










fB?? H- H

University of Kentucky





















September 30, Butler College at
October 7, Centre College at Lexington.
October 14, Venderbilt at Lex- t
October 21, Sewanee at Lexington.
October 28, University of Cincinnati at Cincinnati.
November 4, open.
November 11, University of Lou
isville at Lexington.
November 18, Mississippi A. ft
M; at Lexington.
November 30 (Thanksgiving),
Tennessee at Knoxville.

of the Founding of the University
jjgwWiU Be Celebrated With Parades, Speeches, Burgoo,
;3Sotball Game and a Royal Good. Time.

Jgifieth Anniversary



400 Students Assembled on Thompson Fails to Return-- !





day Evening

Morns Crutcher Will


Approximately 400 students assem- FIRST '.GAME SEPT.
bled around a brilliant blazing bonFORMALLY
fire on Stoll Field Saturday night for
The Wildcat, aggregation, after ;a
rally, the occasion being, week's training at Camp Danlel-Boon- e
college night, given under the auspices and steady practice on Stoll Field
of a
: ine uoiaen juDiiee 10 ceieuraus me enthal was elected chairman
of the University Y. M. C. A.
since tho opening of college, is fast
Jflftieth anniversary of the establish committee to meet the incoming
With spirits burning brighter than rounding into shape and the outlook
- guests' and escort them to the exer
ing of the University will be held Satv
the bonfire and hopes for a gloriouB for a 1916 winning team is promising.
urday. October 14, and if present plans cises at the University Saturday morn
year of activity flying higher than the ".Maury" Crutcher, tho veteran end,
materialize as those In charge expect ing. The committee will meet the
sparks, the new college year was for- has been, elected captain, to succeed
in automobiles decorated in
them to the largest crowd that ever visitors
mally ushered in by the students amid "Fats' Thompson, 'who failed to recampus of University colors. Reservations are
gathered on the beautiful
loud cheers.
turn to take up the work at the be
"Old State" will be on hand to demon- - being made in hotels for visitors who
A long single line file of students ginning of the year.
strafe their loyalty to their Alma Ma-- t expect to arrive a day or two early. LAFFERTY AUTHOR
at the dormitory and marched
terVitQ1 consume the old Kentucky bur- Parade Prizes Offered
OF NEW tAWJBOOk formed the streets. As It passed Handicapped by the loss of some of
goo that wlll ybp supplied for their
'The main celebration will be held
the best men, including Thompson,
to drink in the flow;, of, ora-- . Saturday, howeyer. A great parade of Judge W. T. Lafferty, dean., of'the Patterson Hall on the return trip the Shrader and Server, Coach
lory, to renewjold ffiendsblpt and to. students Will begin at University at College of Law, has publUhedT'the girls of 'the University joined the proand Assistants Tuttle and Bole's
make new ones. Incidentally, they 9:30 o'clock, and after marching first practice court manualr6ver print cession. The line filed down the new have entered into the coach work with
Stoll Field.
a spirit and vim and have succeeded
rwill cheerw.the Wildcats on to victory through the city will return jfto Pat ed in Kentucky. The book deals with asphalt street and into "rah-rahcrew In turning out some good material
The lunes of hte
among the the methods of courts practice and
terson Hall. That interest
they amoncTjinf scrjips ann ney men.
.Tn.e$i! .may vba. .aroused to vahigh; Lg?es. thofouf hJ4nvaUthe workings had had a summer's rest and
were as strong as mustard. For ihts
Among the .old'mowllo' hava re- 'jDeari R;FjulAnderson, who is pitch the committee nab onerea a or me court, juuge juucusi t man
first time this term the old Windcat ported for practice are Dempsey,
making the ual was used as a
in one
chairsan , of the' committee which is prize of $100 to the class
echoed Simpson, Corn, Brittain
Crutcher, ," 'h&
lniakiBg.the arrangements, has written best showing in the march. It is ex of hla classes, for the first time at the yell filled the air and
Klnnfi. finmhflrt. Peak. Orahfelder and
tfenwndreds of former students pected that the- - winning olass Jwlll summer law school. The moot prac- 'over the
The next thing in order was a smoke Haydon.
irivitingitnem to attend and theirre; treat itself to a dinner; or enjoy some tice court, taught by Judge Lafferty,
Cheer Leader
Dempsey; i the heavy center of last
pnes maicaie mat pracucauy an ot other function with the proceeds. It has for many years been ose of the" dance; after which
Wayne Haffler got his megaphone and year, has'ieturned to try out for his
will return. -- The alumni chap is rumored that the classes will ap- principal features, of, Jtbe. La.w. Collage.
IB A fctmipieJiejiaivjB out- - led cheers.
old 'jfUMtlMi, and is showing up well.
pear In fancy dress, ;ahd at least one Siittxt-oMters at Celumbus, O., fit which T.-.Leaders of college activities' were Dempsey was a power In the line of
PhlladeU of. the four has made tentative ar-- Yl&!fc.the work undertaken by the
Hayes, '15, is president; at
jtalled upon to address the students, the Wildcat team last year, and it. is
phia, of which Frank Dougherty, '01,' Is rangements to corner the market oxi
John Peter Ricketts presiding. The expected he will set even a faster
, president, and George , Blessing, Dean fantastic costumes.
Rev. E. J. Caswell, of the First Bap; pace this season.
Program at Campus.
Engineering at
of, the Colleee of
1S: "PROMOTED tist Church, welcomed the students in Kinne ,the Somerset lad. who won
On the return of the students to ALLENfiwarthmore, Is Secretary, and at Chi
behalf of the churches of Lexington his Irst real laurels last year when
cago, of which C. A. Johns, '09, Is Patterson Hall they will be joined by
L. B. Allen, of the class of 1899, has and admonished them not to forget to he seized the "pigskin" after a fum
faculty, alumni and trustees, who
president, have written that they will the
been appointed general superintend- look after their religious life.
game and
ble in the
attend in a body. Paul fl. Ward, Pres will parade to the Administration
of crossed the goal line for a touchdown,
William Shinnlck,
large ent of the central division of the Chesident of the Cincinnati chapter, and Building, in front of Which, in a
jitamer P. .Bayers, former president tent, the morning exercise's will be apeake & Ohio Railroad, with which The Kentucky Kernel, delivered an making possible the first defeat ever
he has been connected since his grad- address on the publications. Emery administered a Western Conference
of the same chapter, have announced held. The tent) will be pitched in
may uation from the University. His first Frazier, representing The Strollers, team in, the South, is in the race for
that they will bring out the largest such manner that the speakers
position was that of an engineer, mak- told of the work plinned for this year, quarterback to succeed Rodes, the
company of Kentucky graduates that stand on the front steps and be heard
ing the original, surveys for the Big after which "Senator" Crura spoke in 1915 star. Although, light in weight,
ever came from "over the Rhine," and by all present. President-Emeritu- s
Sandy coal mines. His elevation to the interest of the literary societies. Kinne is fleet of foot and keeps a clear
that they will bring their own band James K. Patterson will deliver an ad
Lawrence A. Cover, the new mu- head in the closest of places.
occasion, and one other the general' superlntendency
dress on this
with. them.
he will', maintain his office in sical director, spoke In the interest
In the back field Grabreiaer and
speaker, as yet unannounced, will that
Deans Invite Graduates.
Huntington, where he will reside with of the musical organizations, and at Haydon, both veterans, have returned
That nothing may be left undone make a talk. Several honorary de
his family.
the conclusion of his talk Presiding and are trying out for the respective
for the celebration, Professor Ander- - grees will be conferred on prominent
Officer Ricketts called upon Messrs. halves. Regardless of tho influx of
son and the otner memoers oi me men.
now Mine Commander of the Coast Harney, Gardner, Ervlne and Ritchey good recruits, it is expected that this
committee have been at work thia Following the speeches In the tent
Kentucky burgoo and Defense at Seattle, will make the ded to demonstrate to Mr. Cover how bad pair will have little trouble in retain
summer making the necessary ar
beautiful barbecued meats, without which no icatory speech, and Governor A. O. ly the University needed musical ing their old positions.
Five hundred
respond in behalf of the training by their '.alleged" singing.
For fullback, Gumbert and Mcllvain,
bronze badges have been ordered for real celebration Is complete, will be Stanley will
campus. An amount University. A concrete stand in the - Bart Beak, representing the Y. M. the latter of the last year's Fresn.
the alumni and engraved invitations served on the
position to see C. A., and Curt Park, representing ath- team, are rival candidates. Both are,.have been prepared to send to college which staggers the imagination when most advantageous
ap- the game Is now under construction
letic activities, also made short talks. showing up well and the outcome of
men put into terms of soup has been
"eats," and the and will be used when completed by
tho dual rivalry Is doubtful.
throughout the country. The Deans propriated to buy the
the nowly
the Uni faculty intends' to warn all students the President of the University and EMPLOYMENT
of the various colleges of
BUREAU Kinne and Crutcher, are both try
elected Wildcat captain,
versity have1 written to all their own not to Indulge too freely, as they may his visitors. The tablet containing
each is assured a
and not be able Mr. Stoll's name will be placed on this
personal letters urging become
C. A. is conducting an ing for end, and
The Y.
to spout loud enough at the game in stand, In full view of the field on employment bureuu, and all studentB berth on the team. Positions In the1
them to Attest.
which ho himself made athletic his desiring work are requested to
lino other than end are rather uncer
the afternoon.
Celebration 0wr Friday.
tory In bygone days.
tain, and are being sought after by a
To. Dedicate Stell
will begin Friday
k . The celebration
with tho officers.
Simpson will
? evening, October 13, with a'smoker at preceding the game in the afterThe committee In charge of tho
host of candidates.
probably, bo selected as one of tho
en, ana a noon Stoll Field will be dedicated to Jubilee is composed of Dean Anderi the Phoenix Hotel for
son, Chairman: President Barker, H.
tackles. The other lies between Heick
party at; Patterson Hall for women. tlx University.' Although the
and Hlckorson. Heick starred on last
field has been In use for many M. Froman. R. C. Stoll. G. G. Brock,
Th asMkeri who will be heard
The Kentucky Kernel staff will hold year's Freshman team and Is pulling
meetings have not been an jv.'afs, there has been no formal dedi Dr. J, H. Kastle, Dean A. M. Miller,
meeting in the journal strong for the regular position. Hicknounce as yet. The.Lexington Alum cation, and this occasion furnishes a Fran,k Battaile, H. D. Graham, 'J. Ir an important
(Friday) at erson was unable to play football lBt J
Thursday ., Suitable time to do honor to Richard vino Lyle, W. L. Bronaugh, J. M. Ism room this afternoon
ni Club, at a meeting last
All mombors are urged year on: account of illness, but waj,'
night,- Maie amigwMts to entor - ln. stoll, the donor. .Major John T. Graves, J, D. Turner, R, M. Allen and 3:30 o'clock.
'to 'bo present.1
(Continued on Page 2)
tain the visiting alumni. Philip Blum.! Geary, formerly of Lexington, but L. B. Allen.


old-tim- e




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