w H   159-161-163 N. BROADWAY
¤ ' TEL8: OFFICE 136; HOUSE 207
Indivldual Rooms for   otHousohold Goods
SAMPLES or I\TERCHANl)ISI£.—Tl1€ rate is the same as for pruned
matter, but the lowest charge is 2 cents. Limit of weight
12 ounces. _
To CANADA, the postage for letters, printed matter, merchandise,
etc., is the same as in the United States. All matter must be
fully prepaid, except letters, which must be prepaid at least
2 cents.
”l`o CUBA, mail matter of all classes is subject to domestic rates
and conditions.
To Mexico, First, second and third—class postage is the same as
in the United States. Merchandise (except samples) can only
be sent by Parcels Post, and must not be sealed. Samples
of merchandise are subject to Postal Union rates and condi-
tions as set forth above.
PARCELS PosT.—Merchandise to Germany, jamaica, British Hon—
duras, Bahamas, Mexico, Colombia, Salvador, Costa Rica,
Leeward Islands, Barbadoes, Danish \Vest Indies, `Windward
Islands, British Guiana, Caicos Islands, Guatemala, New
Zealand, Nicaragua, Rep. of Honduras, Trinidad, Turks
Islands, Newfoundland and Venezuela, not exceeding one
pound 12 cents, each additional pound or fraction, 12 cents.
Limit of weight 11 pounds. To Chile the rates are 20 cents
for each pound or fraction thereof.
lm·euNA·r1oNA1. Money Oi