by Governor Metcalfe. In 1826 he married Miss Almira,
daughter of Governor Owsley. Judge Goodloe was a
man of great executive ability, and was remarkable for
the promptness with which he dispatched business. His
conclusions were quickly arrived at and just as quickly
imparted. He served during the most critical period of
the State's history, and while an intense partisan, he so
conducted his court that as little of the animosities of
the period as possible were engendered. However much
others may have differed in conviction, no one ever for
a moment questioned his integrity, and he will rank with
the long line of judges that have so ably filled the Fay-
ette bench. Justice Samuel F. Miller, of the Supreme
Court, said of Judge Goodloe that he was the ablest nisi
prius judge in America.
             CHARLES D. THOMAS.
  Judge Charles D. Thomas was born in 1823. After
completing his school education he studied law and be-
gan the practice of his profession in Lexington. From
his early childhood he was so disposed in manner that he
attracted friends who remained such for all time. At
the beginning of the Civil War he was among the first to
enlist, and served with distinction through that unhap-
py conflict. Returning to Lexington he resumed the
practice of law, and in 1868 was nominated by the re-
construction Democrats against Judge Goodloe, and was
elected after a very hotly contested canvass. He was
upon the bench for about five years, dying before the ex-
piration of his time. On Saturday preceding his death,
he was in apparent good health, but on Sunday was
taken suddenly ill and died within a few hours there-
after. His death occurred on December 16, 1873. Mr.
James 0. Harrison, who knew him well, thus referred to
him at the time of his death:
  "Unyielding in the performance of what he conceived