Rc- tjn:.verFcitv School

      "The University School was established over, forty years ago as a labora-
tory for preparing teachers. At the time of its establishment most schools
in Kentucky were small and most teachers poorly prepared. The Enrollment
in the College of Education was very small and one section of each class in
the University School was considered enough to train students in the College
of Education,  The school was considered a model, with well-trained teachers,
an outstanding program and modern facilities, Educators came from over
the Commonwealth to observe it. in operation

      "The University School for many years served well as both a teacher
education laboratory and model school. A superior educational program was
provided for hundreds of students over the years. Services of observation
and student teaching were provided for the College of Education. The school
served as a research base for the College.

      'Great changes have occurred in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the
University, and the College of Education,  The number of small schools in
Kentucky has been drastically reduced through consolidation,  The University
School no longer resembles closely in size or programs most of the schools
in which College of Education graduates will teach,  The University needs have
rapidly expanded. Space for classrooms and offices has become particularly
acute.  The University increasingly has had to evaluate a'l phases of its total
operation in terms of their contribution to programs of excellence. The
enrollment in the College of Educat:ion has increased tremendously and the
University School, because of iAs size, has been unable to provgide the services
of observation, demonstration. experimentation, and student teaching for an
expanded College enrollmentO The size of the University School and its
limited course offerings mcre and more have restrlcts:d its urse in research.
Most of the student teachers already are performing their student teaching
in schools representing a. wir'de area, some as far as 100 miles from the

      'Some changes have been made recently in the University School in re-
sponse to pressures brought about by these chan es.  Th.- Kindergarten closed
in 1961 and a year later the elementary grades were discontinued,

      "In 1962 and 196b, a faculty committee of the College of Education studied
the role of the University Schcol and its re`a.taons with the CoX.ll-ge of Education,
Alternative recommendations were presented to the College faculty and consid-
erable time! was spent in discussing possible courses of action, The general
conclusions were as follows:

       1. A quahlnt preparat:ion program for tteache.rs recqu.res a laboratory