’k? °l NUR 700 BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES T0 HEALTH prodrctivity of staff. Attention willbe given to budgeting isaies, particu- rnesters of 769 residence credn following the successful conpletion of
°°'° PROBLEMS. (2) larly clinically meaningful qiproaches to deriving mts of nursing the qralifying exams.
This course foorses on the concepts and theories that assist in services. Prereq: NUR 663.
understanding behavioral responses to health problems Although the I NUR 768 RESIDENCE CREDIT FOR THE
focus will be on achllts. these concepts and theories may be applied NUR 735 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY MASTER‘S DEGREE. (1-6)
across age groups or clinically defined populations. Of specific interest HEALTH PROMOTION. . (3) May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours
(3) are human responses influencedby cognitiveprocessing of infomration Focus is on concepts, theories, and techniques for assessing families
°" °l related to health, health problems, and health service utilization. Ap- and communities and assisting individrals, families, and groups to NUR 769 RESIDENCE CREDIT FOR THE
kms proachesto nursing diagnosis and intervention to support and/orrrlodify maximizetheirhealth satus. The evatration of communhy resourcesto DOCTOR‘S DEGREE. (012)
mw these responsesto health problems are emphasized within thecontext meet health care needs is errphasized. Research related to the Maybe repeated indefinitely.
wm of clinical decision-making. infbence of lifestyle, health habits, and coping wkh developmental md
°f ‘h° situational crises on health is reviewed. Selectedfieldand observational NUR 778 PROSEMINAR IN CONTEMPORARY HEALTH
"'"¤· pnoalsms. (2) A err l analysis cl me development ol policy related to health alla
and This course focuses on concepts and theories that assist in the NUR 740 NURSE-MIDWIFERY MANAGEMENT: nursing iserrphasized. Attention isfoursed on theforrnation ofapolicy
understanding ofbiologicalresponsesof adiltsto health problems. The NEONATE. (2) strategy to address a major policy issue affecting health care and the
ccursedrawson previousknorrvledgeofphysiologyand pathophysiology A study of theories, concepts, and research related to the neonate wih discbline of nursing.
and the ability of participants to integrate behavioral and biological errphasb on adaptation to extrauterine life and stabilizdion of the
_I2I phenomena. Approaches to nursing diagnosis and intervention to newbomparametersandrrrethotsofassessnient,variaionsinnormal, NUR 779 DISSERTATION SEMINAR. (1-3)
""°" support andlor modify these responses to health problems are em- deviations from nonnal, and physical and emotional neelt of the Reviewand critiqueofasperztscfthedissenation forstudents beginning
mh phasized within the context of clinical decision-mdring. Prereq: NUR neonate. Focus will be onthetheoreticalasperztscfthenursrrmirtrlrifery develcpmentcf adssertation proposal. Maybe repeated toa maxirmm
l'°'“ 700. management of the care for the neonate. Prereq: Enrollment ll'l the of three credits. Prereq: ll/ust have completed all research course
°a'°· NurseMidwifery Corrponent reqrirements.
This seminarfocuses on biopsyclrosocial conceptsandtheories related WELL WOMAN. (2) IN NURSING. (1 -3)
tothe nursingcarecfcIiildren,adolescerlts, andtheirfamilies Students A study of theories, concepts, and research related to well woman An elective course whidl gives the student an opportunity to explorea
, are expected to become familiar with research findings and literature healthcare with ewphasison reprodictive healh rnaintenanco,sexuality, topic ofspecial interest. Maybe repeated to a maximum ofeightcredhs.
H) applicable to parent~clliId nursing. Coreq: NUR 614. family planning, variations in normal, deviations from normal, sexual
u°b· dysfunction, infertility, and unplanned pregnancy. Focus will be on the NUR 790 THEORY DEVELOPMENTAND RESEARCH
9 '°' NUR 711 ADVANCED PARENTCHILD NURSING Il. (2) theoretical aspects of the nurse-midwifery management of care for IN NURSING I. (3)
lwyl This seminar focuses upon application of theories, concepts, and healthy women throughout the life span. Prereq: Enrollment in the Thiscoursefowsesonthenatureofnursingsdencearrdonapproaches
rtw research related to clinical decision-making in parent-child nursing. Nurse-Midwifery Component; prereq or coreq: AHE 670 or equivalent. tothe development of knowledge foruse in nursing practice. Concepts
`°aI° Prereq: NUR 710, NUR 614. and theories from philosophy of science and methods of theory de·
NUR 742 NURSE-MIDWIFERY MANAGEMENT: velopment are used to critically examine the process of knowledge
NUR 715 PERINATAL NURSING: LOW RISK FAMILIES. (2) ANTEPARTAL WOMAN. (2) development in nursing. Emphasis is placed on the role of logical
This seminar will focus on diagnosing andtreating the biopsychosocial A study of theories, concepts, and research related to the antepartal analysis and critical thinking in the development of theory for nursing
lll responses of families to the child bearing contirluum. Concepts, theo- phase of the maternity cycle. Emphasis will be on the normal pregnant practice. Prereq: Consent of insructor cr enrollment in the doctoral
Bs °' ries, and research related to the low risk mother and infant will be woman, common variations in normal, deviations from normal, fetal program in nursing.
°;,:° emphasized. . development, and enhancement ofthe pregnant family's chilrbearing
U Y experience through utilization of the teaching·Iearning theory and NUR 791 Tl·lEORY DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH
‘ NUR 716 PERINATAL NURSING: HIGH RISK MOTHER. (2) principles of anticipatory guidance. Fools will be on the theoretiml IN NURSING ll. (3)
Thephysiological, psychological, sociological, andbehavioral responses aspects ofthe nursemidwifery management in the care ofthe pregnant Approaches to developing clinical nursing research using qralitative
,34, of the high risk mother and family to interruptions during the normal family during the antepartal phase ofthe matemity cycle. Prereq: NUR strategies will be the focus of this course. Prereq: NUR 790 or consent
· matemity cycle will be explored. Errphasis will be on nursing assess- 741; coreq: NUR 744. of in¤ructor.
mt °l ment, dagncsis, interventionsand evahiation apprcpriatetothe matemal-
gm` fetal responses. Arrbulatory and inpatient aspects of care will be NUR 743 NURSE-MIDWIFERY MANAGEMENT: NUR 792 THEORY DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH
Egg investigated. Prereq: NUR 715. INTRAPARTAL 8 POSTPARTAL WOMAN. (2) IN NURSING Ill. (3)
Astudyoftheoriesconcepts,andresearchrelatedtotheinlrapartaland Approaches to developing clinical nursing research to test clinical
NUR 71 7 PERINATAL NURSING: HIGH RISK NEONATE. (2) postpartalphases ofthe maternity cycle. Emphasis will been the normal hypotheses using qiantitative strategies will be thefocus cf this course.
The physiologicaland behavioral responses ofthe high risk neonate to aspects diring labor, birth, and the postpartum, common variations in Prereq: NUR 791 or consent of instructor.
interruptions in normal fetal development and transition to extrauterine normal, deviations from normal, fetal status riiring labor and the
lll life will baexplored The psychologicaland social responses of parents immediate period following birth, and erlhancement of the pregnant NUR 800 ORIENTATION TO PROFESSIONAL
MW will be examined. Errphasis will be on nursing interventions appropriate famiIy's chikbirth experience. Focus will be on the theoretical aspects NURSING. (1)
5:;, tothe responses. Prereq: NUR 715. . of nursemidwifery management in the care of the pregnant family Provides students with an introdiction to nursing asa profession and to
fm drringthe intrapanal phase andpostpartalphase ofthe matemitycycle. student life in the College of Nursing. Focuses on nursing as a unicpe ·
NUR 720 ADVANCED PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL Prereq: NUR 740; prereq or coreq: NUR 742 and NUR 744. discbline in a societal context and on the College of Nursing's organi-
mrs HEALTH NURSING I. (2) · ` zationalstructure, philosophy,servicesandprogramofstlidy.Abeginning
Focus is on concepts, theories and research underlying psychiatric! NUR 744 NURSE-MIDWIFERY MANAGEMENT: socialization into theprofession of nursing andtotheColIegeof Nursing,
mental health nursing practice. Definitions of mental health and illness, WOMAN WITH PROBLEMS. (2) providing students with opportunitiesto clarilytheirown ideas about and l
,3%, classification models and problems of clinical decision making are A study of theories, concepts, and research related to complications expectations of nursing as the career choice.
I dv explored. Psychological, social and cultural infkrences on individial duringthe matemitycycle willbeexplored. Errphasiswillbeon common __
3 ,. coping responses are examinedandindividual intervention models are variations in normal, and deviations from normal. Focus will be on NUR 821 PROFESSIONAL NURSING I. (5)
W.? introduced Coreq: NUR 614. effects of the complications on the woman, fetus, pregnancy, labor, This course is designed to introduce the baccalaureate student to .
Bq In birth, and family, as well as the effects ol pregnancy, Idzlor, and fetus on cognitive, interpersonal, and psychomotor nursing skills. Attention will
:,*3,*;; NUR 721 ADVANCED PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL the complications. The theoretical aspects of nurse-midwifery man- be given to the theoretical and clinical knowledge needed to make
HEALTH NURSING II. (2) agement will be stressed in relation to the care of women with corrlpli- sound judgments and perform fundamental nursing activitiesfor clients
Malor mental health problems affecting individuals, families and com- cations during the maternity cycle. Coreq: NUR 742. experiencing health problems with predctable outcomes. Lectlre,
munities are studied, and related nursing research problems are three hours; laboratory, six hours per week. Prereq: Sophomore status
,3,,, identified. Group theory, process and practice models are introduced. NUR 745 NURSE-MIDWIFERY PRACTICE in College of Nursing. Coreq: ANA 206, NFS 212.
*,6,,6, Prereq: NUR 720; coreq: NUR 615. ORGANIZATIONS. (2)
. . — · r A study of strategies for the development of nurse-midwifery practice NUR 823 PROFESSIONAL NURSING II. (6)
lim? NUR 730 NURSING MANAGEMENT IN `l'HE anditsrelationshbwithinthe health caredeliverysystem. Errphasis will This course builds and expands on the cognhive, interpersonal, and
L7? ORGANIZATION I. (3) be on the historical development of nurse·midwifery practice; structure psychomotor nursing skils introdiced in Professional Nursing I. As-
° ` The focus of this course will be on strategies for the assessment of and function of the American College of Nurse~Midwives and hs sessment and psychomotor skills will be integrated providing the
health care needs of patient client groups and the development of relationshptopractice;interdiscplinaryorganizatlonsaslheypertainto student with additional theoretical and clinical knowledge inthe per-
,4, programsto respondtothose neecb. Emphasis willbe placedon the use the maternal child health care delivery system; the legal base for nurse- formance of nursing activities for clients experiencing health problems
. , ol concepts and princples from epidemiology, health planning, clinical midwifery practice; and the use of organizational, behavioral, and with predictableoutcomes. Lecture,fourhcr.lrs;labcratory, six hoursper
gg nursing science, and managementin identifying andgenerating relevant management theories, concepts and princbles to design, adninister, week. Prereq: Sophomore status, ANA 206, NUR 821. Coreq: NUR
1 . ` assessment data andin designing nursing PIOQIEITIS. Human resource and evaluate various nurse·midwiIery practice alternatives. Prereq: 825, NUR 827. .
rang management for program implementation will be emphasized. NUR 743. `
nds. ORGANIZATION II. (3) Half-timeto fulltime work on thesis. Maybe repeated toamaximum of r The locus of this course is methods for making clinical decisions.
:5; This course focuses on strategies for monitoring delivery of care to six semesters. Prereq: All course work toward the degree mus be Emphasis will be on how to collect and utilize data in formulating
l>0pulations andforevahiating program effectiveness. Issues involved corrpleted. irdgments about patient states and in choosing nursing adions for
in decision·making related to continuing, altering, or discontinuing patients with health problems with predictable outcomes Lecture, four ‘
Services will be considered from a variety of perspectives including NUR 749 DISSERTATION RESEARCH. (0) houls;Iaboratory, six hcursperweek. Prereq:Juniorstanding in theRN·
organizational th_eory, change theory, and polnbal dynamics irl the Half-time to full-time work on dissertation. May be repeated to a BSN orrriollum in the College of Nursing. Prereq or coreq: NUR 831
community. Errphasiswillbeplaced on theuse of systematic strategies maxirrlum of six semesters. Prereq: Registration for two full-time se- and NUR 833.
in assessing the qrality of care and in monitoring the performance and
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