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V e    ‘‘‘.   ~ i   · 10 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS
    ‘ Th U ` ' P IB
r y      T   , 6 [11V€I'S1ty GYSOHHC LlI'€&Ll r
 . V e V , V_   V J. B. MINER, Director of the Bureau
 C   c   `     The alumni of the university will be in- ing positions for its graduates. It hopes,
T · l 5 J; =; · terested in the recent establishment of a however, to supplement the present facil-
_ . Q ,E , _ { Personnel Bureau here since one of its ities foi· bringing employers and students
. l ‘ · § · functions will be to discover how to serve together and to assemble more complete
Y   j   them better in connection with their v0ca— knowledge of the various vocations where
J V   V I tions. Although the university devotes that is not already available.
‘       considerable time to administrative ques- One ef the most difficult Vgggtigiigl
`r · } j ·   {   tions, and improvement of the curriculum, nreblems is eenneeted with the adjust-
Q { . il- f   edmpmeht a¤d_f&¢¤1ty, the lhatltntloh has ment of the alumnae and women students.
f   ‘ it   always ·I`€COgI`11Z€d   1.tS pI`1H'I€ pU1`pOS€ A brief parnphlet has been pyepayed to
1 E t l ‘ iV ’ A     V IS one Improvement of its Students- Its help the college women who are at sea as _
l i { l , l * deah of meh and deah of women are spe" to their vocational choices. It is entitled,
: - _ l   · cifically available for their personal help. ~Suggested Readings OH Vocational Gnid-
Q ·   V I _‘n* VV W _ BY Stennng tne new o'~n”een» the nmven ance for College Women," and is based on
Y I r _ » g T   l sity has undertaken a definite step to in- a survey Of tbe field nlgtde by lvliss Erma
‘ Q ` l I e _ Cheese as knowledge of me etndente and Juhl in connection with her master’s
if l l -?; err their persogml pioblegle Ig tnls enzo (gn thesis in 1928. It introduces the most
` ,- eh Ways, 1 ooh mna Y en eavohe o _1e‘ helpful literature then available, by brief
` t l F E ooVe1` how to Snpnlement the growing annotations of selected references. Copies
- ,     5 work of the administrative officers where may be Obtained by applying tn the bn- T
  ? the need seems greatest. It now becomes reau_
i l a pioneer in the student personnel field in This year the bureau \Vill emphasize
T   _ , the South- Thle Student peneonnel move' problems of choice of vocation and place- r
  ` l   1T1€'¤ YRS a}Ycad¥ g¤r¤d€l¢0r;S1de1i‘¢tbl€€ l§&g· ment during the sectind rsemestefg {Xilin-
»   L Tees In Some o Q mega Y n V YS. e* i · others, especial y t ose in V en uc y,
  { all I notably Northwestern, Minnesota, Michi- Yeh? are interested in getting in beuch
if , 4 gan and Yale _ with college men and women for suitable
Y l` T D1"- Hem? Beaumoht Wa$ th1S fall al)- positions should communicate promptly »
  t A pointed executive secretary for this new Witli the Uniyei—Sj1;y Personnel Bureau.
  I Service- He had had rather dhusdal 0Pj They can thus directly help alumni or stu-
  Pohtnhity to leahh abeut dldoicht hhcS oi dents of the University of Kentucky, as
if   huSih€SS· Laah year he Was cmlhoycd at well as learn about the people best quali- .
  M   . thelChareedNat1on_al Bank, brew Yoigg and fied for Snell Wei-}; t th b
my V ~ { ca? ic? a cxldomchcc lh Sa mg ah Va1”1· During the present semes er e ureau
. i' . ous Spccial alcpcihtmchts OH the Pacific is devoting such time as it can to helping
li ‘ C0?-St- Hi8 uhderghaddatc college U`am· students who are deficient in their schol-
ft Z = ihg Was at Stahfohd UhiVoYSitY· arship. They are being personally inform- .
  V   , While in the East, Dr. Beaumont made ed of the Bureau’s willingness to help
  - 2 r contacts with a number of large companies them by showing them definite methods
rf l which are interested in finding college for improving th€11`· egiciegicy in srtridy.
VV i alumni and students especially qualified Some of the most in €i‘€S·lIig pro ems
l ii i * V · r for positions in their concerns and which have been inrconnection with the correc-
  ’ , have not heretofore visited Kentucky. tion of lrrandieaes thcroughb igeeetaltconr
  Y A When such positions open up, the bureau flicts, lac o in eres . or a a 1 s o
— , l   hopes to have available a list of alumni work. th D t t f P
{ i l and students with their specific training For ten years e _epar men 0 sy-
; l V V and ualifications. The bureau will, of chology has been making numerous stud-
. i - | q . . . , . . . .
    course, put the employers in touch with ies of students difficulties at Kentucky;
. -   r the deans of the colleges and the heads of On the basis of these studies of students
* i the departments most directly cpncernd abilities, the staff is better able to discov- »
i T in finding men or women to fill their po- er the special troubles of the students who
i , AME sitions. In this connection it aims to act consult it and to adapt the methods to the
l e AOA, primarily as a coordinating agency. The perculiar personaliies and difficulties of
i 3   NEV university takes no responsibility for find- (Continued on Page Fifteen)
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