Ra] h "Babe" Wri h · · · _ "" -   C
g up tain (§· the uniV€rSit§   H€%ayrn0n(}ll Rhoads, star pitcher and Qut- l  
are 1931 by teammates following the annual Sit ii Onbtl·€ U“‘V""`S‘tY of Kentucky Val" l .   -
Sale, football banquet, given by the Athletic he; ease- ag team for the past three years i I I  ° .
f0l`· Council Thursday night at the Lafayette New gellve alcontmct to play Wlth the   ` i
irted hotel. Percy Johnson was elected as man- eletlenr gags C ub In the Southern Asso`   P E
has ager of the football team, and Robert Rey- mx Season  ii  I  c
nolds was chosen to manage the basket- Rhoads. h°`”?V€1`· ha? not Signed the   H i  F
ball team_ contract as he islexpecting an offer from `      E
{lng_ Wright eeme from Sturgls Hlgll School lllhe Detroit team in the American Associa-     f  l
to the university in 1928. "I will make Km' HQ expect? to hear from B1llYD0Yl€, r t}? ~   
the glee elub el. the football teamj, he scout for Detroit, who asked him not to    ,  -4 2
l sign With any other club until he heard   2
-<>¤ EEE? £iZi’3i"i"t 1° daii-i' The Kiflfky 4    I i
·gt"“ - Orleans if ii; dfd   nezlfnwililin tilill C    it
a. time from Detroit. .`l‘    .  `_
‘ ‘ ‘  Rhoads finished his collegiate baseball   A
 gill   with the Wildcats last June. He started   Q -
-   i out with Kentucky as an outfielder but   l Z
Q  ·" was shifted to pitcher his second year  it ‘
`   _ i *   I on the team. He was known throughout   -
_. I   e 5 the Southern Conference as one of the S  _
I c -  { j‘ _   ‘  best twirlers in the conference. ic   `
ly   K  (Continued from Page Ten)   = -
· A   if  - K   _ e each student. Part of these studies have i   l 4
  " _‘ ‘ » involved the determination of standards O , I` - l 
  a. · for numerous tests of the Kentucky stu- it  
" dents’ personal traits and of their achieve- _,   it    
i L; ments in fundamental subjects, like Eng-    C
_ _ lish and mathematics.   A
- ` One of the most interesting new tech- .    [
-;l- _ I P niques has to do with the measurement of I C ·’s  ii l ,3
vocational interests on the basis of the i    
_ blank which has been develo ed b Dr. `  fil ‘ 
RAW ‘“’“GHT Edward W. stioiig, Ji-., df Stzi)nfordyUni- , ;   F1
 l threatened when he was still wearing a versity. After ten years of investigation,    L3
e little blue cap. He didn’t make the glee the vocational interests measured by this l 3  
club, but he has been playing ever since blank have been compared by Doctor ..   ii
as a tackle for the Wildcats. He won let- Strong with the interests of thousands of     , 
. ters in football and track in high school, successful college men in twenty—four dif- lj i
ll . and has won a numeral in football, two let- ferent occupations. A similar blank for    ,-
Q ters in football, and a letter in track at the women, prepared by the American Asso- ~ -1 ; Y
anla university, ciation of University Women and stan- ‘ lg } l
lla VVhile he was in high school he broke dardized for seven vocations, is also avail- Q 3; ,
Ee at i the state high school record for the 12 able. These services are now being pro- Qi ;
. wound shotput, and played fuilback on the vided for alumni and students at the Per- _.._   Q,   
*Xmg' Sturgis High school team which won the sonnel Bureau. ,  TZ]  Q
Sectional championship for that year. Any alumnus who wishes to inquire   ‘
Wright is a junior in the Arts and Sciences about specinic phases of the personnel <  i‘ I
ccllege of the university and a member of work should write directly to Doctor  if 
ggm ‘ Phi Kappa Tau, social fraternity, Beaumont at the university.   I
V  ii    
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