have played a larger part in the history of this
State than of any other, even of Virginia, and per-
haps I might say a more prominent part in this State
than any other family. Those who bave become emi-
nent in their services to the State of Kentucky, or by
reason of their prominence here, have been given an
opportunity to serve the Republic, are more numerous
and more eminent than the Marshalls of Virginia, ex-
cept the great Chief Justice himself. The very founida-
tions of our civil fabric were laid in part by the hands
of the Marshalls, and its great and noble principles have
been upheld, advocated, defended and adorned by mem-
bers of that family. either bearing its name, or akin to
it in blood, up to the present day. This bar has today
no names upon its rolls more honorable and illustrious,
unless it is the name of Henry Clay, than of those who
were akin to the Chief Justice. I know that we are apt
in looking back upon the earlier days to say, "There
were giants in those days," and this is true as to this
particular bar; and among the most eloquent of those
earlier lawyers was Joseph Hamilton Daviess, who was
held to be the rival of Henry Clay, and the equal of John
Allen. He early fell in the forefront of battle in defense
of his country, His wife was a sister of John Marshall.
  Our early historian who was elected Senator over John
Breckinridge, the elder, in 1793, and who divided with
Henry Clay, the honors of great debates in the Kentucky
Legislature, out of which debates resulted the duel be-
tween him and Henry Clay, married another sister of
John Marshall, and was in blood his kinsman.
  At this bar Thomas A. Marshall, who made his early
reputation-a reputation which was increased by most
admirable service in the Federal House of Representa-
tives, and was made permanent in the judicial annals
of Kentucky by his long and incorruptible career as
Chief Justice of Kentucky-was a nephew of the Chief