I 7*
1 if
I it
1 nlk s Real Estate and Financial Register 2§J%ita§t tt
I Avaluable reference book containing laws of each PUBUSHED ¤v
State, lists and other information valuable to the R, L,   &, G0, _
I Real Estate and Financial Interests. pmgnrr, men, I3
 .M_.__ wt
I Kinkead STREET GUIDE. Lexington Av 87
I 410 Vacant I 526 *Henrietta BarkerI 209 *Bud Turner QI
I 412 *Thornton Smith 528 *l\lattie Cassman 211 *Einnia Tucker *=
I 416 *Dudley Allen I 530 *L XX/are 213 *Jaue Barber gg
I 418-420 *Siert Jackson
son 623 "‘ aralt mith ————
438 *Malvina Johnson I 626 *Burt Given ‘ LEWIS -— From 575
` 440 *George Burkley I 629 *Parker Riley I Goodloe north
441 *Ernest Studer I 628 *Skillcr Hocker I 235 Vacant
444 *Hen1‘y XVhite 631 *§Vm Buckner l 237 Vacant
445 *0 L Murphy 632 *llartha Graves I -—?
446 *Frank Whitney 635 *Jordan Mack LEXINGTQN AV__ T
448 *Alexander Winn 636 Margaret West pl-Om wl E High, ·
j 450 *Joshua Leteher Bolivar n O rtl] to College _
_; "_— View av
I LANCASTER AV —— LEADER AV—From 216 *Ellen Sttter
I ` From E Seventh 759 S Limestone west 220 *1 XV Taylor ·
north to Belt Line R 111 R C Hall 224 Vacant
A R 118 XV L Reniro 228 G .—\ XVelply
616 Charles Parsons 119 Henry Kirgasner " X\'m C Corman
l 704 Leander Bowling 124 XV L Knight 23tt 1. C Pigg
" 706 Earl Feeback 127 James Murray 231 Mrs M L Pettit 1
712 J XV VVhite 133 R X Quisenberry 235 Marie E Reynolds
714 XVm Bramlet 134 R L Laudaman I 236 James B Gibson ‘
718 Joseph Fox 136 Mrs N B Duncan 2351 James llickcy
719 (720) R L Bishopl 143 C M Martin 1 240 Frank (iinochio
722 Vacant t 144 A P XVhite [ 243 J A Doyle _
,, 723 Izar Gravett 145 J M Kirby I 2-13 Fred Fugazzi Q
L WR  148 Everett Perkins   2-16 i\lonzt» Stepltens V
t A —From 149 D F Lancaster , 250 1. ll `t‘.';tt·e
` 216 XV Maxwell southt 150 J B Grow I 251 R li Wilson ' ‘
to Bolivar I 151 Frank XVhite I 252 Sarah Clarkson I
  :‘(l1§icl1·ardEPorlter   Gl 1i3PBilIips     Jvl) \\'yatt {
nnie nge tnan at 1 eaney mt aeant
418 :§lizabetlt BridgesI 161 H J XX'ltite   261 Josepli T .\sbury
420 ettie Cosby Press rmt 264 _1 Xl Isola I
430 (420) *Louise 162 XV O Self   267 John (Q Ginoccltio ‘
Garrett I 178 G XV Kirby   " Anthony Brown
432 (422) *Mary Rob—1   1 " ;\nna Fitzgerald 1
inson LEE—From 765 VV 271 Clinton O Raw- l
434 (424) *Jan1es Al- Main n e to George- lings 1 I
len town 273 Carrtil Toatlwill I
' T Pine 159 Jatncs Tuttle i1[n.rweI1 ‘ I
502 TJEIIIICS Jones Dodge 318 G Geddes ` ;
506 *Joseph Ballard 175 John Henry 326 XV H Powell  
". *Amanc1a XX’hite 183 *Lucy Brown 328 M F Wilson g
520 *Mattie Toliver 193 *James Lewis 329 J H lriukle I
524 *Frederick Daw- 201 *Luke Davis 330 J C lletlges ¢
son 207 *Laura Pleasant 331 E 1, Baxter
I 1
. 1 I