Justice. Those of us who are old enough to have heard
Thos. F. Marshall, have memories which may excite the
envy of those who were less fortunate. In that old Court
House which has been replaced by this beautiful struct-
ure, perhaps no more eloquent advocate ever charmed
or misled a jury than Thomas Francis Marshall. Among
the sons of Kentucky born upon her soil, few were equal,
perhaps none superior, in native intellectual gifts, in the
extent and value of his attainments, in the keenness of
his wit, the clearness of his reasoning, the ludicity of
his speech, to this gifted but erratic and unfortunate
son of genius. And if he had not been so great a man,
it is not unlikely that in the judgment of Kentucky his
brother, Edward C. Marshall, would have held his place.
If Edward Marshall had a superior as a public orator, as
a humorist and wit, it was only his elder brother.
  Three Johnson brothers were members of the Lower
House of Congress; three of the Marshall brothers sat
in that same body. We know of no other instance in
Kentucky where one family gave three brothers to the
Federal Congress. In each case, however, other mem-
bers of the same family bearing the same name were
also thus honored. Two of the Marshalls, Thomas F.
Marshall and Dr. Alexander K. Marshall, represented
this District.  Edward C. Marshall represented the
State of California, of which he was afterwards Attor-
ney General,
  Among the later members of this bar whose memory
is fresh with us was another relative of the Chief Jus-
tice, Henry Marshall Buford, than whom no abler or
purer judge ever dispensed justice from this, or any
other bench.
  But in a broader view, Kentucky was part ot Virginia
when John Marshall was born, and we claim him as one
of our native sons. It is true that after he had won his
reputation as soldier and also after his wondrous argu