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A  _     »   ~ V 12 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS
Q  ..   “ ‘B_` 1   · Competing with twenty-two agricultur— Approximately 115 freshman basket-
  VY · °   · al schools from all sections of the United ball hopefuls answered the initial call of V
T . ,     States, the herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle, Coach Elmer Gilb on December 3. The
 ` V —* , ,   groomed by Mr. John Fraser, furnished players were run through a fast practice
1 · ? l K; i . ll the winner of first prize in the fat cattle session while the coaching staffwatched
. - Q V g 1 f l class. A grade calf, one of three sent to in order to get a line on the material which
; ] T yl · 1 Chicago by the Experiment Station, was is to be had for the 1931 Kitten team.
. i   Q ; , the prize winner. Although the univer- Coach Gilb was assisted at thi opening
4 l ,   S sity has won many premiums for fine session by Varsity Basketba Coach
‘ 1 , { E , _ stock in former expositions, this is the Adolph A. Rupp, in addition to his regu-
; g K   ·1       first time it has ever taken a first prize in lar assistants, Len Miller and Lawrence
· [ ‘,Y i i   5 _ {` the fat cattle show. McGinnis, both of whom are former Wild-
* [   .   1     1 A large percentage of champions emerg- cat basketball players.
_   i Y]   . ‘   · ed from the flock of 24 experiment station A schedule including at least nine 1
Z i I 1 [ ,   sheep shepherded by Mr. Harold Barber. games is being arranged for the Freshman
i i { · First prize in yearling southdowns, three team this year, with Eastern State Teach-
. _ " [. , ·· . firsts, a reserve championship, and a ers College, University of Louisville,
. V Q   W 1 . championship in Georgetown Col-
‘  . 1» l l Y Cheviots t hr e e ° ” · 1 ', , lege and Kentuc-
!. I *1 pe V ZE.? 2§JHh‘i£Lf‘i?;     ,     , rr i     i€l€ll$5§i.’§.Z`£¤C.°,lZ 1
·: - 5 Hampshires, and ·.`· {   _» 1 ;,.; ‘   pearing on the
I · ¤ z -M{· .- ,· . .
 0 l 1 · Q E one first, one sec- ‘ ` li    ` `  ,.  1. c a r d for t w o `
l l ` , ·‘ ' ·' . . -— . ‘ ‘
5 g i ‘ ond, and one fifth >  ._   *"° _ ij        _ games each. Hen-
V;   V in Gr a d e s, are  ~    "_,‘   _   ·~, S ry Cla y h i g h _
g j som e of the  Vg? “ .-   V_     school will play
. l J .   awards won by   QQ r  ‘   ' V‘   `- ` the Kittens once.
Qi 1 , ““ univ e r s i t y en-  `L ` -· , X;·;,_f  ' ° _  _5    Two dates have
  , gl tries, A yearling   [ f     "  V _     V definitely b e en ,
ig _ Southdown weth- ,, .  ·’· _, ?};Q§3* gQ     , if   ”   Richmond on Jan-
  | ring known as  —` 'l   _  V  '     * . =&~a¤ Ft ", A   uary 20 to meet ‘
  the John Clay i * 11  ` V the E a stern
YI Special, w h i c 1* _ , f`reshmen, w h 0
T ·   was open to all THE PRESIDENTS HOME will 1·eturn the
  · K   , I breeds of sheep. call on February
  1 ‘ ‘ Three freshmen students in the College 12. It is planned to open the Kitten
  1 · of Agriculture, Allaine Hill, Duke Petit, schedule on about January 14. Examina-
  . , and Wilford Graves, attended the eXp0si— tions will interrupt the schedule in the lat-
ii 1 ¥ i tion, the first two as health champions of ter part of January, and a full card will be
    1 Kentucky, and the third as a member of arranged for February, according to pres-
gl V , · the all-state championship 4-H club j udg— ent plans.
  V l ing team from Scott county. . .
V ll 1 g , Coach Gilb has not decided upon the
. A 1 l · ,   number he will carry Von his squad but it
_ , · _ , is probable that he will select from 25 to _
11 I ,\ SFROLLERS AMATEUR NIGHT 30 players to compose his outfit for the
if I ` i Amateur Night contests annual climax Season The Y€m3‘ining.hOp€fu1S Wm take
  . _V Of Stroller u_y_OutS’ held Tuesday night part 1n fraternity and intramluaualfbasket- .
, .. . V [ in the new auditorium Of the Training bglg wlgnch is conducted annual y or men
[ . 1 c school building, were won by Miss Irma S u GH S'
·V  I Pride, Kappa Delta pledge, and Brandon  
L 1 , _ Price, Delta Tau pledge, who presented _
° "On the Lot." The ro ram, consisting of Guignol Players present second play of 1
. P g . .
T i i AME three one-act plays, was witnessed by ap- the season in "Cam1lle" at Guignol theater,
V Q? ,   proximately 100 people. beginning December 8. _
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