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 ,  1   V @§   T 14 Knrrrucxy ALUMNUS
 ,             A ' and two points were marked up for Ten- Jack Phipps, former Ashland High school
i Q 1     5  1* x nessee. Tennessee men were rushing in on luminaries.
I   Cgi .   ; . the Play and f01` 3 1Y1011'1€11t 1lD looked 38 Among those who have been showing up
 ‘ ·?;   E   1 lll0ugl"1 the Vols W011l€l gét 21 ’¤0110l1€l0W11 well in the early practice sessions are
 `°-     ‘jU§¤‘l 111St€3d of 3 Saféty- _ _ _ Kleiser, and Worthington, guards i Sale, V
.   lg; YQ fl , T€1111f1SS€€ 0Q111Pl€'€€     MAVUVLZ V _V`_V (Ht".