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`(,l·;mjf'j`({h, M Im A,] What wonderful stories we are hearing from y0u about the generations of UK ties in your families. Here’s
~~·~~~.¤li·~~ ··l~ just one of the responses we received. In future issues of the Kentucky Alumni magazine, we will print addi- ’
jj·j'{·'£_l»;*ll3_ tional stories in the Class Notes section. You can also read more of the stories online at www.ukalumni.net
ria-.,ro.,.i under News and Events. Look for the convenient link for you to use to tell us your story. Send pictures, too.
asstir:”l,irieifar.isr   C s
§gg;gg;;i(§g§, , Basketball Coach Joe B. Hall took "tlme-out" to pose for a photo
..,.i  ..,....   with Katy Chiles ’98, left, now married to
rm.-,ot· Darrin E. Travllllan ‘97, and Mandy Chlles"01, ,, .'
*¤ ··*¤ to   (on lap), now married to l\/latt Stone ’O1. ,  
krzylrr;.i‘.·z‘1»1w¤t‘rr»rc At UK, Katy Elfld Mandy WGTB ll'l the   ··· {
i,. li. -.,.. . ..,,. .     Honors Program and made their ¢;;. · , z
A mark academically. Dianne and Kirk ’>* V —‘ ~ A W  " ‘·
\I.I\_lI»[\f» /·Iu'H¤lt' _ **:.3* l j  
!¤r=l¤ ilnxiimlZl;;;li;l"l'“ " girls (as opposed to two the Dean s List each semester. (Lucianne will be
Al ~l‘· r»· lim, r . wo r will- . ' ’ I · · .
UH] W "//V ' mlm he {MM, little boys) sat on his lap a sophomore this year.)
ni ( v. , . . _ . . . .
Lifqylrklliyis IJ 'rlV{ry'4.’ (,,1,,,,,,,}, ,,(, (mm, with a basketball fora pic- ' My husband, Coach Chiles, is presently coach-
it l,l,(,....,Vl}.;..`,.,,. ..,A . ,;;,,— {,·,,g,;, ,,,,,{ ture. _ mg basketball lat Henry Clay and has taken three
,_Q',;,_,),  gg lll'` ‘ i·/m-ny. Mm! {mm- Being the Class act that teams (from different schools in the state) to the
;j_f,j;jj,["{_"' ro mirror; he is. Coach Hall said. Sweet I6 (two, of which, reached the Final Four).