A declining number of doctors
y*` and a rising population are
#· two factors in appraising
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*‘f €Ill1CyS.€lC3 (BBS
·_ BY JOHN R- CHRISTIANSEN‘ and THOMAS R- FORD? to the supply of physicians throughout the state} ,
* Q . . . V. . v _
K Findings from 3 Study Of the number and distribw · One measure of the availability of physicians serv-
$P tion of physicians in Kentucky appear to have special mes with? Pumber Of Person? Wlthm a locality for
_ significance for Kentuckys rural residents; each piysician. A standard oi adequacy of one phy-
I In brief, this study points out that; (1) Kentucky Slcuinbperlbooo lI"§1`SO;‘S has b€€“ PY0P0S€d as H P1`¤€·
» . . . . ’ ·’ i · · ‘
-· has relatively fewer medical doctors for its population tm BHC 1 mar ‘ “h€H ¤¤l~€bt¤i¤wdffr(»m the 1912,
· · - ;. , ` , , , an 9 6 e itions o tie American.
_).x, Of Kentucky are d1sadVantag€OllS1y Sltuated relatwe Medical Directory, published by the American Medical Asso-
mm ciation, Chicago, 111.; and publications of the U. S. Bureau of
, -. 1Social Science Analyst, Agricultural Marketing Service, the Census.
. USDA. 5U. S. Public Health Service, Division of Public Health
y + 2Associate Rural Sociologist, University of Kentucky. Methods, Standards of Adequacy in tlie Supply of Medical
_ 3This study is a cooperative endeavor of the Department and Public Health Personnel and Facilities \Vashin ton:
. H
rt. of Rural Sociology, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, 1942), processed; quoted in Frederick D. Mott and Milton I, _
University of Kentucky; and the Farm Population and Rural Roemer, Rural Healtlz and Medical Care (New York: McGraw-
Life Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA. Hill Book Co., Inc., 1948), p. 155.
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" This map shows the division ol the state and portions of in each area in 1955. As a state, Kcntut·ky`s population-
i_ adjoining states into "medica1 service" areas, as well as doctor ratio is 1,139.
the ratio of the number of persons to each "activc" doctor
J • ·
\ KENTUCKY FARM AND HOME ScraNc1;—SU>1xn;1i 1957 3