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N THE sUMMER of 1977, Nelda Bames, a 53 year-  
old school teacher, enrolled in two courses at  
Converse College in Spartansburg, S.C. She  
  needed the courses to meet state requirements  
CCN and keep her teaching job.  
() €dl1C2l[l()I`l21.l 21ClITllHlSU`Z1[()l` Il€€(lS Mrs. Barnes is deaf. When she had difficulty  
to be reminded Of tht? Sad fact following the lectures, she asked the college to  
tl , {   d [ I , _ . provide her with .a sign-language interpretera Con-  
ld C mid m()nCy medns pervdslvc verse declined, pointing out that the cost of doing so E
i)l1l`C2lUCI`Z1[lC COD[l`()l.” would far exceed the $210 that Mrs. Barnes paid in  
  tuition. 1
So Mrs. Barnes sued in federal court under new  
1-i.E.w. regulations implementing Section 504 of the S
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. The regu1a— 1
tions ban discrimination against handicapped persons
and stipulate that students shall not be denied the g
benefits of education "because of the absence of 1
educational auxiliary aids."  
Federal district court judge Robert W. Hemphill 1
ruled in favor of Mrs. Barnes and ordered Converse ‘
to provide her with an interpreter. He also expressed 1
considerable sympathy for the college and said: "N0 ·
educational administrator needs to be reminded of the g
sad fact that federal money means pervasive bureau-  
cratic control."  
Judge Hemphill was right. No such reminder is ll
A necessary these days. The threat of federal control is [
very real on the nation’s campuses. Indeed, it may  
not be much of an exaggeration to suggest that  
increasing government regulation, with all of its i.
complicating side effects, is the most serious problem 'i
facing American higher education. Q
6 .