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Volume 2, Number 3 ................. Summer 1957 -
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural I
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington `
KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Material appearing in this publication may be
STATION reproduced without further permission, provided 7 `
FRANK ]. WELCH ................................................ Director that full acknowledgment is made of the source * '
W. P. GARRIGUS ................................ Associate Director and that no change in headings or text is made _
H. B. PRICE and WII.I.IAI»I A. SEAY .... Adm. Assistants withgut approval by the aurhop
]_ ALLAN SMITI-I ................................ Agricultural Editor Address Correspondence about articles in this pub.
Kgntucky Farm and Home- Sgigngg lication to either the authors or the Department of
iesmr c. DUNCAN ................................................ Editor Public lufcimcricu aud Educational Aids. Expcri- .
OmNNE JOHNSON & BETTY F. EIIEniIAIIDT Asst. Editors lll€lli $l?lil0l`l Blllldlllg UIllV€fSl£Y of K€I1tl1Cl