• • • do without lZh€ QOV€I'l`ll’Tl€Tlt pt`Og1'am,  
• ••••••••••• t The reivenuehfrom HUD is being used Significant Activities
• •·••••• orlpiurc ase   ree existing apartment Of Faculty and Staff
•·•·••  •••••, but ings totaling 34 units and to con- _ _.
  _ • , o o struct a new 200-unit apartment com- C. Dwight Auvenshine, educational
  o’o’ plex. The new units are scheduled for psychology and counseling, was hon-
i •'•• occupancy this fall. Energy conserva- ored by the Kentucky Psychological As-
i • • tion maintenance—the installation of Sociation for “distinguished service to
  thermal windows and of thermostat the science and profession of psycholo-
control valves—is planned for this sum- gy." He was president of the associa-
i ger at Patterson, Boyd, and Jewell tion, 1974-75, and has served eight
, all dormitories. years on the grou ’sb a d f ‘
l b Vilhv iiglléhesillsimttl great teachers in professional psgchollogyo exammers
eor . uensinvieyou o HI . . _
join them in Memorial Hall at 7:30 was Oe'i;;Fe;[amlIt%n’ :1lst?ryh€n:mtuS’
p.m. April 17 to find out at this annual   b pres! en O t $2 @00-
celebration of scholarship. M M mem_ ef Southern Hlslollcal
OIC OIIEY Available Association, which met recently in St.
For Student Aid l·°“l5·
·     Merril] W_ Pqckgn dentistry, has been ‘
Hospital Accredited Students planning to attend the Uni- selected as a candidate for 1979-80
For- Two_Year Period versity of Kentucky next fall might be president-elect of the American Associ-
  eligible for loans, grants or scholarships ation of Dental Schools
i The delhi Celhlhlscleh Oh AccYedlla‘ as well as more financial aid under the 3_ A Nasary electrical engineering,
heh Olr l“l0$Pllal$ Yecehlly accledlled Middle Income Student Assistance Act was ei eo-i-ecipieni of the Aurel Vlaiou
Uhl'Ve¥$ll9 l‘lQ$Dll¤l for ¤ full lWc>·Ve¤Y passed by Congress last October. award, the highest award presented
— p€I`lOd. Tl`llS IS Lll'lLlSU21l, Sll'lC€ the CUT" “The new law affects two fnajoy Stu- annually   the National  
I`€l`l1 trend of   aCCI`€dl1B1lOI‘l of dent  prograrnsill Said Jaynes lnglei Academy Of Romania, for   Con-
leaching lllslllullolls Such as the   director of the UK Olllce of Sh-ldehl tributions to the study of linear electric
Chahdlel l`/ledlcal Cehlel Qehelally l$ Financial Aid. These are the Basic machines
lOl Ohly Ohe Vealalalllhe- Opportunity Grant Program and the
Guaranteed Student Loan Program. i
  The I`€VlS€d   for families `     ' _.  
HUD Loan To Ease under the Basic Opportunity Grant Pro- ll   , Mi .`   W " l I
Housin & Din". gram makes it possible for a student in a i ___,           ·’ · .  
B d dg!) bt 9 family of four with up to $25,000 in F " , { ·_ . - ." 1 ~
OD B 8 . . .   t is t   -’ »
yearly income to receive a grant which  ger. i =._ ·y—   i .,,. a ll _   ii;
Just in the knick of time, the U.S. De- does hel have to be lePald· al O J A .     A ..     l’
Th I. .b.l. . l· · · h- h *5 4% A ir._ h    ini 's
partment of Housing and Urban Devel- Q elgl llllt lllcome llhll la lg el  erm ’ j`  L  f i   ·
opment (HUD) inooio available loans for ima larseriamilv eratmllv with mere     i   i<  
student housing and accepted UK’s oid than ¤¤€_9l¤·ld ¤¤ wllese lnsle S¤_¤<=l·  .       r   — _
  for $4,300,000 to be used to increase ln addlhehi lhahy 5ell‘$UPP0YhhQ $t¤· i   »   _i   ·   ii    _.i
i the supply or campus housing here and dents now qualify for larger allowances to f ·      you yr  is   i_'·   T o _ _
i anoiher $284Y0()O lor energy main- and 40 per centr more students in   I. l  {     or
i tenancei Additionally, another $19 K€l'itUCl