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1 I In ' 564 W. NIEII1 St.
{ 1} Contractors and Builders ,,AYmB,,,,0NB,,,,
@@1 72 Dcweese L12x1No’roN Driscoll
I i   155 May Rose ` 226 *1211111 Bell DRAKE - From 400
l   156 *Artl1ur Denman i 221 *Erances Bell ‘ E Main east to High
QI?} 157 Pearl Yates 224 *Henry Slaughter 106 Vacant
11 11 158 *Andrew Smith 225-227 Hall & Banna- 128 C & O, Master
_ 1 1 159 *Tl1eodore Barberl han l\‘lechanics’ Of-
' ! 161 *r\.l)1“21l12111l Vine- 1 229 *Sarah Davis rice
1 A1- gar 1 231 "‘John Dunczin 134 Nannie E Hart j
` IIL1 162 ‘*‘Phoebe Parker 233 *Eanny Jackson 136 A L \Nilson
I . 163 Vacant I5 7`/zird 142 John Langston
-1   164 T§9¤1i¤ Féieyl 234 rniiai-ew 1-1a1111s-   { F iggw
1 65 " ames nnti 111 r ‘ om ronm
-1 1 166 *Lottie Stewart 235 >1=R;)19€r1 An.n_ 147 Charles T Stevens
  '11 167 James Sullivan Strong l/Velch
1 E 168 Vacant 237 >1rKat1nn1n€ Parker 153 L   Lay
1 1» 170 *Henry Porter 309 *Mnrgnr€1 RObin_ 155 Julius Rorninger
` ~ 171 ’*’Laura Hoye Son 156 John Slirady _ _
I , _ V Corral 311 »1=Bnckn€r Vvnnc 159 Benjamin R Price
112 ’=‘Rohcrt Harris 313 *Cnar1€S Razor 160 VV M Stevens
1 173 *Polly C Polk 315 Vacant 162 \N’ H Pitman
9   Tamer Hiley 316 *]n1n€s A1€xan_   R S Bowman
116 W SH Pierce de,. I 163 Margaret Farrell
` 177 Katie Martin C0ge,,,n,, 166 James Daviclsgzn
179 Geneva Hughes _ H T - " Lex Electric
1 ‘ iso *11 li w1111a111s gig :lI;IQ;Q‘* gig? Maeimie Co
· 182 ‘*’Grant Webster 319 Vacant, 167 G P Welsli
183 *Rachel Lewis 390 J me Steel 168 Vacant
184 *Caleb Sanders 391 Gacait e 170 M T Perkins
» 185 *Henry Keys 399 ,,,Ham]ah Curr 177 \Vm Langston
186 *\Vm Ncwby   *Alice Holmesy 7;—
1 187 "‘\xV S Thompson   Aim'! Hicks DRISCQLL _ From
i   ikgatc Iécauiey 330 *Johln Wgglfgyd 964 Manchester, south
8   eter onnson E. 1 , - 1 Hg]
190 *D¤¤¤y J<>h¤S¤¤ 334 ·?;§§§}§l“ Hwy 23(0 =•=1i1eim11 sem
  QS H‘l§g‘“ 337 *1115 F 1; Rainey 232 Vmm
acm] = 234 Vacant
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194 Mrs S C Crouch 346 ,1G&;§]€;1 E]-¥ai}; 235 Vacant
195 Vacantc H t_ cmaclc 238 Vacant
ons 1 ll mn 240 vacant
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` 197 *Frances Alexan— 339 *ROb€rt Jacks;} C 242 *John Raipsiy
1~ der i`. : - 244 Thomas ay or
· i_ ooo rsiim llightower 21*3 ;};;;lj§§u§VSa;“_;s 246 Wm Gilbert
, ‘ ’ 209% *Preston Ed- 1 ,1: V, I 248 Vacant
E   wards     ]§ Elfiblir 1 252 *Fan11y Gardner
1 Q 210 *Charles Razor 921 xnn gc wan 1 256 *Thomas Dav1s
i A 211 =rA1111a ixsiiiey ·*" · "’“ “‘“£0d_€ zoo rneugias can-
· 11 211% *l