The center will offer training activities  
for Harlan County residents serving on
  public boards and will attempt to pro-
vide residents access to information
needed for public discussion of impor- t _
tant issues. The award was one of six  
i given community colleges to participate  
  m u in a national demonstration project l
sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation.
Br      University Investments j
t And South Africa b Vt?
The UK Board of Trustees adopted a iein
three-point policy regarding its invest- l’·t;‘·
ments in companies with holdings in °°°
  South Africa: first, the University sup-
  Some students have continued col- d ll ·
Ben t b Care _ _ ports an encourages a companies E
"D a Qt"' · lege Steely fellewlns their release and doing business in South Africa to adopt F
llzd\lC;l)H0n Aim of new dileletions given tc? tge lives of the ttsulllvan prt,-rctpleS" as a means Of  
ew !0g¥am manyo QWOmQ“mVO VQ · helping black workers acquire better
  training, better jobs and an improved qq
QttQt Qat QQYQ Ot t Q appmxt   standard of living; second, rather than tlen
llnlatelv Z2?000 diabetlesingentnellws New Laser Technique immediately divesting of those stocks Um,
Q atm O Q “QW QatQ all Q uca lon the Universit currentl owns in com a- ·
M Aid Coal V V ta i i>en·
r>r<>srarn launched last rnentn tlneusn ev nies which have not adopted the Srriii- rent
the Medical Center and the Rural Gasifieation Pl’0CeSSeS van Principles, the Unlversttu takes the teac
Health Services Administration (HEW). U position that tt een exert greater m_ Cha
ThQ PY0Ql'el'Tl Pl'0VldQ$ fer tlle dQVQl‘ egqizegtflh Whtch xii tttset tzltiains hi? fluence on those companies to take ter C
opment of diabetes care services in 1- t tt t a ttQW_ _Q mquQ a QOU action te insure equal employment
dentified rural areas and has received tQad te a mote Qtttctettt Wat} ef pt°dtt°‘ Opportunity and better Standards Of liv-
igggoggr tttgéditjt   fe;/ltlgle first mg;tgutgtggiggotglgggtéal Engineering ing for its minority workers from within, ;
. . v enc er, e icine, · · i lr n ld ,tn ·t ld · l
wilnieaanie presram. and *’*·v5*¤$» and =’· M Seneel Pest Zsjaiailiaa jarsiait-`aZ°aurnSatts?a;Z t
doctoral research associate, are using . ’ ’
_ _ _ will be taken to phase out of the [
  an experimental technique which U . . , . ru l. h _
··-_‘—‘_{‘ permitsabetterunderstanding of chem- “‘”‘ata‘t’a ‘““aat‘“a“t t’° °‘° t aaa J
JCC Prison Program _ , stocks in companies which have not
ical bonding and molecular structure ado ted the Sullivan Pri ci l b t h part
Gaining In SIIPPOIL during the catalytic processes of coal phage Out will be dogg Pais nt;€St;;_ Opn
Publie Aeelaim gastttcattott propriate time so as not to seriously Stttt
"—‘—;_‘"`_“ Ttta laatt “°ta‘t· ttawavati that the jeopardize the University’s endowment l ter
Jefferson Community College is tak- enormous 10b of lmPl’0Vl¤Q catalysts {GY Value l the
ing college courses to the residents of Qasltlcatlon has t’atQtV t’Q9tttt· Bredlev ln adopting the polic ' t anc
_ _ _ y, the board said  
ttxle Kentuckg Corrrxtirrnal Ingtitutel for ?§Vie;h;itQ°tl;r;qui else has a uaetuttttasa "We hope the above states clearly our t tettt
ernen ln ewee a ev an ent ue- th ’ Pe t eu l;’°°e$;e$ ‘“"° $99 opposition to apanheid, and the steps r mlll
asm tat the ptlfgtata amfag ‘“t“ata$ fh at Cgagaai fm is t aaa ttaa ta we have taken regarding our invest- · Vee
ttaa Qt°t;’tt tl? tl; lltttttt O _ tteett °°m` Q pm uc ton O gasa me` ment policy to demonstrate this stance. i ttm
petition ort fe jotssvailable for the We have chosen to speak out and take Q t
WO °°utSeS° gte (tac aemea €t‘ concrete action against a social wrong t Sat'
Ftttttted tlyvsltte Rtttet Sat? Business 8* Grant to Southeast which is antithetical to every freedom dot
Ptléesslene temelihseu aagtyadul l_lVill $etU1> upon wnian American democracy is Be
catotta gtatt S· Wt ransne atm O raining Center founded Yet at the same time we as tt
the professors provided by the State   -l-mSr€€S` ha;/Q Safe ` t. {Or.
_ , -guarded and in-
Buteau el Cottectttmsi the ptogtam has A $40,000 ¤W¤l’