i `A
. T'
and DlI`€Ut0l'y R. L. POLK 6: CO., lD€ILl‘Olt.
Bourbon Av _ smear GUIDE. Brisben 59
509 M C Harges I 229 *Henry Hood 547 J T Christian -
511 Beatrice Houston I 230 *Eugene Mahone 550 J A Coyle ·;
513   \V Martin 1 231 *George Jones 553 Vacant _4
519 *Newton Hender—I   Lizzie Huston 559 Alice Freeman  
son I 235 *George Sandusky 560 J L Wilson i_
521 *Amanda Brown 236 *Henry Powell 564 C L Roult _j
525 *Ernest Thompson 239 *Ju1ia Garth 568 T N Cropper ·
527 *\wVm Davis 240 *Samue1 Edwards 602 F D Sweeney `
Alford 241 *Laura McCann 604 IS IP Robinson
—& _* " obinson
BGWYER __ Fr O m BEE]? N   i f°*V`S€€ 612 A Goucher
692 S Broadway east ammgi ` 614 O D DHY
298 *G L Daniel BRECKENRIDGE— 616 J Chandler _
“ Charles Crowley, From 641 Chestnut 920 G W Spalding
rear northeast to Belt Line 621 R E FIB?
I 300 ’*‘Henrietta Frazier av (lg? I   Mink
301 *Purnett Tribble 372 R D \Villiams 620 I Link ’
302 L M Cox 400 J H Southworth 628 Vacant
303 *Virgil Floyd 401 C H Dodd 629 Vacant ·
304 rrsmmia Jackson 403 M J wais 630 B H Pvtts I
305 *Wi11is wheeier 405 B F Baan 638 W H Smrth I
306 *James Gant 406 J M Davis 654 Bdli Lln€ Ball
307 *Wm Thompson 411 Jane C Lake Park
308 *Henry Bishop 414 Jef? Swain  
309 *G VV McEwen 418 John Totten BRIGHT AV—Fr0m ·
310 *Samue1 Strange 422 C C Stewart From 514 George-
312 *Zular Higgins 423 H H Hamilton town north to New-
313 *Lena Hawkins " W T \Voodward ton Pike ~
I 314 Leonard VV Taylor 424 James Edster Georgetown I
315 *Carey Simmons 427 Mollie Anderson 514 *Henry W'il1iams
I 316 *\Vallaee Chen- 430 Goodlow McMur- 516 *Scott Cotes
nault try 518 *Georgia Thomas i
318 *Jerry Lee 433 Vacant 520 "‘Grant Bolten
320 *Mary Curties 434 Goodloc McMurty 521 *Alex Taylor, ’
322 "‘Clarence Blakeley " G P Stokley 522 *Benjamin Nich- t
324 ’*‘1.ottie Jackson I 437 C \·V Sutton ols
325 Robert Ingram I 438] I Uttinger 524 *Harvey Brown i
328 ‘*‘A1fred Lore 441 R C llaynes 525 John Cox I
" *Mattie Lee   445 lsaac N Rose 526 *Amanda Parker g
329 Nathaniel Lawson l 447 J J Llewellyn 527 Qnille Nichols
" *Goodson Keyes I 453 F \V Smith 528 *Al€XHHd€1' Jones ‘
335 ’l‘Mary Crittenden I 457 \\’ .-\ Dillon 529 Vacant I
»— I 461 Strauder Moore 530 *George Gaines ·
BOWYER’S ALLEY_ 466 James \iVoli 531 J VV Risen
From 217 Vertner S/zr0/vs/21`rc av 532 *George Campbell 1
west 507 \\’ T Galbraith 5313 *Char1es Thomas  
"‘Mary Brooks 508 \Valter (irates 534 *Horace Craig  
*2\nna 1Vaters 511 J M Askins 535 *Jolm Thomas 4,
TAIIICITZJ, Martin 516 A l·I Hackworth % ·
~ *Jol1n Dickerson 518 R L Hilligoss B R I S B E N — From .
I -.# . 523 C L Dodson 609 Patterson west to
BRADLEY — F r o m 525 \\7alter Medley McKinley
I 175 Barkley east to 526 W D McCall 508 *Froney Hocker
1 Spruce 529 S T Sledd 512 "‘Mattie Brown -
I 225 Tony Lee 530 Jolm Breason 513 *Oscar Maxberry
‘ 226 *Madaline \\’il- 512 Mary F Potts 514- *Dennis Gordon g
liams I 546 C S \Vrigl1t 515 *Phyllis Jones