4.   That the interdisciplinary instructional programs be formal-
      ized by:

               (a) That each program be administered by a duly ap-
               pointed chairman who will have the same responsibil-
               ities with respect to curriculum and student advising
               as a departmental chairman.

               (b) That the chairman be advised by a committee of
               interested faculty drawn from the departments offering
               the courses composing the curriculum.

               (c) That participating faculty members have primary
               appointments in regular instructional units.

               (d) That all courses will be given by the regular in-
               structional units.

               (e) That the chairman be responsible to the dean of the
               college in which the program is located and advise the
               dean on staff and other needs of the program in connection
               with budget planning.

               (f) That the procedure for establishing a new inter-
               disciplinary program be the same as for the establish-
               ment of any other new instructional program. New
               courses for the program will be initiated by the de-
               partments offering the courses, and the procedure for
               approval of such courses will be the same as for other
               new courses.

       Members of the Board of Trustees expressed their pleasure with the Plan
as presented and expressed appreciation to Dr. Oswald, Dr. Cochran, Dr.
Pellegrino, the Senate Council and the many other members of the faculty who
have assisted in its preparation, for the forward-looking program which had been
recommended. It was pointed out that the University was most fortunate that over-
all long-range academic planning and physical planning were being done concurrent-

       Dr. Angelucci made a motion that the Board of Trustees go on record as
ratifying and endorsing the University of Kentucky Academic Program: Curriculum,
Policies and Organization - as approved by the Faculty Senate and take note of those
recommendations made to the academic colleges and to the administration for
further study, and that appreciation be expressed to the faculty for their contri-
bution in preparing the Plan. His motion was seconded and adopted without dissent.