€“C€ Ycquircment mw be Mivcd if Y€C0mm€¤d€d by thc it. In Education and Agriculture only one half of thc work (
director Of graduate $t“dY in thc Studcntys maim arm and must bc in the major area. \\/hen the setting up of major (
¤Pl’““'€d bY thc Cmduatc Dum- Minimum eligibility {OT topics sccms to require it, the Dean or (iu unusual cases) the i
Ming S0 r¤¢¤¤¤¤¤<¢¤d€d includes; (1) thc $9ti$f?*€tOYY COm‘ C-mduatc Council muy, on recommendation 0f the appro- ‘
Pl€ti"“ Of 12 Credit hours <>fgm<1¤¤t<¢ ‘VOYk· (2) th€ ?‘·tt¤i¤‘ priate director of graduate study, authorize courses taught  
ment of 1mti01ml avcmgc scores on thc Graduate Record Outside the mmm- to Count On the majon t
EX1`|l]lill11tiOl], and (3) thc availability of cmploymcnt facili-
tics and conditions which make feasible satisfactory com- Tlmsls S
plctimm of dcgrcc rcquircmcnts whilc thc student is fully Two typcwrittcn, unbound copies 0f the thesis must bc I
c1upl<>ycd, A total graduate program may u0t bc made up prcscntcd to thc Graduate School Office n0t later than two `
entirely of courses offered in short tcrms of 3 0r 4 wccks wccks bcfotc thc lust day 011 which grades may bc reported
cnch. and not more than ouc-third of thc course work to thc Rcgistmfs 0i‘Ecc. These copics must bc approved by
requirements for :1 dcgrcc may bc taken in courses that mcct thc thesis director and the appropriate director 0f graduate
only oncc 21 wack. study, must bc xm 100 pct cent mg or cotton fiber paper, and I
This statement docs not mean, however, that thc work must bc in a form acceptable t0 the Graduate School.  
dcscribcd for each individual can always be completed in thc Instructions for the preparation 0f theses should bc obtained  
minimum length of time dcsignatcd for thc dcgrcc. Services from thc Cmduatc Office bcforc thc thesis is typcd. The (
pcrformcd ns u gmduntc assistant or inadequate preparation candidate must also submit an abstract of his thesis which I
for graduate work, for cxamplc. gcncmlly make HlOl\gCl'])Cl'i()(1 docs not cxcccd two hundred words and is suitable f0r t
of study ucccssury. publicatkm. The final examination may n0t bc taken before