recommended that he be named Associate Dean for Instruction in the
      College of Arts and Sciences, effective January 1, 1966. Dean Nagle
      strongly recommends this appointment.

            Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer expressed the feeling that it was most
       gratifying when three top administrative positions could be filled from
       within the ranks of the University faculty. On his motion, duly seconded
       and carried, Dr. Herbert Drennon was named Associate Dean for In-
       struction in the College of Arts and Sciences, effective January 1, 1966.

       H. Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 6)

       Dr. Angleucci, Vice Chairman, who had assumed the responsibility for
counting the ballots for the election of an alumni member for the Board of Trustees,
reported to the Governor that the election had been held as prescribed by Statute
and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees and the
results of the election were shown in PR 6 which is included at the end of the

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report of the Vice
Chairman on the results of the election authorized by the Alumni Association was
ordered received and put to record and authorization was given for him to certify
to the Governor the names of the three persons receiving the largest number of
votes from which a successor to Judge Sutherland, whose term expires December
31, 1965, wtould be appointed. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       1. Adjiustment of Housing Rates - Summer Conferences

       President Oswald indicated that the increase in the direct operating cost
including salaries, wages, supplies, services, and replacement of equipment make
it necessary to adjust the rate for housing summer conferences to help offset
these increased costs. The present rate for non air-conditioned buildings has been
in effect since 1956 and the rate for air-conditioned buildings has been in effect
since Haggin Hall was opened in 1960. Although student housing rates have been
adjusted to meet rising costs during this period, there has been no increase for the
conference groups. The rates for six universities in bordering states range from
$2.50 to $3. 00 per person per day with an average of $2. 83 for a double room in
non air-conditioned buildings. Only two of these institutions have air-conditioned
buildings. Rates charged are $4. 00 and $3. 50 per person per day per double room.

       Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer made the following motion: that the following ad-
justments be made effective the summer term of 1966: (a) The charge for housing
members of summer conferences in air-conditioned buildings be increased from
$3. 00 per person per day for a double room to $4. 00 per person per day for a
double room, and $6. 00 per day for a single room, (b) The charge for housing