` I
it ing. Use 3 or more apple-bait spots bait only at such covers where fresh
per tree; and if there are many signs of travel in the burrows may
? drops 1 teaspoon (or better, 1 table- show up. The use of covers is the
spoonful) of the strychnine-treated only easy way of immediately de-
. steam—crushed oats bait should be tecting re-infestation from other
. placed beside each apple bait. areas.
. Bait exposure.-In meadow mouse _
runways in long grass, insert each HOW to Mnk'3 inc Bin'-
, bait in the active runway and place Apple-rodenticide bait.-Use ripe
‘ grass back over the bait: in short but firm varieties which bruise
grass. use a handful of mulch or least. Cut jnto   to l" cubes-- `
pulled grass to cover the point the l" cubes more nearly plug the
where bait is placed. as mice will runway and mice will run over
take covered bait better. Covering smaller cubes. Peeling or coring is
_ also prevents the poisoning of other unnecessary. One quart of apples
I animals and birds. makes about 100 cubes. Use 30 grams
i ··COneentratiOn-stiitiOn>¤ niethOds_ of rodenticide (entire contents of the
_Where Surface traiis do nOt Oeeui. ll‘lCllOll—tOp container), to 20 quarts
i Or are poorly detined in iight grass of cut apples;_or. l level teaspoonful
sOme type Ot eOneentretiOn stetiOO to l_quart ot, cut apples. Place a
. is most useful. This is pertieuidris. definite quantity ot cut apples. in a
true in baiting tOr pine mice COri_ large enamel pan. gradually Sli-i·Oll
centration stations consist of a fork- the correct nmnnnt of *“0d€nt*€'n*`·
ful of hay, mulch. old sacks. bun- Plncc (`OVEY On Pan Und Shak'? Wnn •
dles Ot cOrn i$Odder_ bOX ends, “rOOd rolling motion, until the rodcnticide
siabs_.but best Ot ai], asphalt is equally distributed; or. sift tht-
Squares about ig" X ig", Cut tr-Om rodentieide on the cubes in the pan
rO]]s Of 3-piy rOO{ing paper; When while stirring them with a spoon or
squares are piaced nat Over breather stick. Five quarts of this bait tean
hglest mounds, OI- Other aCtiVe-]OOk- L1SU£liiy be €XpOS€;(`i   ()llC lllllll lll L1
mg spots ana- me iast mowing and half-day. The bmi must be p¤‘¢·p¤r¤¤t¤¤kr·
when there are many mice,. Such K
stations may be used, however, in
addition to live-trail baiting in 1944 KENTUCKY FRUIT
"middles" and other areas not near EXHIBITS
Even when using concentration Two noteworthy fruit exhibits
stations for pine mice, one apple were held in Kentucky this year»—
bait should be put in each breather at the Kentucky State Fair late in
hole. If concentration stations are August and at the Harvest Festival
not used, four or more breather of Eastern Kentucky held at the
holes or holes made by probing Robinson Experiment Station,
must be baited per tree. Quicksand, September 28-29.
Rechecking.-Through the use of State Fair.—While the State Fair
the covers, it is possible to recheck was held earlier than usual and ap-
for any mouse activities every week ples were not highly colored, the
or so at any time of the year. Re- beautiful color and finish of the